
Japanese Prime Minister Kishida to North Korea, ‘Let’s meet Chairman Kim unconditionally’

김종찬안보 2023. 5. 27. 20:54

Japanese Prime Minister Kishida to North Korea, ‘Let’s meet Chairman Kim unconditionally’


Japanese Prime Minister Kishida openly demanded high-level negotiations between North Korea and Japan, saying, “I am willing to meet with Chairman Kim unconditionally.”
Kyodo News reported on the 27th that Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida proposed holding high-level consultations with North Korea in order to realize a North Korea-Japan summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un at an early stage during a rally calling for the return of abductees held in Tokyo.

Prime Minister Kishida said, "I have decided to meet with Kim Jong-un directly without any preconditions," the Mainichi Nikkei and others reported one after another.
Prime Minister Kishida said in a statement from the Korea-Japan summit earlier held in Seoul that "the window of dialogue with North Korea remains open," and President Yoon Seok-yeol's statement contained no related content.
In the Washington Declaration of the Summit with President Yoon, who made a state visit to Washington, US President Biden concluded, “The two leaders will firmly establish dialogue and diplomacy with North Korea as a means of advancing the common goal of achieving complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. We are looking for it,” he said.
In a speech at the UN General Assembly in September of last year, Prime Minister Kishida declared the resumption of diplomatic negotiations with North Korea, saying, "The policy to comprehensively resolve the abductions, nuclear and missile issues, etc., and settle the unfortunate past and establish diplomatic ties remains unchanged." A North Korea-Japan summit was proposed.
In response to the ROK-US joint military drill on March 20, North Korea presented the terms “simulation of a nuclear strike against a major enemy target” and “nuclear counterattack” for a ballistic missile launched the day before, showing the possibility of negotiations with Japan.
'Nuclear Counterattack' simulates a Soviet nuclear attack in Reaganomics in 1981, reinforces nuclear missiles in response, and 'threats of nuclear war' by automatic launch as an early warning system causes the Soviet Union to break away from the arms race and reach negotiations on strategic nuclear reduction in 1987. It corresponds to the initial stage tactics of the 'nuclear chick game' and the 'strategy of breaking the backbone of the socialist economic system'.
With North Korea's 'nuclear counterattack' and the launch of an ICBM in the direction of Japan on the 16th, it shows an approach to negotiations with Japan, which is out of the ROK-US military training.

North Korea-Japan negotiations opened the way for exchanges and contacts between the parties of the Liberal Democratic Party of Japan and the Workers' Party of Korea in the Kim Il-sung era with Shin Kanemaru, secretarygeneral.

Negotiations with North Korea and Japan were pushed aside by the US-North Korea negotiations due to the abduction issue led by the US and South Korea intelligence agencies due to the US Republican Party's America First policy and the strategy of defeating socialism.

Then, in the Trump system, the Moon Jae-in system and the North American summit were held as a CIA project, and the Yoon Seok-yeol regime blocked Japan's re-approach under the Biden Democratic Party system by 'blocking North Korea' according to the pro-Communist strategy, but the Biden administration Attempted to resume negotiations with North Korea as a security system.

The World Health Assembly (WHA), the highest decision-making body of WHO, voted 10 countries, including North Korea, Australia, Barbados, Cameroon, Comoros, Lesotho, Qatar, Switzerland, Togo, and Ukraine, as new executive members, and 123 out of 177 member states voted. It was confirmed in favor, the Voice of America (VOA) reported on the day.

There are a total of 34 countries on the executive board of the WHO, and with the expiration of tenures in 10 countries including South Korea this year, 10 successor countries were elected, and North Korea became the executive board following South Korea.

The WHO Executive Board participates in budget settlement and collection and review of major project strategy operation plans during their three-year term.

By region, the WHO executive board members are 7 countries in Africa, 6 countries in the Americas, 3 countries in Southeast Asia, 5 countries in the Western Pacific, 5 countries in the East Mediterranean, and 8 countries in Europe. North Korea has become the next member of the board of directors, and works together with Japan and the United States as a member of the board of directors.

<Yun Seok-yeol’s “Japan’s North Korea Negotiations Permitted” Kishida’s “Conscription” Exclusion “Personal Health Experience”, May 7, 2023. North Korea's 'nuclear counterattack war suppression major enemy' first appearance North Korea-Japan negotiations 'possible', March 20th. Japan ‘Open to Dialogue’ on North Korean Missiles Seok-Yeol Yun, ‘Korea-US-Japan Cooperation’, March 17th. US-Japan Summit, North Korea-Japan Negotiation Agreement, April 29, 2019. see>