President Moon Jae-in maintained the pro-Republican Party’s strategy toward the United States by linking the Japanese Olympics with “South and North” and “North and American dialogues” as a memorial to the March 1st.
In a commemorative address on the 1st, President Moon said, “I am always ready to sit face to face with the Japanese government to have a conversation.” “The Tokyo Olympics will be an opportunity for dialogue between Korea and Japan, between South and North Korea, between North Korea and Japan, and between North Korea and the United States. It may be possible”, and at the Japanese Olympics, North Korea increased the proportion of North Korea through dialogue between North Korea, Japan, and North Korea, and restored the Trump regime's direct trade in North America.
President Moon continued, “We also have the capacity to lead solidarity and cooperation based on multilateralism. In December of last year, we launched the'Northeast Asia Quarantine and Health Cooperation Body' with the United States, China, Russia, and Mongolia. Japan is also considering participation, and I look forward to North Korea as well.”
The Yomiuri Shimbun said in an editorial that day, "President Moon suppressed criticism against Japan without mentioning the issues and conflicts of Korea-Japan relations in this speech." He commented, "There must be a call for improvement in Korea-Japan relations" by the US administration.
Channel A said, "We will adopt a new approach through a thorough review of North Korea policies with allies including Korea and Japan," when a US State Department official said in a query related to President Moon's memorial address. We will focus on improving our lives,” he reported.
In a commemorative address, President Moon continued, “For the past decades, Korea and Japan have improved their competitiveness together based on a sort of division of labor, and the growth of Korea has helped Japan's development, and the growth of Japan has helped Korea's development. It will continue in the future,” he said, and announced the maintenance of a separate system of “the United States for security and Japan for the economic cooperation,” which is a Cold War-supported economic growth model between Japan and economic cooperation based on US security dependence.
Former US Secretary of State Pompeo, the planner of direct trade strategy between North Korea and North America, said, "North Korea had substantial nuclear capabilities when we took office. He (Trump) said the best way to move forward is to initiate a practical dialogue with North Korea at the highest level. "He had a summit meeting in Hanoi and Singapore. Chairman Kim promised to participate in the process of denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula."
Former Secretary Pompeo, who led the strategy toward North Korea as the CIA director, continued, "At least we have persuaded Kim not to continue testing the longest-range ballistic missile that threatens the United States since the start of the conversation." I hope you will recognize what this repeated to him: If you admit that their nuclear program poses a risk to the North Korean people, you will live much better and have a brighter future," he said of the North Korean nuclear program, "the threat from the United States. "The United States does not pose any real threat to North Koreans. The'bright future of North Koreans' was separated from the North Korean government, and the Republican Party model of security-supported compressed economic growth was applied.
Under the Republican Reagan regime, Secretary of State Schulz revealed Korea as a “shining model of security-assisted economic cooperation” in a speech to the United Nations in 1983.
In a speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) on the 27th of last month, former Minister Pompeo said, "We threatened fire and anger to stop it without war. And we did it." From'Threat of War' to'Contacting North Korea with Vice President Pence at the PyeongChang Olympics' and'Direct Deal between Top-Down Leaders', etc. were revealed as'achievements' of policy toward North Korea according to planned strategies.
At last year's March 1 Memorial, President Moon said, “Efforts toward peace and humanitarianism in East Asia are the spirit of the March 1 Independence Movement and the Provisional Government.” Can respond to security threats. We hope for joint cooperation in the health sector with North Korea,” he said, limiting Japan equally with Southeast Asian countries to humanitarianism.