카테고리 없음

President-elect Yoon’s delegation to the US ‘restores CVID’ and North Korea’s Kim Yo-jong ‘is not South Korea’s main enemy’

김종찬안보 2022. 4. 5. 12:01

Demanding the US to restore CVID of President-elect Yoon Seok-yeol, and North Korea's Vice-Chairman Kim Yeo-jeong, downgrading the negotiating target with a statement saying, "It is not South Korea's main enemy."
At a press conference shortly after meeting with Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman on the 4th, Park Jin, head of the ROK-U.S. Policy Consultative Delegation, said, “We agreed on the importance of restarting the consultative body in relation to the need for an extended deterrence policy between the ROK and the United States in response to the North Korean nuclear threat.” “I had an opportunity to explain in detail President-elect Yoon’s vision for North Korea policy to realize sustainable peace and security on the Korean Peninsula through the complete, verifiable, and irreversible denuclearization of North Korea (CVID), and the U.S. also sympathized,” he said. The restoration request was formalized.
President-elect Yoon announced the actual activation of the Korea-U.S. “Expanded Deterrence Strategy Consultative Group” (EDSCG) as a presidential campaign promise, and a delegation of South Korea-US policy consultations visited the US State Department on the same day.
Vice-Chairman Kim Yeo-jeong, who has dominated messages to South Korea under the Trump regime, Moon Jae-in, said in the statement on the 5th, "North and South Korean military He approached the exclusion of North Korea-US negotiations by revealing that nuclear weapons would be used in the event of a conflict.
Deputy Minister Kim directly mentioned that Minister Seo's remarks were "a very dangerous and bad idea in itself to call us enemies and to preemptively strike us under certain conditions."
On October 20, 2021, a spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded to the Korean Central News Agency, saying, “Our deterrence is not aimed at a specific country or force, but rather to prevent war itself. and to protect national sovereignty, and the United States and South Korea have been excluded from our main enemies.”
"We have already made it clear that South Korea is not our main enemy. In other words, unless the South Korean army takes any military action against our country, it will not become a target of our attack," Kim said. “If a situation arises where we choose a military confrontation, our nuclear warfare force will inevitably have to carry out its mission,” he said.
US State Department spokeswoman Ned Price said in a commentary on President-elect Yoon's 'Strengthening Alliance with the United States' on the 4th, "Unlike the United States, Japan, and South Korea, we believe that countries that have special relations with North Korea can do so in a constructive way, and in our shared commitment to the complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. “South Korea is our important treaty ally and as an ally we will work together on both threats and opportunities in the Indo-Pacific region,” he said. .
"There is no greater threat to international peace and security than North Korea's ballistic missile and nuclear programs, especially in the region," Price said. The role of the State was also emphasized. It is also important to consult with countries that are in a position to exert influence on North Korea that we do not have,” he said directly, referring to China.
He added, "We have expressed our deep concerns about the human rights situation in North Korea very clearly," he said, adding that he emphasized the importance of approaching human rights in diplomatic negotiations with North Korea.