
White House ‘Taiwan Strait Direct Launch Disarmament’ Vs Presidential Office ‘Strengthening Space to Respond to NK’s Nuclear Weapons’

김종찬안보 2022. 9. 30. 14:46

During the 85-minute meeting between President Yoon Seok-yeol and US Vice President Harris, there was a big gap in the presentations of the two sides.
The White House announced on the 29th in a press release that "We have discussed stabilizing the Taiwan Strait" and "Welcome to the cessation of South Korea's direct-rising satellite-intercepting missile test."
"In the event of North Korea's seventh nuclear test, we have decided to immediately implement the response measures jointly prepared by South Korea and the United States under close cooperation," said Lee Jae-myung, deputy spokesperson for the presidential office.

In particular, the White House press release said, "The Vice President and the President discussed China and Taiwan and the effort to preserve the Taiwan Strait. peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait”.
"Vice President Harris underscored the importance of trilateral cooperation between the United States and Japan, and welcomed further initiatives in this area, taking into account our common goals and security concerns," the White House press release said. We emphasized the interests that follow.”
"The two sides highly appreciated the close consultation between the two countries to strengthen the combined defense posture, including expansion deterrence," said Lee, deputy spokesperson for the presidential office.
The White House stated that the meeting was "reconfirmed of the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula," saying, "We reaffirmed our goal of cooperation with North Korea and the complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula."
The White House said, "We welcome Vice President Harris' decision to declare that South Korea will not test destructive, direct-to-satellite missiles," the White House said. I mentioned that they made the same promise as part of their efforts to achieve this goal.
"Vice President Harris emphasized that the U.S.-ROK alliance remains a key pillar of peace, stability and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific and around the world," the White House said in a statement.
A briefing from a presidential office related to the issue of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), an issue at the closed meeting, said, "Vice President Harris said he would take good care of the law so that a plan to resolve concerns on the Korean side could be devised."
The White House press release stated differently, "Vice President Harris understands South Korea's concerns about tax benefits for electric vehicles and has pledged to continue to consult as the law is implemented."
"Vice President Harris also underscored the Biden-Harris administration's priorities for gender equality and women's empowerment in Korea and around the world," the White House said in a statement.