
Dokdo is Japan’s ‘Security Threat’ Russia’s ‘Diplomatic Loss’ Confrontation Target Korea ‘Avoid’

김종찬안보 2023. 8. 7. 14:29

Dokdo is Japan’s ‘Security Threat’ Russia’s ‘Diplomatic Loss’ Confrontation Target Korea ‘Avoid’

While Japan stated that “Russia is a direct and serious security threat on the European front” and Russia criticized “Japan for its loss of diplomatic independence,” Dokdo’s territorial sovereignty became a target of Japan-Russia security conflicts, but South Korea limited it to tactical measures.
Japan marked its territorial claim to Dokdo as “invasion of Dokdo’s coastal waters” by Russian warplanes in its arms buildup.
In a statement, a Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson called Japan's 2023 defense white paper, which characterized Russia "the most serious and direct security threat on the European front," "hypocritical" and "served the interests of the United States and Europe and ultimately lost its diplomatic independence." he criticized.

Japan will invite President Yoon from the U.S. president's vacation camp in August to a trilateral summit with the U.S. "to explain the safety of the treated water and plan to begin discharging it to the sea from the end of August," a government source told the Asahi Shimbun on the 6th.

As for the release plan in late August, Yomiuri reported that Asahi said, "In September, trawl fishing will begin off the coast of Fukushima, northeast of Tokyo, and the government plans to start releasing it before the fishing season begins."

The defense white paper, which Prime Minister Kishida passed at a cabinet meeting on the 28th of last month, directly specified security relations with Russia, saying that Russia is "the biggest and most direct threat in terms of defense from the west."
Unlike previous years, the Japanese white paper said that in the surrounding security environment in 2023, “the Northern Territory (4 Kuril Islands) and Takeshima (Dokdo) territorial issues, which are Korea’s own territories, still exist in an unresolved state,” in “Military Trends” In the explanation of 'Takeshima Airspace Invasion (2019)', Russian fighter jets were indicated, and Dokdo's sovereignty became a material for direct security with Russia.
Zakharova, a spokeswoman for the Russian Foreign Ministry, pointed out on the 5th that the Kishida government's drastic increase in defense spending was "creating a direct and real danger to peace and stability in Northeast Asia and the Asia-Pacific region."
Yomiuri reported on the 6th that a Russian spokesperson said that the Kishida regime "served the interests of the United States and Europe and ultimately lost its diplomatic independence."
Regarding Japan's increase in defense spending, he said, "Japan poses a direct danger to the peace and stability of Northeast Asia and the entire Asia-Pacific region."

The Russian fighter jets specially drawn by the Japanese defense white paper have Dokdo as their fundamental background in ‘Takeshima Invasion of Airspace (2019)’, and in 2019, Russian military aircraft claimed to have invaded Dokdo’s airspace. .

On the 28th of last month, a spokesperson for the North Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs demanded an "immediate withdrawal" of Japan's defense white paper claiming sovereignty over Dokdo, and said, "We will sternly respond to any provocations by Japan against Dokdo."

In Japan's defense white paper, the integrated staff counted close flights over Dokdo in the west and northeast of Dokdo by Chinese and Russian military aircraft in the 'emergency launch implementation status' data from last April.

The Korean government has designated the western and northeastern parts of Dokdo as the 'Korean Air Defense Identification Zone', but since July 2019, the Japanese government has been cooperating with Chinese and Russian military aircraft invading Dokdo's airspace and acquiescing in military measures against Japanese territorial waters. China · Russia entered the Korean Air Defense Identification Zone (KADIZ) in the South and East Seas on November 30 last year with eight fighters and bombers, and South Korea responded with 'tactical measures'.

As a joint exercise by Chinese and Russian military aircraft, South Korea's simultaneous entry into KADIZ has operated once a year since 2019 until this year.

Military exercises between the two countries began on May 24 this year, with two Chinese military aircraft and four Russian military aircraft entering KADIZ near Dokdo, foreshadowing the “turn of the Dokdo security conflict.”

Last year's China-Russia joint exercise changed rapidly from the previous year's sequential entry and exit until the previous year as military aircraft from both countries entered Korea's KADIZ. The defense white paper directly linked the security of Russia and Dokdo.

The ROK Joint Chiefs of Staff said on November 30 of last year, "Our military has implemented tactical measures in preparation for contingencies by deploying Air Force fighter jets such as F-15Ks even before Chinese and Russian military aircraft entered KADIZ." It responded with 'tactical measures'.