
Meeting with North Korean Foreign Minister Putin, President Yoon ‘Punishment for anti-people, anti-history’

김종찬안보 2024. 1. 17. 13:49

Meeting with North Korean Foreign Minister Putin, President Yoon ‘Punishment for anti-people, anti-history’

Reuters and AP reported on the meeting between North Korea's foreign minister and President Putin, and Yomiuri reported that President Yoon Seok-yeol objected to North Korea's announcement of its "main enemy" as "anti-national and anti-historical," and announced punishment for North Korea's missile launches.
North Korea's foreign minister held a rare meeting with President Vladimir Putin in the Kremlin on Thursday after praising comradely ties with Russia, and Putin's courtship with Kim Jong-un will needle Washington and its Asian allies in securing abundant supplies of artillery for the war in Ukraine. Reuters said that it allows.
The Kremlin announced through the Telegram messaging app that North Korean Chairman Choe Son-hui and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov briefed President Putin on the results of their foreign affairs meeting that day.
The AP reported that Kremlin spokesman Peskov said today that the Russian president would visit North Korea "at a convenient time" and "by mutual agreement" at the invitation of Kim Jong-un.
Yomiuri said, “At the Supreme People’s Assembly on the 15th, Comrade Kim Jong-un, General Secretary of the Workers’ Party of Korea, emphasized his confrontational stance in a policy speech, arguing that the Constitution should be revised to position South Korea as the ‘number one enemy.’” Kim Jong-un said, “The Constitution He ordered the Supreme People's Assembly to discuss a constitutional amendment at the next meeting, saying, "The phrase 'independence, peaceful unification, and national unification' must now be deleted." It was reported that, “At the meeting, it was decided to abolish three South Korea-related organizations, including the Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of the Fatherland, which serves as a liaison body between South Korea and North Korea.”
Yomiuri continued, “President Yoon Seok-yeol objected to Kim Jong-un’s speech at the cabinet meeting on the 16th, saying, ‘We recognize that North Korea is an anti-national and anti-historical group.’” He added, “He responded to North Korea’s provocations, such as the launch of a medium-range ballistic missile, on the 14th. “I warned them that ‘there will be multiple punishments,’” he said.
Regarding North Korea, Reuters said, “Chairman Kim said that the Constitution should be revised to educate North Korean people that South Korea is their ‘main enemy and unchanging enemy’ and to define North Korea’s territory as separate from South Korea.” He said, “We do not want war, but we have no intention of avoiding war,” and that North Korea must draw up a plan to “completely occupy, subjugate and reclaim” South Korea in the event of war, and cut off all inter-Korean communication, saying South Korea should no longer be referred to as compatriots. and called for the destruction of the Unification Monument in Pyongyang.”
Reuters continued, “South Korea’s President Yoon said at a cabinet meeting that North Korea calling South Korea a hostile country was ‘anti-national.’”
President Yoon said at the Cabinet meeting on this day, "If you look at the article this morning, they announced that they will not recognize the Northern Limit Line and the NLL. It is an act of political provocation aimed at making our people anxious and splitting the Republic of Korea." He added, "If North Korea provokes us, we will “We will punish this several times over,” he said.
President Yoon continued, "North Korea has defined inter-Korean relations as a relationship of 'two hostile countries' rather than a relationship of compatriots. The North Korean regime itself has acknowledged the fact that it is an anti-national and anti-historical group," adding, "North Korean defectors are subject to the Constitution of the Republic of Korea. “We are citizens of the Republic of Korea,” he said, “and the government will spare no effort in providing attention and support to North Korean defectors so that they can settle down well in our society. To this end, the Ministry of Unification hopes to promote the establishment of ‘North Korean Defectors’ Day.’”
In an interview with KBS on the 16th, Minister Shin responded to the claim of 'war on the Korean Peninsula' by saying, "I am calm because there is a risk of being caught up in North Korea's psychological warfare and repeating the mistakes that have been made against North Korea for decades, such as making fake peace, supporting North Korea's position, and giving North Korea the benefit of the doubt." “Looking at the recent situation in North Korea, there is a very high possibility that they will attempt a local provocation, even if it is not an all-out war.” He predicted a ‘local war’ by saying, “There will be direct military provocations against our country, large-scale hacking, cyber psychological warfare, and gray area provocations.”
Minister Shin went on to say that compared to the Korean War, “there is now a strong ROK-US alliance. “At the time, North Korea’s conventional capabilities and ability to sustain a war overwhelmed South Korea, but now South Korea is far superior,” he said. “North Korea is the only one to have developed nuclear weapons, and the United States’ more powerful nuclear weapons can be combined with extended deterrence between South Korea and the United States.” has the ability to We are thoroughly preparing for threats and threats from North Korea, assuming the worst. “If North Korea makes the wrong decision, the North Korean leadership will come to an end in the shortest possible time,” he said.