
Yoon Seok-yeol ‘violates the Camp David principle of ‘free proliferation’’ in non-interference in ASEAN’s internal affairs

김종찬안보 2023. 9. 6. 17:16

In response to the principle of non-interference in internal affairs of the 10 ASEAN countries, which include monarchies, President Yoon Seok-yeol recommended ‘spreading freedom’ at the ASEAN summit, violating the Camp David spirit by intensifying confrontation between the United States and China.
President Yoon said on the 6th, “The ASEAN-Korea Solidarity Initiative is based on the centrality of ASEAN and the Republic of Korea’s firm support for ASEAN’s perspective on the Indo-Pacific.” He added, “Over the past year, the ASEAN-Korea Solidarity Initiative has carried out eight key tasks. “I am pleased that we have recognized and expanded the scope of cooperation,” he said in a speech at the ASEAN Summit.
President Yoon's ASEAN-Korea Solidarity Initiative is the three major visions of the In-Pacific Strategy by strengthening substantive strategic partnerships with ASEAN through detailed strategies of the In-Pacific Strategy specialized for the Southeast Asia region in promoting the In-Pacific Strategy with the goal of 'leaping forward as a global central power.' The goal is ‘freedom, peace and prosperity in the region’ and is equivalent to a declaration of ‘spreading freedom’ in ASEAN.
The 'Camp David Spirit' announced by the three leaders of Korea, the United States, and Japan stated, "We fully reaffirm our support for the ASEAN-led regional structure, along with the centrality and solidarity of ASEAN." President Yoon announced an agreement to support the ASEAN-led regional structure. There is a large gap with 'freedom, peace and prosperity in the region'.
The ‘Camp David Principles’ state that “we will work closely with ASEAN partners to promote the implementation and mainstreaming of ASEAN’s perspective on the Indo-Pacific” and are ‘implementation and mainstreaming of ASEAN’s perspective’ and not ‘freedom’. .
President Yoon told the ASEAN leaders that day, "I have continuously made efforts to strengthen cooperation between Korea, the United States, and Japan. The Camp David Summit last August opened a new era of cooperation between Korea, the United States, and Japan. Korea, the United States, and Japan have decided to discover new areas of cooperation." He said.
The 10 ASEAN countries are facing internal disagreements over global competition, amid a stalemate in negotiations over the South China Sea sovereignty dispute, which is at the center of the U.S.-China conflict.
Among member countries, the Philippines and Vietnam are focusing on improving relations with the United States, while Cambodia, on the other hand, is approaching closer ties with China.
ASEAN was established in 1967, when tensions in East Asia were growing due to the Cold War. Monarchical countries are also members, and it started with the principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of these countries, which it has maintained to this day.
Due to ASEAN's decision-making structure based on unanimous consent, the principle is to reject decisions or proposals that are unfavorable to even one member.
This ASEAN summit held in Indonesia has become a battleground for the confrontation between the United States and China, grouping Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam.
ASEAN spokesperson Natalegawa said, “ASEAN has failed to effectively deter human rights atrocities committed by Myanmar’s military government and its ‘deafening silence’ when China’s coast guard recently used water cannons to block Philippine supply ships in the disputed South China Sea. “This highlights why ASEAN’s desire to be at the center of Asian diplomacy is being questioned,” he told AP on the 5th, adding, “Member countries rely on the United States and China for security.”
US Vice President Biden will not attend ASEAN, but the vice president will attend on his behalf, and President Biden is strengthening his visit to Vietnam and the G20 summit in India.
Chinese Premier Li Chang is scheduled to attend the East Asia Summit of 18 member countries, which are more important than ASEAN, and will hold a series of meetings with U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov at the East Asia Summit.
The AP said, “Myanmar’s long-running civil war, tensions in the disputed South China Sea, and concerns about military buildup in the region will dominate the agenda when they gather for talks in Indonesia this week.” U.S. Secretary of State Blinken, Lavrov of Russia “Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the U.S.-China rivalry are also expected to receive attention as Foreign Minister and Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang participate as dialogue partners of ASEAN foreign ministers in the Indonesian capital Jakarta,” the report said.
Sidharto Suryodipuro, an Indonesian Foreign Ministry official, announced at a press conference on the 5th that “North Korean Foreign Minister Choi Son-hee will not attend the ASEAN Regional Forum, an annual security conference.”
“Established in 1967, this group of democracies, dictatorships and monarchies has maintained for decades the basic principles of non-interference in each other’s domestic affairs and consensus-based decision-making,” the AP said. “It hindered a quick response to the crisis pouring in from beyond,” he said.
Regarding President Biden's absence, the AP said, "Biden's decision to skip ASEAN has caused some frustration, especially since he will already be in India and Vietnam at the same time."

Japanese Prime Minister Kishida adopted a joint statement at the Japan-ASEAN Summit in Jakarta on the 6th, upgrading Japan to a 'comprehensive strategic partnership'.
Prime Minister Kishida said at the 'ASEAN Indo-Pacific Forum' that through the 'Japan-ASEAN Comprehensive Connectivity Initiative', Japan will work with ASEAN to develop 5,000 human resources, including maintenance of transportation infrastructure, digital sector, maritime cooperation, supply chain strengthening, power supply, and human exchanges. announced cooperation in several fields.
Kyoto News reported on this day that Prime Minister Kishida announced with the heads of ASEAN countries that a Japan-ASEAN special summit would be held in Japan in December.