President Yoon Seok-yeol approached the pro-Trump “free power” with his inaugural address and confirmed the pro-Republican line by widening the gap with Democratic President Biden’s “democracy victory” speech.
In his inaugural address on the 10th, President Yoon said, “Based on the values of freedom, human rights, fairness, and solidarity, we will surely build a country where the people are the true masters and a country that is respected and respected in the international community together with the great people.” was repeated 35 times.
President Yoon said, “I am standing here today with the vocation of the times to rebuild this country into a country where the people are the true masters based on liberal democracy and a market economy system, and to make it a country that fulfills its responsibilities and roles in the international community.” Freedom Reconstruction' was expanded from domestic to international.
Republican President Trump's 'liberalism' said: "We all have the same glorious freedom and we pay tribute to the great American flag," he said in 2017. "You will never be ignored again." "Together we will make America strong again." year in his inaugural speech.
In his inaugural address in 2021, Democratic President Biden Biden said, "Today is a day of democracy, a day of history and hope, a day of recovery and determination."
President Biden applied 'freedom' to international relations, saying, "I will rebuild the alliance between the United States and the United States, take the lead in defending freedom and democracy, a respected country in the international community, and regain its leadership position in the international community." did.
“The foundation of our politics will be complete loyalty to the United States, and through loyalty to our country we will rediscover our loyalty to each other,” Trump said. If you open your heart to patriotism, there is no room for prejudice.”
"At the heart of this movement is the crucial conviction that the nation exists to serve its people," Trump said in his "Historical Movement."
President Yoon repeated his remarks, “I will only look at the people,” during the election campaign and the elected position.
In his speech, President Yoon talked about “a dramatic improvement in the lives of North Koreans,” and President Trump repeated “a bright future for North Korea” in the US-DPRK negotiations, produced a promotional video and delivered it to Chairman Kim Jong-un at the Singapore summit.
Former President Moon Jae-in talked about “a bright future for North Korea” while conducting the North Korea-US summit, a CIA project, with the Trump regime.
“We should always seek solidarity,” Trump said. When the United States is united, America is completely unstoppable," he said. "There is no need to be afraid, we are protected, and we will always be."
Regarding ‘solidarity’, President Yoon said, “Liberal democracy creates peace, and peace protects freedom. Peace is guaranteed by solidarity with the international community that respects the values of freedom and human rights. "All free citizens must work in solidarity to help when freedom is violated or the conditions necessary to become free citizens are not met," he said.
President Yoon said, “Prosperity, abundance, and economic growth are the expansion of freedom.” “To become free citizens, everyone must follow fair rules and have a spirit of solidarity and philanthropy.” ' approached.
President Yoon is expected to choose Republican support and tensions on the Korean Peninsula in the US midterm elections in November, from the Biden Democratic regime to pro-Trump republicanism.
Ex-President Moon supported Trump for re-election in the US presidential election under the pro-Trump regime, and when the Biden Democrats were elected, they clashed by demanding the succession of Trump's strategy toward North Korea.
President Yoon made the issue of 'restoring the US alliance' in his election campaign.