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Yoon Seok-yeol's diplomatic support for the pro-Republican party to 'strengthen the shaking of the Biden Democrats'

김종찬안보 2022. 3. 19. 15:46

The US Congressional Report to Yun Seok-yeol's Foreign Affairs and Security System stated, "The US has often pressured South Korea to refrain from taking military action in the event of inter-Korean military clashes in the past, but this may conflict with the promises of President-elect Yoon." They were concerned about confrontation with 'leading exclusionary diplomacy'.


President-elect Yoon presented the ‘additional deployment of THAAD’ and ‘preemptive strike’ at the time of the nominations, and the Lee Myung-bang government appointed foreign strategy secretary Kim Tae-hyo, who is the maker of the ‘non-nuclear opening’ strategy for ‘economic support after the North Korean abolition’, to the transition committee.

“I have a strong belief in maintaining and developing a liberal international order,” said Kim Seong-hwan, secretary for foreign affairs and security, (deputy foreign affairs security chief of the Lee Myung-bak government) to the Voice of America (VOA). We will show our contribution to the international community by standing on the right side of history with countries with the same will,” he said on the 3rd.

Commissioner Kim used his personal cell phone in a call with US President Joe Biden that day after Yoon-elect was elected early in the morning on the 10th.

A report from the US Congressional Research Service (CRS) on the 15th said that President-elect Yoon expressed that South Korea would actively participate in the US Indo-Pacific strategy, saying, “Korea is seeking to participate in the US-led quad (USA, Japan, Australia, India). "President-elect Yoon expressed a critical stance on President Moon's approach to China, and reflected the anti-Chinese public opinion in their 20s and 30s with a pledge to deploy the THAAD additional high-altitude missile defense system," he said.

Republican Senate Armed Services Committee secretary James Inhoff said on the 17th that “North Korea shows no signs of slowing the pace of its provocations.” In order to deter rogue states such as the United States, we must maintain the long-standing 'nuclear declaration policy' of the United States.”

Rep. Michael Waltz, Republican of the House of Representatives, wrote in a Fox News article on the 17th that "President Biden should draw a 'red line' to prevent Putin (Russia) from using weapons of mass destruction (WMD) against Ukraine." “I am afraid that Iran will follow suit and push the limits of ruthlessness toward neighboring sovereign countries,” he said, pointing to North Korea.

Kim Tae-hyo, a member of the transition committee, was the main character in the 'handling of the South Korea-Japan Military Information Protection Agreement (GSOMIA) secret room' in 2012, and in a US diplomatic document released by WikiLeaks in 2011, the US side said, "We need to create an 'extensive list of whips' to be used in North Korea." He demanded it and led the pressure with the hard-line conservative Republican Party's military option against North Korea.

"Maintaining peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula must continue to remain the top priority for the Ministry of National Defense," said Senate Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Jack Reed of the Democratic Party of America at a recent military committee hearing on the Korean Peninsula. ”, confirming the diplomatic priority policy that excludes military options.

At the hearing, Reed said, "We're not taking a 'all-or-nothing' approach," he said. We need cooperation with the company,” VOA reported on the 19th.

Excluding military options in the Utrana war Economic aid and economic sanctions A confrontation in which President Zelensky attacked the Biden administration in a speech to the U.S. Congress on the 16th against the Biden Democratic administration of economic aid and economic sanctions, and the Republican Party drew up military aid and foreign aid. Things are getting stronger.

Ukraine's President Zelensky previously addressed the British Parliament and is scheduled to speak at the Japanese Parliament on the 23rd, so the pro-Western camp's strategy to strengthen hardline conservatives is expanding.

Regarding the Moon Jae-in administration, which was closely associated with the Trump regime, the CRS report said, “After the inauguration of President Biden, the United States and South Korea completed the defense cost-sharing negotiations, which had stalled during the Trump administration, but the implementation of the agreement regarding the transfer of wartime operational control and the timing of joint military exercises There are still a number of challenges in the US-Korea alliance, such as scope and trilateral cooperation with Japan,” he said.

The report continued, "Despite the Biden administration's call for stronger trilateral cooperation between the United States and Japan, the deterioration of Korea-Japan relations has hindered many efforts (regional issues)." I promised to join the quad.”

A spokesperson for the US State Department said in a commentary on Yoon's pledge to 'promote formal membership to the Quad' on the 18th, "Quad has not developed a procedure for cooperation with external partners so far," VOA reported as 'additional membership is not possible'.


In 1994, under the Kim Young-sam regime, the Clinton Democratic administration's hard-line Republican strategy on North Korea's diplomacy led to the espionage incident of a US Navy officer and the Gangneung submarine incident.


In the Trump-Moon regime, South Korea confronted Japan and reinstated the Reagan regime’s strategy against the Soviet Union with a strategy of overtaking Japan’s armaments with a monopoly on increasing arms. requested succession.

The Moon Jae-in regime tried to manipulate the CIA at the North Korea-U.S. summit as a dialogue mediator in Trump’s military option toward North Korea, and packaged it as a “humanitarian aid exception” option, but North Korea rejected it, saying it was a 'hostile policy'.


Regarding Biden's election in November 2020, Kim Tae-hyo, a member of the transition committee, said, "U.S. presidents who are elected every 20 years have suffered without exception during their tenure." Assassination of President Lincoln in 1865 after re-election, 1880 assassination of 20th President Garfield in September of the first year of office, 1900 assassination of 25th President McKinley in 1901 second year of re-election, 2000 43rd President Bush (Republican, author) September 2001 He went through a number of misfortunes, including an attempted White House terrorist attack on the 11th, fainting after eating pretzels in 2002, and being shot by a hand grenade while giving a speech in Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia in 2005. “I wish you my best.” “Biden is the oldest president-elect ever elected. (omitted) If Biden succeeds in re-election, he will serve as president until the age of 87.”


In the report, Kim said, “If North Korea launches a new type of ICBM and provokes it as in the past, there is a possibility that the US will be forced to start negotiations with North Korea in a situation where it is not prepared at all. The scenario in which the new administration of the United States (Biden Democratic Party) is inevitably drawn in while neglecting the North Korean issue must be prevented,” he said.

<Refer to 'Zelensky's "Attack" administration in the US Congress, Yoon-elect Yoon's strategy for the US', March 18, 2022 >





Gangneung Submarine Incident, Military Options, US Congressional Research Service CRS, Biden Status Shake, Ukraine War, Yun Seok-Yeol Diplomacy, Takeover Committee, Pro-Republican Party, Quad Join, Trump Moon Jae-in Regiment, Breaking Socialism, Arms Augmentation, Driver, CIA Operation,