카테고리 없음

U.S.-led in Afghanistan’s “transportation” and “excluding” Korean construction of U.S. bases

김종찬안보 2021. 8. 27. 13:16

Contrary to the announcement of the Korean government, the leader of the transfer of Afghans to Korea is the United States, and it seems that employees of a Korean construction company are excluded.

There is no evidence that the Korean embassy was in charge of the selection of transport targets, which accounted for 46% of teenagers or younger, in the press releases of the Ministry of National Defense and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Colonel Mussoo Kim (reserve brigadier general), who was the second commander of the Oshino Unit of South Korea, which was dispatched to Afghanistan for four years from 2010, said in an interview with the National Defense Daily on the 27th, "The locals I met in Afghanistan can be divided into two groups." The people we hired after background check, these were the people who served as guides while staying at the base with us. They are a kind of operational agent who not only communicates but also greatly helps in the execution of the operation.” operatives,' he said.

Choi Jong-moon, 2nd Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs, said in a briefing on the 25th, "For many years, I worked at the Korean Embassy in Afghanistan, the Korea International Cooperation Agency, Bagram Korean Hospital, Bagram Korean Vocational Training Center, and Charika Korea Regional Reconstruction Team. Considering the moral responsibility for the serious situation they are facing and the fact that other countries also repatriated a large number of Afghans who were in a similar position, we decided to accept them in August,” he said. It is to enter Korea as a 'special contributor.

Voice of America (VOA) on the 26th <The Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs officials explained that despite the chaos around Kabul Airport, they were able to transport all the applicants, thanks to the US proposal to transfer them by bus to the airport at once> The road was opened when US Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman presented a plan to use Afghan bus companies that do business with their country at a meeting of the Vice Foreign Ministers of 20 countries to discuss the Afghan situation on the 22nd. The assistants were able to safely enter Kabul Airport by dividing the bus into 6 buses.

NHK reported on the 26th, "The Japanese government has requested evacuees to go to the airport on their own to ensure the safety of the evacuation operation, but it seems that there are not a few people who did not arrive at the airport due to the continuing chaos in the area." .


Taliban spokeswoman Zabihullah Mujahid said at a press conference in Kabul on the 24th that "I urge the United States to stop taking skilled technicians and experts from Afghanistan. On the 24th, the U.S. Department of State officially warned the remaining Americans not to enter the airport, and on the 26th, a large-scale airport terrorism occurred.

U.S. Secretary of State Tony Blincoln said on the 25th, "From the 14th, the United States and its allies have sent aircraft to Kabul to evacuate 82,300 people. I did,” he said on the 24th, explaining the situation in Kabul.

"It was very heartbreaking when the media reported that the child of an interpreter woman was crushed to death in the chaos in front of Kabul Airport," Blincoln said. U.S. government officials are aware of this, and that's why they're doing their best."

The 'Seoul Shimbun' reported that <The advance team, including the staff of the Korean embassy in Afghanistan who had withdrawn to Qatar, returned to Kabul Airport in Afghanistan on the 22nd before the arrival of the transport plane and consulted with officials from local allies such as the United States in advance of gathering Afghans and entering Kabul Airport. On the 24th, a South Korean military transport plane left Islamabad and arrived at Kabul Airport, and after moving to Islamabad with 26 Afghans who were already assembled and waiting, the government dispatched a military transport plane to find Afghan collaborators. The fact that the operation to evacuate is being carried out was disclosed to the media at around 7 pm on the 24th> and <Thanks to this, our government's operation to transfer collaborators was able to proceed successfully without attracting special attention from the Taliban>, "26 people transferred on the 24th" and 'Undisclosed Operation' were reported on the 26th.


Yonhap News reported that <The staff of the embassy in Afghanistan and the Ministry of National Defense special task force, who were first deployed to Kabul Airport, succeeded in bringing 365 assistants into Kabul Airport on the afternoon of the 25th with the help of the local U.S. and friendly forces. 190 people on C-130J Unit 1 and 175 people on Unit 2 arrived in Islamabad on the same day.

In a press release on the 26th, the Ministry of National Defense said, "It was possible because of the full cooperation of our ally, the United States." The U.S. military directly negotiated with the Taliban to ensure that Afghan Afghans arriving in Korea safely enter Kabul Airport, and secured a safe entry into the airport by bus. "The U.S. military actively cooperated with our search request for unidentified persons who attempted to board our military transport plane," he said.

'Money Today' said, "It is reported that the US side suggested a solution while the Korean government was also concerned about the worsening conditions for evacuation. The plan was to get collaborators to an Afghan bus company that the US trades with, and then let the bus go through a checkpoint guarded by the US military, not the Taliban alone. In addition, the evacuation work was carried out in perfect harmony through the contact network established by institutions such as embassies, hospitals, and Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), and they were divided into 6 buses and moved to other airports.> reported on the 26th.

Japan's Fuji News Network (FNN) said in an interview with Taliban spokesman Zabihula Mujahid on the 26th, "We protect the Japanese. Japanese people in Afghanistan should not evacuate.” “I want to establish friendly and good diplomatic relations (with Japan). The presence of the military is not desirable.”

A spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said on the 26th that there were a total of 391 Afghan helpers and their families who were planning to enter Korea on the 26th. Locally, they are evaluated as 'excellent manpower'."


At Incheon International Airport on the 26th, Justice Minister Park Beom-gye said, "These are helpers who have contributed to the national interest of the Republic of Korea in Afghanistan. They are different from refugees. The Ministry of Justice has decided to call these people special contributors." I used the expression “special contributors” to help them settle down in the Republic of Korea stably, apart from the special contributors who can be granted nationality under the Nationality Act.”


Former Afghan embassy officer Jang Young-soo (current missionary) told MBC Radio on the 27th, “Korean companies that built US military bases, police stations, and Korean embassies, and hospitals and vocational training centers in Kabul that were commissioned by Korean government agencies. Isn't it a bit unreasonable for a Korean NGO to qualitatively exclude personnel deployed on the site and rescue only government office personnel? “Those who are considered enemies by the Taliban because they did it,” he said, '823 people and 9 people were executed'.

In the broadcast, he said, "I lived in Afghanistan for 11 years and worked as a secretary at the Afghan embassy in Korea for another three and a half years. “I have experience in the construction of the Bagram base in the country, the construction of local roads, the construction of the Korean government embassy, ​​and the remodeling of the Ibnishina hospital and vocational training center in Kabul operated by the Korean government,” he said.