industrial production 5

Decline in investment Decrease in manufacturing shipments Increase in inventories Decrease in consumption

As the government and chaebols increase their dependence on US investment in the domestic economy, where investment is sharply declining, the economic slowdown continues, in which manufacturing shipments decrease and inventories rise. Manufacturing shipments in April fell 2.3% MoM, while the manufacturing inventory ratio rose 2.8%P MoM to 117.2%. In April, facility investment plummeted by 7.5% (..

카테고리 없음 2022.05.31

Industry boom is seen, but stocks plunged due to inflation and exchange rate rise, V rebounded economy reversed

The exchange rate is rising as a side effect of the Corona stock rebound policy as industrial production and consumption are booming or stocks are crashing, causing inflation to increase and imports to overtake exports. On the 28th, the KOSPI index plunged 3.5%, and foreigners net sold more than 1.7 trillion won, and the KOSDAQ also plunged more than 3.7%, with foreign net selling of more than 2..

카테고리 없음 2022.01.28

China's slowing growth, youth unemployment, exports surge, bias toward the US surplus

As China is an export-dependent economy, the growth rate gradually slowed as retail sales fell due to the increase in youth unemployment. In China, retail sales grew from 3.9% in November to 1.7% in December, and the economic growth rate slowed from 18.3% in the first quarter of last year to 7.9% in the second quarter, 4.9% in the third quarter, and 4.0% in the fourth quarter. According to the N..

카테고리 없음 2022.01.18

Decrease in consumption in November due to a surge in import prices and industrial production up and down

In November, the import price (33.4%) rose more than the export price (20%), and the import value index rose 42.8% from the previous year, and the increase and decrease of industrial production were fixed in response to the decrease in consumption. The Bank of Korea's trade balance index showed that the export amount index (140.66) rose 27.1% to the highest level, but the result was biased due t..

카테고리 없음 2021.12.30

Trade surplus plunged due to continuous decline in industrial production due to economic downturn

Mining and industrial production fell 3.0% MoM in October for the third straight month, the highest since a -7.7% decline in May last year, in the early stages of the coronavirus. The manufacturing average utilization rate was 71.1%, down 2.5%p from the previous month, and the production index for all industries in October decreased by 1.9% from the previous month, returning to the highest level..

카테고리 없음 2021.11.30