Arms Exports 8

Poland's right-wing 'trap investigation' indicts President Duda, a friendly country, Japan holds foreign affairs talks with new government

Poland's right-wing 'trap investigation' indicts President Duda, a friendly country, Japan holds foreign affairs talks with new government President Duda of Poland's right-wing government was indicted on the 10th, and the former interior minister, a powerful figure, was imprisoned for two years in prison for 'abuse of power through entrapment investigation', and leading figures in the Polish arm..

안보 2024.01.11

Reuters 'Largest arms dealer not disclosing Korean prices will face obstacles'

Reuters 'Largest arms dealer not disclosing Korean prices will face obstacles' Reuters reports that South Korea is not an arms manufacturer, but “the largest arms dealer without disclosing prices,” and the rapid spread of American weapons in Europe, which is hesitant about arms buildup, led to a process in which Korea contributes to Polish munitions manufacturers as the “largest dealer.” The Kor..

안보 2023.05.31

Initiation of military aid to Japan ‘Provision of radar to the Philippines for the defense of developing countries’

Initiation of military aid to Japan ‘Provision of radar to the Philippines for the defense of developing countries’ Radar is expected to be provided to the Philippines as Japan initiates military aid to developing countries. Japan's Chief Cabinet Secretary Hirokazu Matsuno said at a regular press conference on the 5th that "Overseas Security Assistance (OSA) plans to provide financial support to..

안보 2023.04.05

Korea-U.S. summit under permanent control over establishment of ‘nuclear consultative body’ in South Korea and Japan

The U.S. began a policy of permanent control by establishing a “nuclear consultative body” in South Korea and Japan, and a Korea-U.S. summit was announced to resolve conflicts over forced labor. Yomiuri reported on the 8th from Washington, citing a US-Japanese official, that the Biden administration had approached the Japanese and Korean governments to establish a new consultative body for nucle..

안보 2023.03.08

Seok-Yeol Yoon’s regime ‘expansion of Japan’s military’ to build a trilateral weapons industry in Korea, the U.S. and Japan

On the morning of the 6th, Foreign Minister Park Jin announced the payment of compensation for forced laborers in Japan at the expense of Korean companies, and US President Joe Biden said late at night on the 5th (the afternoon of the 6th in Korea), “It is the beginning of cooperation (Korea and Japan) and (both countries) "The United States will continue to support leaders in Japan and South Ko..

안보 2023.03.06

US House of Representatives Speaker Pelosi 'Supports One China' Starts Economic Cold War

During a visit to Taiwan, US House Speaker Pelosi announced “One China and Separate Support for Democracy” as the US policy toward China, initiating the economic cold war system. In response to Chairman Nancy Pelosi's visit to Taiwan, China began a military exercise to encircle Taiwan for three days from the 4th, after leaving for Korea immediately after the visit, and the international communit..

카테고리 없음 2022.08.03

President Moon makes a state visit to Australia under the Trump-Moon Jae-in regime led by armaments for power-based peace

President Moon Jae-in will make a state visit to Australia on the 12th, focusing on arms exports to Asia and Australia for five years under the ‘peace’ and ‘New Southern Policy’, accounting for 55% of the total. Australia has reached the apex of confrontation with China by providing nuclear submarines and highly enriched uranium raw materials to Australia as AUKUS, a trilateral security alliance..

카테고리 없음 2021.12.09

Structuring Inflation by Accelerating Core Inflation in the Arms Reinforcement System

In the arms-building system of power-based peace, the core price level has strengthened and structural inflation is showing. Core prices (excluding agricultural products and petroleum products) rose 1.7% in July, representing the price trend, for the fifth consecutive month following March (1.0%), April (1.4%), May (1.5%), and June (1.5%). As the upward trend became clear, it showed a 1.8% incre..

카테고리 없음 2021.08.03