
Yoon Seok-yeol's liberty misjudgment, Biden's freedom error gap Twitter

김종찬안보 2023. 5. 1. 09:32

Yoon Seok-yeol's liberty misjudgment, Biden's freedom error gap Twitter


On the day he left the United States for President Yoon Seok-yeol's speech on freedom at the US Congress and Harvard University, he misjudged liberty, freedom from domination.
President Biden said on Twitter on the 30th, “The US-Korea alliance was born from sharing beliefs, not sharing borders. It is Democracy, liberty, security - above all freedom.”
In the United States, 'freedom' is 'freedom as a right' and is used in democracy as freedom of expression, freedom of thought, and freedom of religion, and is guaranteed as an absolute right in the First Amendment to the Constitution.
On the other hand, liberty (freedom) used in liberal democracy means 'freedom from domination and authority', and President Biden put 'freedom as a right at the top and liberty (freedom) is subordinated to democracy' .
From his inaugural address, President Yoon put freedom as an absolute value and through liberal democracy misused the rule of law as’rule of law’ and excluded political parties and parliamentary democracy.
During this state visit to the United States, President Yoon gave a lecture on “Value Alliance,” defining iberty as the highest absolute value, continuing his “free speech” at the Congress and at Haberda University.

The summit meeting between President Biden and Japanese Prime Minister Kishida in May of last year was marked by the two countries as a’democratic alliance’, leaving a gap from President Yoon’s’free-values alliance’ immediately before.
The US-Japan foreign affairs and finance 2+2 talks stated in a joint statement on July 29 last year that “democracy is the best model for ensuring prosperity, stability and security.”
Liberty is a form of representative democracy in modern Western politics, distinguished by universal suffrage, competition through elections for power between 'political parties', and protection of 'citizenship'>, President Biden said in a dictionary. It seems that he specified it on Twitter, setting the freedom of 'expansion of rights' as the highest absolute value rather than liberty at a lower level.
President Yoon gave a speech at the U.S. Congress, saying, “The ROK-U.S. alliance is not a contractual relationship of convenience to meet and part based on profit, but a ‘value alliance’ based on the universal value of liberal democracy.”
President Yoon presented 'Pioneering a New Freedom Trail' as the subject of his speech at Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government, but he only used freedom as the title and actually said, "Democracy is a community decision-making system to ensure freedom." He said, “Democracy is based on truth and the free formation of public opinion,” and wrote freedom as a sub-concept of democracy of liberty, which is “freedom from domination.”
President Yoon said, "When it is said that 'freedom comes with responsibility,' that responsibility comes from fairness, a condition for the coexistence of freedom." It is to implement,” he defined freedom as liberty.
President Yoon said, “It has become common for false agitation and fake news to distort the truth and public opinion by combining digital and mobile devices. Therefore, democracy is shaken and freedom is threatened,” he wrote a thoroughly titled freedom with’freedom from domination’ at the forefront, and as soon as he left the United States, President Biden confirmed that liberty is a sub-concept of democracy and the gap with freedom on Twitter.
President Yoon's lecture said, "When it is said that 'freedom comes with responsibility,' that responsibility comes from fairness, a condition for the coexistence of freedom." It is to implement fairness,” denying the Constitution in the United States, which puts “freedom of expression” above the rule of law.
President Yoon’s freedom is “The traces of the pioneers talking about freedom and having discussions are buried everywhere on the road. They laid the foundation for the liberal democratic nation of America, and Harvard, which was established as an educational institution for training priests in the 17th century, was at the center of it.”
In his speech to the U.S. Congress, President Yoon also used freedom in English, but applied the actual concept of liberty.
The subject of the speech is as follows.
“Over the past century, the United States has been at the forefront of defending freedom against challenges that threaten it. As the colonial scramble between the imperialist forces intensified, mankind suffered two devastating wars. The United States chose a just intervention to preserve freedom.
In the 1950s, the Korean Peninsula was the front line where liberalism and communist totalitarianism collided. Peace on the Korean Peninsula and in Asia is in jeopardy due to North Korea's surprise invasion instigated by the Soviet Union. At the desperate moment when liberal democracy almost disappeared on the Korean Peninsula, the United States did not turn a blind eye to it.
Totalitarian forces threaten and deny freedom and democracy, but in most cases hide and disguise their identities as if they were democracy activists and human rights activists. We must not be fooled by this cover-up and camouflage. All of us must join forces and fight bravely so that the precious democracy and rule of law system, which we have defended with blood and sweat, will not be destroyed by false camouflage forces.
South Korea, which chose liberal democracy, and North Korea, which chose communist totalitarianism, are now clearly being compared.
It tells us how important the solidarity of liberal democracies is. The Republic of Korea will actively defend the freedom of the Ukrainian people in solidarity with the free world and make efforts to help them rebuild.
The ROK-US alliance is an alliance of values based on the universal values of freedom, human rights, and democracy.>
After President Yoon left the United States, President Biden said, “The US-Korea alliance was born from sharing beliefs, not sharing borders. It is Democracy, liberty, security - above all freedom.”