카테고리 없음

Uber's “worker” insurance and vacation pay hit Coupang’s “not a worker”

김종찬안보 2021. 3. 18. 12:29


The UK announced that more than 70,000 Uber drivers were paid a minimum wage and a 12.07% vacation pay and free work insurance.

Chairman Kim Beop-seok of Coupang hired Uber's Chief Engineer in 2019 with a high-priced stock option and clarified on the New York Stock Exchange that'Coupang Flex-Its delivery workers are not workers under the Labor Standards Act'. If classifying as an independent contractor becomes difficult in statutes and legal interpretation, the cost of defending and resolving it can be an important factor in our business.”

The British Supreme Court ruled on Uber's loss on the 19th of last month, saying that Uber is not a'personal business' who wants to work when he wants to work and takes a break when he wants to take a break. It has announced that the payment of allowances and the free subscription of employee insurance” were announced.

Coupang recruited Uber-born Tuan Pam, Chief Technology Officer (CTO), for a stock option of $27.43 million and $27.46 million (30.5 billion won) for a fee, and the Uber-style platform delivery system is a'active customer' system. Reported the delivery worker to the New York Stock Exchange as an independent business operator, and stated that it was “determined by the Korean Ministry of Labor,” and the Korean government delayed answering media inquiries about the “decision.

The Supreme Court ruling in the UK said that Uber was a worker based on driver control management through penalties when Uber refused to ride due to one-sided contract terms such as fare, and determined that Uber is a worker based on driver control management, and turned on the app outside of the passenger's operating time and determined that it is the working hours until the waiting time.

Coupang's stock market report stated that "domestic regulators, including the Ministry of Employment and Labor of Korea, have decided that CoupangPlex partners and Coupangitz delivery partners are independent contractors, not employees."

By applying the Uber system as it is, Coupang divides product delivery into'Coupang' (Coupangman), a worker of the Labor Standards Act, and platform transporter, and ships'CoupangPlex partners' by expanding the'per-case fee' system for delivery on specific days and in specific regions. 'Kupang Itz', a food ordering and delivery company, which was the main focus of sales growth in the fourth quarter of last year, wrote a listing document as an'independent contractor' and stated that'the Korean government decided'.
The British court did not apply the "worker status" to the delivery driver of Uber's food delivery service, Uber Eats.