two countries 4

Yoon’s government this year ‘freely advanced to North Korea and led the unification of South Korean broadcasting’

The Yoon Seok-yeol government announced that this year's policy of responding to North Korea's 'two-state severance' will be to lead national unification by disseminating South Korean broadcasts to North Korea through 'Free Advance to North Korea'. Unification Minister Kim Young-ho said on the 5th, “This year, the government will pursue the northward advance policy of freedom. “The core of the Y..

안보 2024.02.06

54% of Israelis ‘distrust the cabinet’, US Democratic senators make ‘two states’ statement

54% of Israelis ‘distrust the cabinet’, US Democratic senators make ‘two states’ statement Regarding the performance of the war cabinet, 53.8% of Israelis responded 'not satisfied with the cabinet's work' and 5.4% had 'no opinion', while only 40.8% responded 'very good' and 'good enough', more than half of the Israeli people responded with 'very good' and 'good enough'. Opinion polls show distru..

안보 2024.01.25

Cracks in Israeli cabinet ‘Hamas strike failed hostage truce’ Biden ‘recognizes two states’

Cracks in Israeli cabinet ‘Hamas strike failed hostage truce’ Biden ‘recognizes two states’ As the cracks in Israel's war cabinet grew, the former Army Chief of Staff, a member of the five-member cabinet, formalized the 'ceasefire for hostages that failed to strike Hamas' in a media interview, and US President Biden announced 'Netanyahu's recognition of the state of Palestine'. Former army chief..

안보 2024.01.20