Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov met Ukrainian Foreign Minister Kleva in Antalya, southern Turkey on the morning of Thursday (10th), showing a favor from the Turkish Foreign Ministry, the Associated Press reported.
Turkish Foreign Minister Mebrut Chavsier acts as an intermediary, and prior to the meeting between the two countries, the Turkish Foreign Minister held separate talks with the Russian Foreign Minister and the Ukrainian Foreign Minister, respectively, and mediation talks began.
Ukraine's 'Ukraine Ska Pravda' proposed on the 9th that President Zelensky's party 'Servant of the People' in a statement the day before signed a 'new security guarantee agreement' in which the United States, Russia and Turkey participate instead of joining NATO. did,” he reported.
According to the report, the 'People's Servant' statement said, "The alliance (NATO) is not ready to accept Ukraine for at least the next 15 years. We need to talk about something realistic (security guarantee),” he said.
The security treaty further acknowledged Turkey's international arbitration status, stipulating that "Russia recognizes Ukraine's nationality and does not threaten the Ukrainian people and government", and the 'guaranteed intervention' clause of the United States is a negotiating issue. .
In his State of the Union address on the 1st, President Joe Biden said, "The strong will of President Zelensky and the people of Ukraine will triumph." "President Biden's failed foreign policy brought the Ukraine crisis," he said.
"We didn't start it, we didn't want it," Zelensky said in a video address to the British House of Commons on the 8th. But we are fiercely resisting," he said, calling for "the UK and other countries to use sanctions to increase pressure on Russia."
Defense Ministry spokesman John Kirby said in a statement on the 8th that he did not support the Polish government's announcement that it would send 28 Polish MiG-29 fighters to the U.S. Air Force Base in Ramstein, Germany, for use by Ukraine. It said it was a concern for fighters to enter airspace disputed with Russia, saying it did not intervene.
U.S. Under Secretary of State Victoria Nulland, speaking at a congressional hearing today, said she said Poland's proposal had not been previously consulted with the United States, Voice of America (VOA) reported.
Chinese President Xi Jinping said she was willing to actively cooperate with the international community to mediate on the Ukraine crisis.
In a video call with German Prime Minister Olaf Scholz and French President Emmanuel Macron on the 8th, Chinese President Xi Jinping said, "China will maintain communication and coordination with France, Germany and the European Union (EU), and taking into account the needs of relevant parties, We will actively cooperate with society,” he said.