카테고리 없음

President Yun Seok-yeol, “Unification with the North Korean people and military reinforcement in a free democracy”

김종찬안보 2022. 7. 22. 20:27

President Yun Seok-yeol ordered the Ministry of Unification to “unify with the people of North Korea for free democracy” to apply the “free democratic reunification state” to North Korea, heralding an intervention in North Korean security and a massive increase in armaments of the Ministry of National Defense.
On the 22nd, President Yoon ordered Unification Minister Kwon Young-se to 'prompt the launch of the North Korean Human Rights Foundation', saying, "Unification based on the free and democratic basic order stipulated in Article 4 of the Constitution is a process of unification in which all the people of South and North Korea are the main pillars." did.
President Yoon received the Ministry of Unification's work report on the same day and gave such instructions, saying, "The Ministry of Unification must clarify the perception that the Ministry of Unification is a ministry to realize and materialize Articles 3 and 4 of the Constitution."
At a briefing after the report, Minister Kwon said, "The characteristic of the bold plan is that we address the security concerns that North Korea is based on in developing its nuclear weapons in addition to economic measures." .
President Yoon then directed that North Korea prepare realistic plans for the 'bold proposal' that it would make if it accepts substantial denuclearization. The normalization of inter-Korean relations based on Unification' and 'unification driven by the people of both South and North Korea' were announced. President Yoon previously said in the Ministry of National Defense work report, "Please do your best to construct a dense and efficient missile defense system to respond to the North Korean nuclear threat." In line with the strengthening of the alliance, the president's office said, "We have instructed them to conduct joint exercises and exercises thoroughly, such as normalizing actual maneuvering drills."
After the report, Minister of National Defense Lee Jong-seop said, "We will dramatically reinforce our ability to respond to omnidirectional threats such as North Korea's nuclear and missile threats so that the people can trust and feel at ease in our military, and we will step-by-step transition to an AI-based advanced science and technology force." By further strengthening the military cohesion and the combined defense posture of the Republic of Korea, we will support the re-emerging Republic of Korea with strong national defense capabilities.”
According to the report of the Ministry of National Defense (VOA) rk on the same day, the Ministry of National Defense announced that it will resume outdoor maneuver training above the regimental level of the combined carrier strike group training and the combined amphibious drill and intensively implement various combined outdoor maneuver exercises in connection with the combined exercise.
In August and September, the Ministry of National Defense (KCTC) will conduct 11 combined outdoor maneuver exercises, including combined scientific combat training, at the Scientific Combat Training Team (KCTC), and plan to further expand them from next year. UFG) to 'Ulchi Freedom Shield (UFS)'
Next, the Ministry of National Defense accelerated the expansion of the 'Korean 3-axis system' in response to North Korea's nuclear and missile threats, and made extensive efforts such as early deployment of military reconnaissance satellites and securing 'kill chain' capability as a secondary project for the F-35A-class next-generation fighter. announced an increase in armaments.

Japan's defense white paper for 2022 stated that "Korea-Japan cooperation is becoming increasingly important as the security environment surrounding Japan and Korea becomes more stringent and complex," Japanese media reported on the 22nd.

On the 22nd, the New York Times reported on the investigation of North Korean defectors repatriation, saying that the chief public relations chief was a "crime" with an article "South Korea's new president calls for an investigation by the former government."

The article diagnosed this as “a situation in which bipartisan support is desperately needed in response to the North Korean threat, which can incite domestic conflict.”

Article 3 of the Constitution stipulates that “the territory of the Republic of Korea shall consist of the Korean Peninsula and its annexed islands” and Article 4 of the Constitution stipulates that “The Republic of Korea aims for unification and establishes and promotes a peaceful unification policy based on the free and democratic basic order”.

President Yoon's directive deleted the 'peaceful unification policy', saying, "Unification based on the free and democratic basic order specified in Article 4 of the Constitution means a process of unification in which all the people of both South and North Korea are the main pillars."

Japan's defense white paper for 2022 stated that "Korea-Japan cooperation is becoming increasingly important as the security environment surrounding Japan and Korea becomes more stringent and complex," Japanese media reported on the 22nd.

On the 22nd, the New York Times reported on the investigation of North Korean defectors repatriation, saying that the chief public relations chief was a "crime" with an article "South Korea's new president calls for an investigation by the former government."

The article diagnosed this as “a situation in which bipartisan support is desperately needed in response to the North Korean threat, which can incite domestic conflict.”