카테고리 없음

330,000 semi-basement households 'tenant union' 'rent strike' is a social safety net

김종찬안보 2022. 8. 11. 12:11

In the United States, tenant unions are attempting a rent strike in response to soaring rental properties.
Foreign media reports focused on 330,000 semi-underground households in South Korea exposed to the tragedy of the flood on the 9th.
President Yoon Seok-yeol announced on the 10th that public rental housing would be provided in response to the tragedy of the semi-basement household disaster.
"With soaring rent prices, tenant unions are calling on a coalition of community and legal groups and the Democratic Biden administration to take a full government action to cut rent inflation," the Washington Post said. Lee Sang planned a rent strike in August,” reported on the 9th.
"A set of shared proposals urges the Biden administration to declare a state of emergency on housing and seek ways to regulate rents," the Washington Post article said. This is to force them to consider new ways to curb rental costs, which increased by 5.8 per cent in June compared to the previous month.”
In July's 8.5% CPI article, the US media diagnosed inflation as the coronavirus caused housing prices to boil from a focus on telecommuting, energy prices skyrocketed during the Ukraine war, and food and electricity prices are now on the rise.
The US included the cost of owning housing in the consumer price index, and Korea subtracted the cost of housing from the consumer price index for the high-growth model of the “US-supported Cold War system,” which guarantees low interest rates by excluding the rise in urban housing costs for low-wage workers.
In the United States, the cost of living alone accounts for about 30% of the Consumer Price Index, and the actual consumer price in Korea is estimated to be in the 6% to 10% range.
The Korean government's 'support for housing improvement for the housing vulnerable' has an absolute shortage in the supply or supply of public rental housing, and the administrative infrastructure for housing welfare is limited to welfare support from low-level administrative organizations.
The number of semi-subterranean households that became the focus of tragedy in flood damage is 330,000 households (based on the 2020 Census and Housing Census).
During the heavy rain on the 10th, three children who lived in a semi-underground dwelling in a row house died and the mother of the children in a nursing home, President Yoon said, "I will not be able to live in the house where my daughter and granddaughter suffered a disaster, so please find a public rental housing." issued urgent instructions to
On the 9th, AFP BBC, etc., wrote 'banjiha' in the article directly in the article of 'semi-basement' (semi-basement) and 'underground apartment' (apartment basement) in the report of torrential rain in Seoul. reported on 'The Real Condition of the Ring Underground'.
The New York Times reported that “three people living in a semi-subterranean house died due to heavy rain,” and reported that there are many poor people living in a semi-subterranean house in Seoul.
In Korea's light industry high growth, monthly rental and jeonse housing was converted to a financial service-oriented system, housing and real estate surged in apartment development where low interest rates and financial investment were concentrated. The number of semi-basement residential households seems to have surged by 330,000 in Seoul.

Seoul Mayor Oh Se-hoon announced on the 10th that "subterranean and semi-underground housing is a backward housing type that threatens the housing vulnerable in all aspects, including safety and residential environment, and must now disappear."

The Seoul Metropolitan Government announced on the same day that it would completely disallow 'residential use' of underground and semi-subterranean areas in the 208,49 residential underground/semi-underground households policy as a 'safety measure for underground and semi-subterranean households'.

As a basis, the Seoul Metropolitan Government proposed an amendment to Article 11 of the Building Act of 2012, 'If some spaces such as basements in habitually flooded areas are used for residential purposes, building permits may not be granted after deliberation by the Building Committee.

In a December survey by the National Statistical Office, 96.0% (314,000 households) in the metropolitan area out of 327,000 underground (semi-underground) households, and 66,000 households with rooftop rooms.

Of the total 20,927,000 households, 31.7% (6,643,000) are single-person households, and of these, 1095,000 households (16.5%) are single-room residents.

In Seoul, the lowest in the country with 43.5% of those living alone, semi-basement is concentrated in deformed cities with more households with jeonse (25.7%) and monthly rent (28.1%).

Urban policies are focused on apartments and houses with more tenants but rising prices.