Fair 4

Musk's 'Killing Traditional Media' Public Broadcasting Financial Pressure Supports Far-Right Politics in the New Year

Musk's 'Killing Traditional Media' Public Broadcasting Financial Pressure Supports Far-Right Politics in the New Year As Elon Musk's 'Killing Traditional Media' begins, promoting far-right politics in the face of public broadcasting financial pressure has become a New Year's task. Tesla CEO Musk, who is leading the abolition of federal government departments and the dismissal of executives under..

정치 2024.12.31

Lee Jae-myeong, ‘National Intelligence Service media trafficking’ Watchdog journalist, American media ‘secret trafficking is a pet dog’

Lee Jae-myeong, ‘National Intelligence Service media trafficking’ Watchdog journalist, American media ‘secret trafficking is a pet dog’ Lee Jae-myeong, leader of the Democratic Party, said that “secret information trading is normal” for journalists and began “making enemies” with the nature of smuggling between the National Intelligence Service and journalists, which puts them above official rep..

정치 2024.06.18

The Attorney General's ‘examination of news reports’ abuses the report of ‘birth-mother offensive’ in the Gumi case

Attorney General Park Beom-gye said, “It is deserving to be considered as a public announcement of the suspected matter,” and “I look closely at the situation. It is difficult to condone,” he said on the 6th. Minister Park said, “I will confirm whether the report was known, whether it is being investigated, and take necessary measures, and will consider follow-up measures.” Suggested. In the cas..

카테고리 없음 2021.04.06

검언 취재대립 공정보도가 ‘신뢰회복’ 영장에 신권언유착

검찰 내부가 첨예대립하는 검언유착 수사에서 구속된 ‘채널A 사건’ 기자 구속판사가 ‘검찰 언론 신뢰회복’을 구속사유로 밝혀 문재인 정부의 검찰개혁이 ‘유착회복’에 의한 신권언유착 전략으로 노출됐다. 김동현 서울중앙지법 영장 부장판사는 지난달 17일 이동재 전 기자의 구속영장 발부사유로 “피의자가 특정한 취재목적을 달성하기 위해 검찰 고위직과 연결하여 피해자를 협박하려 했다고 의심할 만한 상당한 자료들이 있다”며 “언론과 검찰의 신뢰 회복을 위해서라도 구속 수사가 불가피하다”로 밝혔다. 미국의 공정보도(FAIR) 기준은 행정부와 경찰 검찰 발표에 ‘거짓말’ 검증에 취재 기준을 두고 공평(Fairness)한 검찰 변호인 양쪽 취재와 불공정하더라도 정확(Accuracy)한 취재보도(Report)인 경우를 제시..

카테고리 없음 2020.08.07