카테고리 없음

Disagreements on the ROK-US against North Korea, confrontation with security of vaccine economic cooperation

김종찬안보 2021. 5. 22. 13:58



The White House-Korea summit reaffirms the disagreement with North Korea, and attempts to combine Korea's security and economic cooperation resulted in a strengthening quad in the health and security system.
The ROK-US security alliance was transformed into a disarmament system by denuclearization of the Korean peninsula, as the attempt to establish an alliance system for economic cooperation in the ROK-US summit strengthened the Indo-Pacific strategy and stipulated the free application of navigation in the South China Sea with China.
The joint statement on the 21st of the ROK-US summit reaffirmed the existing disagreements with the Biden administration's new policy toward North Korea, and prioritized the implementation of the inter-Korean agreement on the Panmunjom Declaration. It seems to be a demand for North Korea's commitment to'.
The joint statement said, "We also reaffirmed our common belief that diplomacy and dialogue based on the existing inter-Korean and North American commitments, such as the 2018 Panmunjom Declaration and the Singapore Joint Statement, are essential for achieving a complete denuclearization and permanent peace settlement on the Korean Peninsula." He stated that he was reaffirmed, and President Moon's'welcome to the completion of the review' and'agreement on agreement' were specified.
The joint statement said, "President Moon Jae-in welcomed the completion of the review of the US policy toward North Korea, taking a sophisticated and pragmatic approach, that he is open to diplomacy with North Korea and seeks to make substantial progress in improving the security of South Korea and the United States." It was revealed that they agreed to coordinate the approach to North Korea to be completely consistent," confirming South Korea's lack of approach to the results with'welcome to completion of the review', and reaffirming the existing disagreements by specifying "Efforts for complete unity" between the two leaders. The United States has "agreeed to cooperate to improve the human rights situation in North Korea and promised to continue to promote the provision of humanitarian aid to North Koreans in need." "We shared the will of both sides to say," he said. "The joint commitment to complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and the will of both sides to deal with North Korea's nuclear and ballistic missile programs are emphasized. The international community, including North Korea, has made a resolution related to the UN Security Council. We urged the implementation of the sanctions against North Korea," and put the priority of the Biden administration's human rights in the ROK-US cooperation.
The joint statement said, "We agreed to coordinate our approach to North Korea to be fully aligned," and "We will deal with the North Korean issue, defend our common security and prosperity, support common values, and strengthen norm-based order. It emphasized the fundamental importance of the trilateral cooperation between Korea, the United States, and Japan," and acknowledged it as the triangular axis of Japan in its approach to North Korea, and President Biden said at a press conference, "If there is no progress, I will not meet Chairman Kim Jong-un." · Priority was given to the trilateral alliance between the US and Japan.
Regarding the Panmunjom Declaration, the statement "reaffirmed the common belief that diplomacy and dialogue based on the existing inter-Korean and North American commitments, such as the 2018 Panmunjom Declaration and the Singapore Joint Statement, are essential for achieving complete denuclearization and permanent peace on the Korean Peninsula." In addition, all existing commitments were covered in diplomatic dialogues, and agreements were made through mutual regulation between the United States and the ROK.
The Panmunjom Declaration became a justification for North Korea's criticism and abolition of the South Koreans as the key to the disarmament promise between the two Koreas. In the Singapore Joint Declaration, President Trump promised to ‘implement the Panmunjom Declaration’ with Chairman Kim Jong-un, but the Moon Jae-in administration continued to increase armament.

The joint statement, in response to China, stated “response to the application of international law for free navigation in the South China Sea” and stated the cause of a security conflict with China by stating that South Korea allowed the development of medium and long-range missiles.
The joint statement stated, “Korea and the United States have committed to maintaining an inclusive, free and open Indo-Pacific region, opposing any action that undermines, instability or threatens the normative international order. We pledged to maintain respect for international law, including peace and stability in the South China Sea and elsewhere, legal and undisturbed freedom of commerce and aviation, aviation, and flight.” 'Said.

The economic development model that separates Korea from the Cold War system of'the US for security and Japan for the economic cooperation' is a vaccine alliance, and attempts to establish economic cooperation between Korea and the United States are tied by the Biden administration to the security system of'providing US vaccines to Korean soldiers' Switched to vaccine cooperation with Korea.
The joint statement said, "Korea and the United States will work with similar countries to create a new health and security financing mechanism that is sustainable and will serve as a catalyst. We are committed to helping improve readiness for the pandemic in the Indo-Pacific region. We are determined to take drastic measures, and we will work together and multilaterally to ensure that all countries build capacity to prevent and respond to infectious diseases.”

The attempt to dominate the ROK-US economic cooperation system, led by investments in the US by the four major conglomerates, said, “We will cooperate to expand the global supply of legacy semiconductor chips for automobiles and support cutting-edge semiconductor manufacturing in both countries through promotion of mutual investment growth and R&D cooperation. "We recognize that the ROK-US alliance will be able to cope with significant challenges by expanding its international role through cooperation between the United States and Korea."

The Singapore Joint Declaration announced by North Korea was <1 The Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the United States decided to establish a new US-ROK relationship in accordance with the wishes of the people of the two countries who wish for peace and prosperity> <2 Establish a permanent and solid peace regime on the Korean peninsula. <3 The People's Republic of Korea reaffirmed the Panmunjom Declaration adopted on April 27, 2009, and pledged to make efforts toward the complete denuclearization of the Korean peninsula> <4 The Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the United States are prisoners of war and whereabouts. As the remains of unknown people were unearthed, it was confirmed that the remains that had already been excavated were immediately repatriated.> These are four provisions.
The Panmunjom Declaration stated in Paragraph 3 that <② The South and North agreed to implement disarmament in stages as military tensions were resolved and mutual military trust was substantially established>.
At a joint press conference, President Moon said, “We are pleased to announce the end of the (ROK-US) missile guidelines” as his first point.

President Biden said at a press conference that he would not continue the Trump policy, saying, "What I won't do is do what was done just before."
President Biden said, “We need to know exactly what will be discussed,” regarding the meeting with Chairman Kim Jong-un, and expressed opposition to the “top-down” of direct transactions between Republican President Trump and the Moon Jae-in administration.