Trade deficit 46

Semiconductor exports plummeted Lithium battery first deficit Last year's 60% trade deficit in May

Semiconductor exports plummeted Lithium battery first deficit Last year's 60% trade deficit in May Exports of semiconductors plunged 35.5% on May 20 compared to a year ago, and investments were concentrated, and batteries, whose exports increased, recorded their first trade deficit, accounting for 60% of last year's trade deficit, solidifying the high price system. By May 20, exports were down 1..

경제 2023.05.22

Fiscal deficit of 54 trillion won in the first quarter, current account deficit of $4.4 billion, entering into twin deficit system

Fiscal deficit of 54 trillion won in the first quarter, current account deficit of $4.4 billion, entering into twin deficit system National tax revenue decreased by 24 trillion won in the first quarter compared to the same period last year, and the managed budget deficit was 54 trillion won, and 93% of the annual budget deficit was exhausted in the first quarter. The government's national tax re..

경제 2023.05.11

Current account deficit $4.4 billion Manufacturing employment 100,000 youth 137,000 decrease

Current account deficit $4.4 billion Manufacturing employment 100,000 youth 137,000 decrease The current account deficit of 4.46 billion dollars in the first quarter worsened the deformed economic structure in which the number of employed in manufacturing decreased by 97,000 and increased by 440,000 only among those in their 60s. The Bank of Korea's current account deficit of $4.46 billion in th..

경제 2023.05.10

Deputy Minister of Finance of China, Deputy Minister of People's Bank of China, Dispatch of Finance Ministers' Meeting

Deputy Minister of Finance of China, Deputy Minister of People's Bank of China, Dispatch of Finance Ministers' Meeting China avoided ministerial-level attendance by sending an assistant finance minister and a PBOC reviewer to the Korea-China-Japan finance ministers' meeting. South Korea's trade deficit with China in April was $2.27 billion, which is close to the overall trade deficit of $2.62 bi..

경제 2023.05.03

Semiconductor crash Samsung Electronics' profit plummeted by 90%, the largest since the financial crisis

Semiconductor production plunged 17.1% in February, the largest decline in semiconductor production since December 2008 (-18.1%) during the financial crisis, and Samsung Electronics' operating profit in the first quarter was expected to drop by 89%. According to the data from the National Statistical Office for February, the mining industry (11.9%) increased from a decrease in manufacturing (-3...

경제 2023.03.31

Growing trade deficit, falling national tax revenue, fixing inflation on twin deficits

The trade deficit reached $5.3 billion in February, and the cumulative trade deficit between January and February reached $17.95 billion, 39% of last year's annual trade deficit of $47.785 billion, which was already the largest on record, came out in two months. With negative growth In the fourth quarter of last year, which turned around, GDP growth was -0.4%, falling 0.7%p behind the average of..

경제 2023.03.01

Samsung Electronics' inventory of 52 trillion memory semiconductors plummeted, securities firms' stock price rises'

Samsung Electronics, which continued to increase production during the worst recession in the memory semiconductor industry, recorded a 34% drop in price and a record-high inventory of 52.1878 trillion won, and its inventory outlook rose sharply in a survey of 600 companies. Domestic securities firms released a report on the 20th, predicting that Samsung Electronics' stock price will rise from t..

경제 2023.02.21

97% of those in their 60s were concentrated in the manufacturing industry, worse than the previous year

In January, the 60s accounted for 97% of the new employment increase, and the 40s and 20s decreased intensively, and the wholesale and retail trades and manufacturing industries worsened from the same decline as the previous year. According to the National Statistical Office, the number of employed in January was 411,000, up only 1.5% from the same period last year, and the increase was the smal..

경제 2023.02.15

Trade deficit doubled year-on-year, semiconductor exports plummeted by 40% ‘neighboring countries neglected’

The trade deficit doubled year-on-year in 40 days this year to reach $17.6 billion, while semiconductor exports plummeted by 40%, revealing the limits of high-price and low-growth economic policies caused by negligence in neighboring countries. The Korea Customs Service's trade balance from February 1 to 10 was $4.971 billion, and the trade deficit for 40 days from January 1 this year was $17.62..

경제 2023.02.13

China, Japan 'political deficit', record trade deficit for 11 consecutive months

The trade deficit recorded a record high of $12.7 billion in January, with the 11th consecutive month of trade deficit concentrated in neighboring countries. South Korea's export decline is China's third consecutive month of decline since October last year, Japan's export decline for 9 consecutive months since April last year, and Taiwan's export record of 3 consecutive months of decline since S..

경제 2023.02.01