North Korean nuclear weapons 16

Yoon Seok-yeol’s state visit to the U.S. US ‘reconciliation and gratitude’ with Japan ‘Non-use agreement’ on nuclear development

Yoon Seok-yeol’s state visit to the U.S. US ‘reconciliation and gratitude’ with Japan ‘Non-use agreement’ on nuclear development Regarding President Yoon Seok-yeol’s state visit to the United States, a US official told Reuters on the 21st that it was a “gratitude for reconciliation with Japan, an American ally,” and that it included “confirmation that South Korea will not allow South Korea to de..

안보 2023.04.22

Korea-U.S. summit under permanent control over establishment of ‘nuclear consultative body’ in South Korea and Japan

The U.S. began a policy of permanent control by establishing a “nuclear consultative body” in South Korea and Japan, and a Korea-U.S. summit was announced to resolve conflicts over forced labor. Yomiuri reported on the 8th from Washington, citing a US-Japanese official, that the Biden administration had approached the Japanese and Korean governments to establish a new consultative body for nucle..

안보 2023.03.08

Korea-U.S. EDSCG Reinforcement ‘Space Warfare on the Korean Peninsula Expansion of Information Warfare’

With the strengthening of the ROK-U.S. strategy, the US was guaranteed a “space warfare on the Korean Peninsula” and South Korea intervened in US intelligence warfare. In a joint statement, the ROK-U.S. extended deterrence consultation aimed at the North Korean nuclear threat announced on the 16th that it would use all available means, including diplomatic, informational, military, and economic ..

안보 2022.09.17

Biden NATO arms augmentation Russia sanctions 'crack' South Korea and Japan 'strengthening'

While the Biden administration's efforts to increase arms and strengthen Russian sanctions against NATO failed due to cracks, it seems that arms increase and strengthening of Russian sanctions were applied to South Korea and Japan. Regarding the NATO summit, the Washington Post reported on the 'rift between NATO allies', 'refusing the G7 to impose a price cap on Russian oil' and 'disagreement on..

카테고리 없음 2022.07.01

U.S., China and North Korea 'Separate' from President-elect Yun Seok-yeol

In response to North Korea, the United States began to separate from South Korea by negotiating with China alone, and President-elect Yun Seok-yeol paved the way for the United States' sole approach in the "nuclear human rights first principle". U.S. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan and Chinese Communist Party Politburo Yang Jiechi announced in Rome on the 14th that they had reached an ag..

카테고리 없음 2022.03.15