As the government's rapid response policy for vaccination deaths eliminated the “expedited private expert judgment of adverse reactions,” it seems necessary to investigate “avoiding the initial operation of the rapid response team adverse reactions.
"We are planning to hold an epidemiological investigation and damage investigation group to review causality by holding an epidemiological investigation and damage investigation group" at a briefing on the 3rd. “We plan to check the relationship with vaccination through review of the vaccination damage investigation team of the company.”
The government's rapid response policy for adverse reactions to vaccination is < Promulgated as'Quick and transparent judgment of causality of adverse reactions in cooperation with related ministries-private experts>, when an adverse reaction occurred before death, the'Private-Private Joint Adverse Reactions Rapid Response Team' was launched, and'Private Experts Participate in Causality Determination' Was confirmed as a policy.
In the death information, Chief Chung said, “I was treated with symptoms such as chest pain, nausea, and shortness of breath after 11 hours of AstraZeneca vaccination around 9 am on March 2, but died at 7 am today.” Regarding the first death, “AstraZeneca vaccination around 2 o'clock on February 27, fever and general muscle pain symptoms 33 hours later, improved and worsened, and died at 10 a.m. on March 3”. As a briefing, “Currently, the KCDC is in the process of an epidemiological investigation with the local government,” and “plans to confirm the association with vaccination through additional medical record investigations, review of the rapid response team for attempts, and the review of the vaccination damage investigation team of the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In other words, it was confirmed that the'public-private joint adverse reaction rapid response team' did not operate immediately after the initial symptoms.
Prime Minister Jeong Sye-gyun said in a critical script on the 4th, "The government will clearly identify the cause of death according to the rapid response procedure for adverse reactions and disclose the results transparently" regarding the deaths after vaccination of two patients in nursing hospitals. The stated'public-private joint quick response operation investigation' and'private expert participation' were not disclosed.
Regarding the deaths of two people after AZ vaccination in Jeollabuk-do on the 4th, a health official said, "There were no adverse reactions after vaccination in either of the deceased. At the expert meeting, the relationship with the vaccine will be outlined, but for now, the possibility of death from vaccination is "It looks low", but one of the deceased was vaccination at 9:10 am on the 2nd and died at 1:40 am on the 4th.
Unlike Chung's announcement,'after 11 hours,' the first fatality patient in the Ilsan Nursing Hospital said, “According to the health authorities, he had a heart attack and shortness of breath in the afternoon on the day of the AZ vaccination at 9 am the previous day, and received first aid treatment, on the morning of the 3rd. The JoongAng Ilbo reported that he had a heart attack again and received first aid, but died.
On the 3rd, the Korea Labor Welfare Corporation announced on the 3rd that if health care workers and group detention facility workers suffer from infectious diseases such as corona, the amendment to the ‘Occupational Illness Judgment Committee Operational Regulations’ is being implemented from the 1st with immediate recognition of industrial accidents without deliberation by the Occupational Disease Judgment Committee.
In the announcement of his death, Prime Minister Chung said on the day, "I urge you to trust the government and actively participate in vaccinations without shaking."
Commissioner Jeong said the day before, "We ask those with underlying diseases to keep in mind the precautions for safe vaccination, such as closely monitoring whether there are any adverse reactions after vaccination."