Chinese nuclear weapons 5

US VOA Republican Vs Democratic 'South Korean military controls US nuclear weapons', 'Japan and Taiwan join in international isolation' Confrontation

US VOA Republican Vs Democratic 'South Korean military controls US nuclear weapons', 'Japan and Taiwan join in international isolation' Confrontation The Heritage Foundation, a pro-Trump U.S. Republican Party, proposed ‘Korean nuclear armament for Northeast Asian security’ by “Korean pilots flying Korean aircraft equipped with American nuclear weapons,” and a former non-nuclear official from the..

안보 2024.07.01

Korea-U.S. summit under permanent control over establishment of ‘nuclear consultative body’ in South Korea and Japan

The U.S. began a policy of permanent control by establishing a “nuclear consultative body” in South Korea and Japan, and a Korea-U.S. summit was announced to resolve conflicts over forced labor. Yomiuri reported on the 8th from Washington, citing a US-Japanese official, that the Biden administration had approached the Japanese and Korean governments to establish a new consultative body for nucle..

안보 2023.03.08

North Korea’s “intervention” in the US-Russia-China triangular system by incapacitating Russia’s New Start

North Korea’s “intervention” in the US-Russia-China triangular system by incapacitating Russia’s New Start 러시아가 미국과 유지하던 뉴스타트 군비통제 체제를 무력화하고 중국 핵의 국제화로 미러중 삼각체제의 핵강국 체제를 구축하며 북한이 대륙간탄도미사일로 개입을 시도했다. 블라디미르 푸틴 러시아 대통령은 21일 미국과의 마지막 남은 핵무기 통제 협정인 뉴스타트(New START) 조약에 대한 참여를 중단하고 우크라이나 전투에 대한 전세를 급격히 높이고 있다고 선언했다. 미 국방부는 앞서 중국이 향후 1년 동안 미국과 러시아의 무기고에 필적하는 핵무기 배치를 추정하는 전략 보고서는 잇따라 냈고, 중국은 미국-러시아간의 뉴스타..

안보 2023.02.22

Russia’s nuclear power reconstruction by 2023, North Korea’s goal of establishing a strong military

Russia announced a “rebuilding of the nuclear power base” next year, and North Korea made a series of “year-end announcements” about “finally establishing the five-year goal for a strong military next year.” KCNA reported on the 1st that Chairman Kim Jong-un presided over a meeting of the ruling Workers' Party's Politburo that reviewed the implementation of state policy in 2022 and decided to ho..

안보 2022.12.01

‘North Korea-US Diplomatic Approach’ for Stability on the Korean Peninsula to China’s Nuclear Competition with the U.S.

In the nuclear race with the United States, China has adopted a ‘stabilization policy’ for the surrounding Korean Peninsula, limiting it to ‘the United States, a partner in denuclearization of North Korea,’ and North Korea-U.S. diplomacy is making progress in excluding South Korea. On the 23rd, the US State Department said, "North Korea wants to normalize illegal weapons tests," in response to t..

카테고리 없음 2021.12.29