Tae-Yong Cho 4

Yoon Seok-yeol’s security strategy ‘China’s supply chain first’ Cho Tae-yong ‘identification of enemy allies’

Yoon Seok-yeol’s security strategy ‘China’s supply chain first’ Cho Tae-yong ‘identification of enemy allies’ The guidelines for the national security strategy of the Yoon Seok-yeol government were released on the 7th as “free, peaceful, and prosperous central state” and “supply chain cooperation with China,” and the head of the National Security Office announced on the 9th that “the division of..

안보 2023.06.09

Washington Declaration ‘Reliance on U.S. Nuclear Deterrence’ Vs Cho Tae-yong ‘Nuclear Deterrence Alliance’ Yoon Seok-yeol ‘Nuclear Base’

Washington Declaration ‘Reliance on U.S. Nuclear Deterrence’ Vs Cho Tae-yong ‘Nuclear Deterrence Alliance’ Yoon Seok-yeol ‘Nuclear Base’ Regarding the “reliance on US nuclear deterrence” in the Washington Declaration by the US and South Korean leaders, Cho Tae-yong, head of the National Security Office, presented a new argument for the “nuclear deterrence alliance” and “our nuclear weapons,” whi..

안보 2023.05.01

The U.S. State Department ‘excluded’ the blackpink collaboration proposal for the state visit event

The U.S. State Department ‘excluded’ the blackpink collaboration proposal for the state visit event It seems that the proponent of the “Blackpink performance” for the US state visit event excluded the State Department, the responsible ministry, from diplomatic channels, and the US Embassy in Korea cooperated with this. An official from the presidential office told Yonhap News on the 31st, "There..

안보 2023.03.31

Park Jin ‘Let’s solve it well’ Taeyong Jo ‘Confirm the will to cooperate’

While Park Jin said, “President Biden shows a reaction when things go well,” Ambassador Cho Tae-yong said that the South Korean and American leaders “confirmed their will to cooperate.” Foreign Minister Park Jin said, "President Biden listened to concerns and showed a response to resolve this issue well." announced on the 26th. Ambassador Cho said at a meeting with correspondents at the Korean C..

안보 2022.09.27