카테고리 없음

Republican Party ‘capitalization of North Korea’ Yoon Seok-yeol Regime ‘support’ for midterm elections

김종찬안보 2022. 6. 4. 22:02

The Republican Party's strategic group began to support the Republican Party in the November US midterm elections, under pressure by the Yun Seok-yeol Regime in the strategy of 'capitalization of North Korea'.

The Kato Institute, the Republican Party's strategic center, presented “Support for Transition to a Liberal Democracy System” and “Unification of the Korean Peninsula by South Korea” in response to the outbreak of the North Korean Corona virus.

Doug Vando, chief researcher in charge of South Korea at the Kato Institute, said in a foreign policy article on the 2nd that North Korea could be in a worse situation than the great famine of 1990 due to the corona virus. Recovery is necessary, but the more important strategy to achieve all of these is the unification of the Korean Peninsula.”

As the Republican Party spread liberal ideology, the author, an armaments proponent, argued for the withdrawal of U.S. forces from South Korea in the Trump Republican regime to strengthen South Korea’s arms increase, and the Trump regime’s hard-line conservatism ideologues pushed for a ‘declaration to end the war for armaments’ with the Moon Jae-in regime. did.

Researcher Bando is a representative of the strategy for capitalization by overthrowing the socialist economic system in North Korea by increasing military power through the withdrawal of US troops from Korea.

In this article, unlike the great famine caused by food shortage in 1990, when North Korea was in a system crisis, this corona crisis focused on the 'probability of death' of the North Korean power elite, and predicted a sudden change in North Korea's internal affairs, but he did not explain the rationale for the 'death death'. did not present

He repeats the 'reunification of the Korean Peninsula' that emerged from the Lee Myung-bak and Park Geun-hye regime, and connects it with “a way to achieve economic development by tying North Korea into a democratic system” and “a facilitator to accelerate disarmament and denuclearization” to “absorb South Korea by capitalization of North Korea.” unification' strategy.

He proposed “humanitarian aid to North Korea” as a bait for unification by South Korea, and North Korea previously rejected the Moon Jae-in regime’s humanitarian aid, saying that it is “not essential.”

In his contribution, he presented a strategic condition that “unity of allies can hasten the reunification of the Korean Peninsula” and “because Japan does not want unification of the Korean Peninsula” as an obstacle, “South Korea and the United States should allay Japan’s concerns through complete cooperation.” He said, "The strengthening of the alliance of Prime Minister Kishida, who worked with the Biden administration of the Democratic Party of the United States, is an 'enemy' of the Republican Party.

The Yun Seok-Yeol system opposes the Biden Democratic administration's "dialogue first" by the Republican Party's strategic cooperation, so this article shows the operation of the Yoon Seok-Yeol system to support the Republican Party for the November US midterm election.

He argued that “in order to gain China’s consent for unification, it is necessary to withdraw U.S. troops from a unified Korea, to make the Korean government’s promise to remain a neutral country, and to declare the renunciation of the Korea-Japan military alliance.” showed an opposing strategy to the 'restoration of the Korea-Japan alliance'.

The Democratic Party's Biden administration is focusing on the "South Korea-U.S.-Japan military alliance" in its response to North Korea and China.

During the great famine of 1990, tensions grew and nuclear development intensified as North Korea pressured the collapse of socialism, and in 1994, when South Korea was pushed out by the Democratic Clinton administration with a negotiating advantage, the Kim Young-sam regime, which cooperated with the hard-line Republican party, put the brakes on Clinton's negotiations and In the confusion, the espionage case and the Gangneung submarine incident occurred.


North Korea's capitalization was embodied in the 'bright future of North Koreans' attempted by Trump's Republican Pompeo CIA system, 'a bright future for North Korea' under the Moon Jae-in system, and 'corona support for North Koreans' under the Yoon Seok-yeol system.


The issue of the Republican Party putting the brakes on the Biden administration's strategy to establish diplomatic ties with Japan and the Yun Seok-yeol regime supporting the Republican Party seems to be the background of this article.