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Domestic brokerage firms target Koreans, 'sacrificing' to foreign investment by the US Federal Reserve's arbitrary interpretation

김종찬안보 2022. 6. 12. 12:23

The pattern of domestic securities companies using the report aimed at Koreans to buy orders for the US Fed's arbitrary interpretation of the US Federal Reserve as a 'recommended stock price increase' and using it as an 'offer' for foreigners became stronger during the stock market crash.

Samsung Securities put the US Federal Reserve's theory of speed control as the basis for the Korean stock market to go higher after the twin deficit with a report saying, "Even if there are trials, (KOSPI) 3,000 will go."
Reports from domestic securities companies, which set their KOSPI forecast high even with US inflation, routinely apply an arbitrary interpretation that the interest rate rise will be lowered in preparation for a recession, which is a change from the Fed rather than high inflation.
In the case of the US Labor Department's CPI rise of 8.6 on the 10th, it was arbitrarily interpreted as 'down from the peak' by applying 8.3, which was the lowest value expected by the US media earlier, and 'buy' invitations to Koreans. and earned a net profit.
It appears to be only a propaganda tool for domestic citations, as foreign investors have no basis or reason to trust any interpretation of domestic securities companies' interpretations of the Fed's future actions or the US Labor Department's announcement of the consumer price index unemployment rate.
The KOSPI fell '-12.7%' from 3,300 last year to June 10, when the US price index struck on the 10th, ending the market at 2,550.08, down 42.19p (1.63%) from the previous day.
Up to this point, domestic securities companies have continued to announce their ‘buy’ recommendations with their ‘U.S. Inflation Peak Pass’ report, and the media actively promoted it.
In Korea, the Bank of Korea officially announced a twin deficit on the 10th and the US price index is getting bigger and the Korean stock market is highly likely to hit Black Monday.
Samsung Securities' stock market 3100 forecast said, "The Fed, concerned about an economic slowdown caused by austerity, will have no choice but to adjust the pace if there are signs that prices are picking up." step, but after September, we will review economic conditions and market reactions and shorten our stride.”
Samsung Securities predicted a sharp rebound from the stock market decline in the early stages of the corona virus with a 'V-rebound' report, and the Moon Jae-in regime cooperated with this. It rose steadily and interfered with quarantine, and Samsung Electronics became the beneficiary.
The stocks recommended by domestic securities companies with the US price ‘passing through the peak’ focused on automobiles and batteries, in which the Yoon Seok-yeol system strengthened the chaebol’s investment in the United States.
The US subsidiary of a conglomerate to strengthen US investment has become a stepping stone for US corporateization by strengthening profit monopoly by domestic corporations from raising net losses, and it is expected to cause a weakening of the domestic economic system.

Regarding the promotion of 'automobile semiconductors' to Koreans, securities companies under the Yoon Seok-yeol system said, "Even if demand slows in the second half of the year, the inventory burden is low, so it can protect operating profit compared to other industries and enhance export competitiveness with a high exchange rate (weak won)." was presented on the basis of 'no'.

International market analysts for semiconductor stocks set 'inventory' as the maximum for future share price fluctuations, and predicted that the semiconductor stock price decline last year would continue until the middle of this year.