Japanese economy 3

October exports, Reuters ‘worsening’, Korean media ‘booming’, IMF ‘increased risk’ media manipulation

October exports, Reuters ‘worsening’, Korean media ‘booming’, IMF ‘increased risk’ media manipulation While foreign media diagnosed the Korean government’s October export announcement as ‘worsening’, Korean media collectively reported it as ‘highest boom’, the IMF warned of ‘China’s economic slowdown’ in its ‘increased risk to the Asian economy’ report, and foreign media continuously issued ‘war..

경제 2024.11.02

Japan ranks 4th, yen weakens, loss of momentum Germany ranks 3rd, Park Chung-hee model ‘ends’

Japan ranks 4th, yen weakens, loss of momentum Germany ranks 3rd, Park Chung-hee model ‘ends’ Japan, which enjoyed economic growth during the Cold War, fell from second place after the United States to fourth place, losing out to Germany due to the long-term weakness of the yen, and was imminent to overtake India's total productivity, concretizing the loss of the support system before and after ..

경제 2024.02.15

Japanese economy ‘increasing profits’ China ‘shrinking’ US ‘stock market mixed’ Korea ‘economic upturn’

Japanese economy ‘increasing profits’ China ‘shrinking’ US ‘stock market mixed’ Korea ‘economic upturn’ The Japanese economy is doing well due to 'increasing profits' and easing unemployment, but China is 'shrinking' and the outlook is negative, and the US interest rate outlook is 'unclear', leading to 'mixed stock market' and the Korean government and securities companies 'lowering interest rat..

경제 2023.12.01