카테고리 없음

US-North Korea “Return to NPT” and “New Loan Donation” re-attempted negotiations in 2006

김종찬안보 2021. 3. 29. 13:53


The U.S. North Korea's approach to negotiations with “allowing new loans” and “returning to the NPT” has begun to sanctions against North Korea as the subject of ballistic missiles.
At the first press conference on the 25th, US President Biden avoided the stronger 2009 No. 1874 by violating No. 1718 in 2006, and North Korea demanded that North Korea-US direct negotiations be made public.
President Biden said that North Korea test-launched two ballistic missiles the day before, and in a “redline” query, “UN Resolution 1718 was violated by missiles. “We are in discussions with our allies and allies,” he said. “We will respond accordingly,” he said. “I have some sort of diplomacy ready. However, denuclearization was a condition that should be the final result,” suggesting the lifting of the “ban on new loans” of 2009 Security Council Resolution 1874.
Lee Byeong-cheol, Vice Chairman of the North Korean Labor Party's Central Military Committee, said on the 27th, "If the war practice that the United States holds in the front yard of one side of the war across the ocean is'defensive', we should also have a dignified self-defense right to overwhelm the US military threat in the US mainland. He said, "If you can't make any calculations and say anything, the United States will face bad things," he said, suggesting direct negotiations between North Korea and the United States.
On the 26th, the UN Security Council members of Europe such as Britain, France, etc., convened privately on the North Korea Sanctions Committee on the 26th, and the Security Council requested to hold it closed on the 30th, and the participating countries were Britain, France, Estonia, Ireland, Norway, etc., AFP news agency reported on the 27th.
On the 29th, Cho Cheol-soo, head of the International Organization for Foreign Affairs of North Korea, said, “If the UN Security Council continues to adhere to double standards, it will only promote confrontation, not dialogue, rather than easing the situation on the Korean peninsula.” Will”.

UN Resolution 1718 (October 2006) in response to North Korea's withdrawal from the NPT is a freeze on financial assets and economic resources to support North Korean nuclear ballistic missile programs. 'Is the key, and the 2006 Security Council resolution responded to the'refusal to return to the six-party talks', starting with'condemning the North Korean NPT's declaration of withdrawal from the pursuit of nuclear weapons'.
Paragraph 12 of Resolution 1718, nominated by President Biden, states and were specified.

Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga said in a response to North Korea's launch of a ballistic missile the day before in Congress on the 26th, when North Korea's Vice President Kim Yeo-jeong came to Japan during the Tokyo Olympics, "If it helps to solve the abduction problem, it is my job to solve it." I want to think about all the possibilities and respond."
Prime Minister Suga said at a summit meeting with President Biden next month in the United States that "we will discuss the policy of bilateral cooperation between the United States and Japan on North Korea policies, including ballistic missiles," opening the possibility of a new loan from Japan.

In a speech on the 18th, Sun-hee Sun-hee, the first Minister of Foreign Affairs of North Korea, acknowledged the fact of the US''contact with North Korea' and said, "If the policy against us is not withdrawn, we will continue to ignore it." As the first response to the'hostile policy', it announced a declaration withdrawal from the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) in 1993 and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) rejection of nuclear inspections.

Former Japanese Deputy Prime Minister Kanemaru Shin (Secretary of the Liberal Democratic Party) who visited North Korea in June 1990 approached negotiations between North Korea and Japan and post-war compensation by announcing the three-party declaration with North Korean President Kim Il-sung.
Shin's son Nemaru, who was a secretary at the time of his visit to North Korea, is known to have visited North Korea on September 14, 2019 to discuss the North Korean-Japanese summit.