Japanese government 3

Tokyo Electric Power’s ‘blind faith’ in the Korean people under the Yoon Seok-yeol government, the Japanese government is exempted

Tokyo Electric Power’s ‘blind faith’ in the Korean people under the Yoon Seok-yeol government, the Japanese government is exempted The Yoon Seok-yeol government has strengthened the immunity structure for the Japanese government by changing “post-delivery” to “pre-delivery” and “discharge site” to “IAEA office” based on the standard of “trust” to Tokyo Electric Power, the leader in discharging c..

안보 2023.08.23

IAEA 'disagreement with the report, no release approval' Korean government media Manipulated 'discharge approval'

IAEA 'disagreement with the report, no release approval' Korean government media Manipulated 'discharge approval' The IAEA revealed 'expert disagreement' and 'the Japanese government decided to approve in August, not release approval' about the report. However, the Korean government announced 'discharge approval' on the 7th ahead of the Japanese government, and the Korean media fabricated the re..

안보 2023.07.07

Japanese Government and Korean Inspection Team, ‘Understanding Purification Facility’ Access to Contaminated Water Facility Operation ‘Blocked’

The Japanese government announced the visit of the Korean delegation on the discharge of treated water from the nuclear power plant as a 'deepening understanding of the inspection of the purification facility', and earlier, in the interim report of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), it was revealed that "the Korean representative also participated in the 'facility inspection'", revea..

안보 2023.05.23