카테고리 없음

Japanese Prime Minister Kishida and U.S. Democratic Government Collaborate on 'North Korea-Japan Summit'

김종찬안보 2021. 10. 5. 11:32

Japan's new Prime Minister, Fumio Kisida, was inaugurated on the 4th, saying, "I am determined to face North Korean leader Kim Jong-un directly without any conditions," according to the "cooperation with the Biden US Democratic government", saying that considering the North Korean political system, it is necessary to meet directly with the supreme leader. At the first press conference, he said that it was a top priority policy.

Prime Minister Kishida said in an interview, "More than anything else, a new administration (Biden's administration) has been launched in the United States, and while clearly grasping the new administration's policy toward North Korea, we will consider what role Japan will play in it and pursue specific measures." "I will continue to work hard with a strong determination," he said.

Prime Minister Kishida agreed to partially easing sanctions against North Korea in exchange for investigating the abduction issue through the Stockholm Agreement with North Korea during the 2014 Obama administration as foreign minister.

North Korea rejected former Prime Minister Suga's proposal to negotiate abductees under the Republican Trump regime, linking it with a "hostile policy".

Former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe announced his intention to pursue the North Korea-Japan summit through a media interview and speech right after the first US-DPRK summit in 2018 under the Trump Republican regime. “Nothing has been decided about the North Korea-Japan summit right now, but the summit should be a meeting that will help resolve the abduction issue.”

Former Prime Minister Suga said at a speech at the UN General Assembly last year that "I am willing to meet with Chairman Kim without any conditions attached."

“The abduction issue is the most important issue,” Prime Minister Kishida said at a meeting. We will continue to work on solving the problem with strong determination.”

At a press conference, Prime Minister Kishida responded to the criticism that his predecessor, Shinzona Abe, former Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga, had expressed a will to meet with Chairman Kim to resolve the abduction issue, but failed to achieve concrete results. "I also tried various efforts in relations with North Korea including the 'Stockholm Agreement' during my time as foreign minister," he said, heralding a new approach.

Regarding the new approach, Prime Minister Kishida said, "Above all, a new regime (Jo Biden's administration) has been launched in the United States, and while clearly understanding the new regime's policy toward North Korea, we are considering what role Japan will play in it and pushing for specific measures. "I can't come up with a concrete plan right now, but as the families of abductees are aging, it's a task that can't be spared even for a moment," he said.

In an article posted on the website on September 23 under Suga's regime, the North Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs said, "Abe, Sugawa's predecessor, is trying to revive the abduction issue, which has already been resolved through our sincerity and efforts, in one way or another and abuse it to realize their political goals. He has been preoccupied with convincing the public with lies and deceit. Sugawa Abe was one of the main actors who conspired and brought the North Korea-Japan relations to the worst state. .

Regarding Prime Minister Sugi's speech to the United Nations on the 26th, the North Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs said on the 26th, "No matter who becomes Prime Minister Abena Suga or the next Prime Minister in Japan, we will not even deal with politicians who are trying to follow the policies of their predecessors against the DPRK against the DPRK." ' and the North Korean abductee issue.

North Korea's ambassador to the United Nations, at the United Nations, discussed the 'hostile policy' by 'increasing the armaments of South Korea and the United States'.


The Moon Jae-in administration is strengthening the anti-Japanese movement by expanding the military increase through the power-based peace of the Trump US Republican system until 2025, overtaking Japan's defense cost by 1.5 times.


At a press conference, Prime Minister Kishida said, "Based on the US-Japan alliance, we will develop a resolute foreign and security policy based on the world's trust in Japan." excluded.