카테고리 없음

Lee Jae-myung 'The budget is an administrative monopoly, the parliament is not the electoral power'

김종찬안보 2022. 1. 5. 17:08


Presidential candidate Lee Jae-myung made a promise to exclude the National Assembly from the budget and promised an “administrative monopoly,” and announced that the National Assembly had no electoral power.
Democratic Party candidate Lee said, "In order to prevent the problem of politicization of the budget, some say that the budget function should be entirely transferred to the National Assembly, but when it is passed to the National Assembly, it becomes really politicized. "Whether the President has the Ministry of Finance under the Prime Minister to manage the budget or directly manage the budget has nothing to do with the issue of authority. The appointed power of the executive branch must follow the leadership of the elected president, but this is the other way around," he said on the 4th.
Candidate Lee appeared on Yonhap News TV on the same day and said, "The power of appointment (the government) must follow the power of election (the president). I can hear it, but I wonder if this is really in line with popular sovereignty,” he said, denying democracy’s right to deliberate and decide on the parliamentary budget.
Candidate Lee continued, "It has become impossible for each ministry to create and implement creative and autonomous policies," he said. ), I think it would be better to leave it under direct control," he said, converting the US Congressional budgetary authority and the executive branch's Treasury budget management authority into the executive branch's monopoly.
Candidate Lee appeared on SBS 8 o'clock news on the 2nd, saying, "Public officials, as representatives on behalf of the people's orders, must obey the will of the people. In the end, it is the elected power that best supports the will of the people, and the appointing power must follow the direction of the elected power. “It is necessary to remove the budgeting function of the Ministry of Strategy and Finance and replace it with the Blue House or the Prime Minister’s Office,” he said.
On November 18, last year, candidate Lee said, "The United States has a budget office at the White House.
Candidate Lee said at the opening of the stock market on the 3rd, "I look forward to the realization of the grand long journey toward the 5000 point era. If we create new growth opportunities through the country's massive investment and strong economic revitalization policies during a crisis, we will be able to go on a path of growth again. method,” said the stock market stimulus economic recovery policy of fiscal input.
The OMB Office of Management and Budget at the White House submits a 'Presidential Budget (Proposal)' for 'Congressional Submission' to Congress, and when Congress 'Modifies' and creates a Congressional Budget, it becomes the main budget.
The CBO Congressional Budget Office was established in 1974 as an independent financial institution with 82 supporters for the budget-related committees of the US Congress, and contributes to the deliberation of lawmakers by synthesizing analysis information on the budget and economy.
In Korea, as a planned economy, the budget bill of the executive branch of the Ministry of Strategy and Finance is deliberated and approved by the National Assembly (Article 54 of the Constitution), but the right to amend the United States is deprived (Article 57 of the Constitution, 'The National Assembly does not accept the amount of each item of the expenditure budget submitted by the government without the government's consent') It cannot be increased or new items can be installed') and it is an absolute administrative superiority system in which the Constitution enforces the consent of the executive over the authority of the National Assembly.
The Reagan administration, which established a hard-line conservative system with administrative superiority, easily exposed public policy as a means of neutralizing the Congressional budgetary power to focus public criticism and make the hidden variable strategy take the lead. The CIA's outer wing of the CIA's intelligence agency rose rapidly to manipulate the media.
In the case of evasion of budget verification, the Republican Trump regime, which strategically led the North Korean policy beyond congressional surveillance, worked with the Moon Jae-in government through the Korea Mission Center (KMC), an organization outside the CIA, to restore the strategy-led Reagan system in North Korea.
Candidate Lee is expected to shift from Korea's planned economy-led system to a fiscal dictatorship under the direct control of the president by reinforcing the absolute superiority of the administration, unlike the fiscal-led system of the US Congress.