카테고리 없음

Blank in bold initiative ‘substantial denuclearization’, designation of independent sanctions is also ‘loophole’

김종찬안보 2022. 8. 19. 15:02

From the initial stage to the actual denuclearization, the bold concept approaches complete denuclearization from the blank, showing a “loophole” in South Korea’s independent sanctions designation policy.
On the 18th, Foreign Minister Park Jin said, "North Korea's restraint from its 7th nuclear test is the starting point of sincerity." The reader's stage judgment was withheld.
On the other hand, Unification Minister Kwon Young-se on the previous day (17th) said, “The denuclearization of North Korea is the ‘initial preparation’ stage that declares denuclearization and initiates various cooperation; The three phases are divided into three phases: the complete dismantlement of nuclear material and the 'complete denuclearization' phase, which involves taking out nuclear weapons and disarming them.
In a policy that both Ministers first revealed in an exclusive interview with the Dong-A Ilbo, Minister Park said, “The big framework of the bold initiative is that the necessary measures in the political, economic and military fields will be taken step by step in the process of going from denuclearization to complete denuclearization after actual denuclearization.” He said, "If we refrain from provocations for a certain period of time, we will consult with relevant countries such as the United States for an 'exemption' of existing sanctions against North Korea," he said.
State Department spokeswoman Ned Price said at a regular briefing on the 17th that "We will continue to maintain sanctions until and unless North Korea changes its fundamental behavior and approach." to maintain those sanctions until and unless the underlying conduct, the underlying activity changes, and North Korea alters its fundamental approach).
Minister Park continued, "If North Korea carries out a major provocation, such as the 7th nuclear test, we will first designate individuals and companies involved in the production and development of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) as targets of our own additional independent sanctions." Korea's sole designation', formalized the isolation of international cooperation including the United Nations and the United States and Korea's response policy.
In his congratulatory speech on the 15th, President Yoon said, “If North Korea stops developing nuclear weapons and converts it to practical denuclearization, it can dramatically improve North Korea’s economy and people’s livelihood.”
In a statement on the 19th, Kim Yeo-jung, deputy director of the Workers' Party of Korea, rejected the bold idea, saying, "First of all, I don't know if you know that the assumption that 'if North Korea takes denuclearization measures' is a false premise."
On the 15th, US spokesperson Price said, "Unfortunately, the question is a complete hypothetical at this point" to a question about whether the US can ease sanctions on North Korea before denuclearization in relation to South Korea's bold initiative.
Minister Park told the Dong-A Ilbo, "Korea can play a role as a bridge (between the US and China through the participation of Chip 4)" in response to a question about concerns about China's backlash when participating in Chip 4.
The China Global Times said on the 19th that the joint 'Vostok (East)-2022' exercise with Russia is a measure against US hegemony, and that "close Sino-Russian relations are important for maintaining world stability against US hegemony." said. This military exercise begins on the 30th.
China's Yang Jiechi, a member of the Politburo in charge of foreign affairs of the Communist Party of China, announced on the 18th that he had discussed the Taiwan issue at the ninth high-level political dialogue with Japan's National Security Director Takeo Akiva in Tianjin on the 17th.
Japanese media reported that Director Akiba delivered the Japanese position on China's military exercises to contain Taiwan, discussed the importance of peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait, and discussed the war in Ukraine. said.
During a five-hour meeting with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi in Qingdao on the 10th, Minister Park said, "The diplomatic and defense authorities newly included the '2+2' diplomatic and security dialogue, supply chain dialogue, maritime cooperation dialogue, and carbon-neutral cooperation."
Minister Park told the Dong-A Ilbo on the 17th that "China said that if there is a misunderstanding regarding THAAD, it can be discussed based on objective facts at a high-level strategic dialogue or at the '2+2 meeting' (a vice-ministerial-level diplomatic and security dialogue)." has revealed.

In response to the National Assembly on the 18th, Minister Kwon said, “We will make efforts to secure support from relevant countries such as China and close consultations with the United States.” support has been strengthened.

In a speech at the Institute for Far Eastern Studies, Minister Kwon said, "It is important to create a strategic environment in which North Korea has no choice but to return to the denuclearization negotiations on its own."

The bold initiative begins with the President's instructions to the Minister of Unification, and the Minister discloses the policy keynote through an exclusive interview with the Dong-A Ilbo.
The Moon Jae-in regime is developing a 'bright future for the people' in North Korea with a strategy to break the socialist economy by increasing arms with the Trump Republican Party. A strategy (successful by scheming) was applied.
North Korea's Vice-Chairman Yeo-Jeong Kim, who was an early CIA-led strategic partner, began to directly criticize former President Moon after the breakdown in Hanoi, and the Biden Democratic Party's administration dismantled the initial CIA-led North Korea strategy under the diplomatic leadership of the State Department. 'See 'Subdue' to North Korea with missiles, June 11, 2021>

President Yoon showed support for the pro-Republican party by avoiding meetings with congressional delegations, including the Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Democratic Party of Korea, who visited Korea ahead of the November midterm elections in the United States.

The media manipulation technique of the hard-line conservative system gained a strategic advantage through a one-way announcement through TBS MBC KBS CBS radio specific program under the Moon Jae-in Regime. 

In the Yoon Seok-yeol Regime, he switched to an exclusive interview with the Dong-A Ilbo.