
Korea’s ‘Super Giant AI 5 Flagships’ Vs China’s Interactive AI ChatGPT ‘Cognitive Warfare’

김종찬안보 2023. 4. 14. 19:44

Korea announced the promotion of 'Five Flagship Projects' by creating a super-large AI (artificial intelligence) industrial ecosystem, and China announced the use of 'cognitive warfare' in the possibility of military use of 'Chat GPT', an interactive AI service. .
On the 14th, the Ministry of Science and ICT (MSIT) jointly launched the Digital Platform Government Committee under the President and the Personal Information Protection Committee to implement the ‘Digital Platform Government Realization Plan,’ which is a super-giant AI project in private professional fields such as law, medical care, psychological counseling, culture/art, academic/research, etc. announced the grafting of super-giant AI application services from the 'ultra-giant AI 5 flagship projects' of 'super-giant AI 5 flagship projects' to the work of public institutions and services to the public.
On the 13th, China's 'Liberation Forces Daily' analyzed the military use of the interactive AI service 'Chat GPT', saying, "It is promising in 'cognitive warfare' and situation analysis that creates an advantageous situation by confusing the enemy with false information." The possibility of reviewing its use as a
The announcement of the Ministry of Science and ICT this year is to build 200 types of language data such as Southeast Asia and the Middle East by 2027 by targeting the 'non-English speaking market' by investing 390.1 billion won this year. Expansion of text data for AI development.
Regarding the conversational AI ChatGPT, the Chinese military research department said, “In peacetime, it is possible to analyze a vast amount of information on the Internet, and in wartime, it can automatically reconstruct a lot of information on the battlefield and use it for comprehensive judgment.” "It can create lies and affect people's psychology," he said.
Chinese media reported in a contribution by a researcher from the military research department that Chat GPT “can produce natural sentences, so that the perceptions of the target country’s citizens can be ‘induced, deceived and manipulated’ to achieve the goal of social division and regime change.” .
In a presentation, the Ministry of Science and ICT said, “We are also promoting technology development to break the limits of super-large AI, such as not reflecting the latest information and false answers.” “We are developing technologies such as filtering, model weight reduction and optimization,” he said on the day. Personal Information Protection Committee Chairman Ko Hak-soo said at the briefing that day, “We have opened a communication channel with Open AI, and I heard that there are 2.2 million Korean users.” It is a very early stage, as it is in the beginning of figuring out whether it has been used to build an AI model and, if so, how it was used for learning data.”
He said, “Currently, the Personal Information Commissioner is organizing the information he is curious about internally, and we plan to proceed in the future to find out whether the people’s data is properly protected.”
On the 20th, OpenAI encountered an error in which some users' program usage records were exposed to other users, and ChatGPT was temporarily suspended and then restored.
In the notice of the incident, OpenAI said, “In the 9 hours that the error occurred, 1.2% of the members who used ChatGPT Plus (paid account) had unintentional payment-related information such as name, email address, billing address, last 4 digits of credit card and expiration date. It was not exposed,” he said.

In his closing remarks, President Yoon said, "The government exists to properly guarantee and expand human freedom," and emphasized, "It is inevitable for us to operate a new form of government in a world where the technological foundation is changing at a rapid pace." Spokesperson Woon said in a written briefing. Then, he said, "Platform government is, in a word, a government that breaks walls and connects." "Breaking walls and connecting means seeking rent and breaking vested interests for the people." We need to have enough information to expand, and when that information is open to everyone and anyone can access it at no cost, it automatically breaks this cartel," the spokesperson said.