카테고리 없음

North and South Korea’s Armaments Began to Crash Ballistic Missiles

김종찬안보 2021. 9. 28. 13:06

South and North Korea have been upgraded from an armaments confrontation to a ballistic missile clash.


South Korea test-fired a high-powered ballistic missile on the 15th, and North Korea fired an unknown projectile into the East Sea around 6 am on the 28th.
The Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) said on the same day that “North Korea fired an unidentified projectile toward the east from the Mupyong-ri area in Jagang Province around 6:40 am today.”

News 1 reported on the same day that the missile fired by North Korea on the 28th may be a new weapon such as the newly developed Hypersonic Glide Vehicle (HGV).

"We are aware of the missile launch and are in close consultation with our allies and partners," the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command (USINDOPACOM) said in a statement. Although assessed as not a threat, this missile launch underscores the destabilizing impact of North Korea's illicit weapons programs."
The Blue House held an emergency meeting of the NSC Standing Committee at 8 a.m. on the same day, and President Moon Jae-in received a report on the results of the NSC from Chief Security Officer Suh Hoon, and instructed him to “devise countermeasures by comprehensively and closely analyzing the recent discourse and missile situation in North Korea.” .

In a speech to the UN on the 27th, North Korean ambassador to the United Nations Kim Seong said, “Recently, the South Korean authorities have been keen to develop advanced weapons under the acquiescence and protection of the United States, and bringing in a lot of war equipment into South Korea is also a dangerous act that disrupts the military balance of the Korean peninsula. ” he said.


Ambassador Kim continued, "If the United States wants to end the world's longest-running Korean War, the policy of hostile DPRK policy against the DPRK can be reduced from the permanent cessation of joint military exercises targeting us and the deployment of various strategic weapons in and around the Korean peninsula. "If the United States stops threatening us, I am confident that a bright prospect will open for the DPRK-U.S. and North-South relations," he said.

The closed test launch on the 15th was attended by President Moon Jae-in, and the high-powered ballistic missile had a warhead weight of 6 tons and a range of 350 km.


The Dong-A Ilbo reported on the 27th that a government source said, “The Defense Science Research Institute (ADD) is developing a ballistic missile equipped with a 7-8 ton warhead and is about to succeed. It is being developed,” he said.


Regarding the ballistic missile, the Dong-A Ilbo said, “The test launch of this missile, which has a range of 300 km, has not been carried out yet. The military is said to be planning to deploy this missile in the early 2030s after completing its test launch in the mid-2020s.”
President Moon then officially announced the end of the war again in his speech at the UN General Assembly on the 21st, and at the Korea-US summit in May, the existing missile range restrictions were lifted and extended to a maximum of 800 km.


On the afternoon of the 15th, President Moon observed the successful launch of an underwater-mounted SLBM from the Dosan Anchang, delivered on the 13th, at the Defense Science Research Institute (ADD) comprehensive test site on the afternoon of the 15th.

The Blue House announced on the same day that "the delivered Dosan Anchang ship was loaded with a submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLMB) and launched from underwater, and it flew over the planned range and hit the target precisely."


North Korea fired two short-range ballistic missiles into the East Sea from the Yangdeok area in South Pyongan Province at 12:34 and 39 pm on the 15th, just before the test of a South Korean SLBM submarine.

The North Korean Railway Mobile Missile Regiment announced on the 15th that it would launch two short-range ballistic missiles into the East Sea as part of a "fire drill".

Chinese state media reported on the same day that South Korea's SLBM submarine test is in preparation for building a nuclear submarine.

South Korea has advanced rapidly to 6 tons from the previously announced test launch of the “Hyunmoo” improved ballistic missile with a warhead weight of 2 tons.


The Dong-A Ilbo on the 28th said, “The development of high-powered ballistic missiles is interpreted as maximizing the penetrability that destroys North Korea’s core military facilities underground. If it falls to the ground after flying, it is expected to exhibit destructive and penetrating power that exceeds the power of small tactical nuclear weapons.”

Reagan's strategy for maximizing the Cold War system, arms augmentation, focused on breaking the Soviet socialist economy, and the Soviet Union chose perestroika.