
North Korea satellite notification Kishida ‘US-ROK cooperation’ South Korea launched from US 'annulled inter-Korean agreement'

김종찬안보 2023. 11. 21. 13:42

North Korea satellite notification Kishida ‘US-ROK cooperation’ South Korea launched from US 'annulled inter-Korean agreement’

North Korea notified Japan in advance of its satellite launch, and Prime Minister Kishida announced ‘cooperation with the United States and South Korea.’ Foreign media reported that South Korea will launch its first U.S.-supported reconnaissance satellite from California, U.S. and break the inter-Korean military agreement.
President Yoon Seok-yeol went to the UK at the time of North Korea's launch and told the British media that the South Korean government would "establish peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait and a rules-based maritime order in the region, including the South China Sea," and the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded on the 20th, calling it "interference in China's internal affairs."
Yomiuri said, “The South Korean military warned on the 20th that it would take ‘necessary measures’ if North Korea launches a launch,” and “the two countries are reported to be considering lifting the no-fly zone around the military demarcation line agreed upon between North and South Korea in 2018,” on the 21st due to the annulment of the inter-Korean military agreement. revealed.
Kyoto News reported that North Korea excluded South Korea and notified the Japanese Coast Guard directly on the 19th, and AP reported the notification citing Kyoto News.
Prime Minister Kishida said on this day, “Even if it is a satellite launch, the use of ballistic missile technology violates a series of UN Security Council resolutions,” and added, “It is also an issue that has a great impact on national security. Japan has an “We will cooperate and ‘strongly urge’ North Korea to not go ahead with the launch,” he said.
Reuters reported, “The South Korean Navy announced on the 21st that the U.S. aircraft carrier Carl Vinson entered South Korea’s Busan port on a pre-scheduled visit as part of strengthening allies’ preparedness against North Korea’s missile and nuclear threats.” “Separately, South Korea said that the U.S. “We plan to launch the first reconnaissance satellite from California with support from ,” it was reported on the 20th.
Minister of National Defense Shin Won-sik said on KBS TV on the 19th, "I cannot disclose the source, but according to the analysis of our defense intelligence agency, it was around the end of November. This still remains valid," and said the third launch of a 'military reconnaissance satellite' as early as this week. He said he would try.
Yomiuri reported that Minister of Defense Shin said on TV, "We believe that the engine problem has almost been resolved with Russia's support."
Yomiuri continued, “The South Korean military announced on the 21st that the US nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson entered the port of Busan in southern Korea,” adding, “The United States and South Korea have a united stance to deal with North Korea’s nuclear and missile threats.” “It’s for show,” he said.
Yomiuri also stated, “North Korea is believed to be seeking to improve its ability to use military reconnaissance satellites to track the movements of South Korean and U.S. troops stationed in South Korea.”
“Spy satellites are critical to improving the effectiveness of North Korea’s weapons,” Reuters quoted analysts as saying.
Prime Minister Kishida announced on the 20th that his country's defense systems, including Aegis destroyers and PAC-3 air defense missiles, were preparing for "unforeseen situations."
President Yoon Seok-yeol said in an interview with Britain's Telegraph during his visit to the UK on the 20th, "Our government has been emphasizing the importance of peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait and establishing a rules-based maritime order in the region, including the South China Sea." He commented, “Taiwan is China’s internal affair,” and “Korea is not a party to the South China Sea, so there is no need to interfere.”
President Yoon told the British media, “The Intai region faces several geopolitical risk factors, including North Korea’s nuclear threat and tensions in the Taiwan Strait and South China Sea,” and added, “Korea has very close security cooperation with its allies, the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia.” “We are pushing forward with this and will also strengthen strategic cooperation with major ‘normative partners’ in the In-Pacific region such as Australia, Canada, and Japan,” he said.
In response to a question about President Yun's comments in the Telegraph interview on this day, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maoning said, "The Taiwan issue is entirely China's internal affair and no external force can interfere. Regarding the South China Sea issue, China has the ability to handle this issue well together with ASEAN countries." , confidence, and wisdom,” he said. “No matter what we do or what we don’t do, we shouldn’t let others tell us to do this or that.”