
Kim Young-ho’s ‘freedom for North Korean people’ Rhee Syngman’s ‘free march to North Korea’ reign of terror, constitutional ‘peace’ falsification

김종찬안보 2024. 2. 18. 12:33

Kim Young-ho’s ‘freedom for North Korean people’ Rhee Syngman’s ‘free march to North Korea’ reign of terror, constitutional ‘peace’ falsification


Unification Minister Kim Young-ho falsified the Constitution’s ‘promotion of peaceful unification policy’ by restoring the reign of terror following Syngman Rhee’s ‘free unification of North Korea’ with ‘free prosperity for the North Korean people’.

After watching the founding war film, Minister Kim said, "President Syngman Rhee is the founding president of the Republic of Korea who founded the Republic of Korea with liberal democracy, which became the foundation of freedom and prosperity, and the president who strengthened our security by concluding the ROK-US alliance." He added, "North Korean people also share the freedom and prosperity we enjoy." “We must ensure that people can enjoy it. We will do our best to build a foundation for peaceful unification based on the basic liberal democratic order in accordance with Article 4 of the Constitution,” he said on the 17th.
Minister Kim's 'foundation for peaceful unification based on the liberal democratic basic order in accordance with Article 4 of the Constitution' excludes South Korea's 'pursuit of peaceful unification with North Korea' in Article 4 of <establishing and promoting a peaceful unification policy based on the liberal democratic basic order>. The gap is large due to the ‘unification of free order’.
The preamble to the Constitution reads, “Based on the mission of democratic reform and peaceful unification of the country, we will strengthen the unity of the nation through justice, humanity, and comradeship,” and “We will further solidify the basic liberal democratic order based on autonomy and harmony and protect all areas of politics, economy, society, and culture.” Equal opportunities for everyone> <By ensuring that everyone fulfills the responsibilities and obligations that come with freedom and rights, we strive to improve the lives of our people internally and contribute to permanent world peace and human prosperity externally, thereby ensuring the safety and security of ourselves and our descendants. We pledge to secure freedom and happiness forever, so ‘safety, freedom and happiness’ is the purpose of nation building.
Former President Syngman Rhee was called a 'traitor' by the U.S. government by attempting to collapse the 'prisoner exchange negotiations', which was the biggest obstacle in the Korean War due to opposition to the armistice negotiations, by 'surprising the release of anti-communist prisoners'. aggravated civilian casualties.
Former President Lee supported MacArthur, who led the hard-line policy of nuclear attack on China through 'free North Korean unification', and in the late 1950s, he stole money, clothing, blankets, and food from the mobilization of young Koreans, and made them walk from Seoul to Busan without providing them with shoes and clothes, and made them sleep in the open. Even though South Korea's defense capabilities were extremely destroyed due to corruption that caused over 90,000 people to die of '500,000 people in the National Guard' and 200,000 people to be seriously injured due to frostbite, limb amputation, and soldiers who starved to death, they avoided punishing those responsible and instead supported the United States by promoting 'Northward unification'. The diplomatic and security system of expanding the supply of weapons resources was established.

Immediately after the outbreak of war, contrary to the broadcast, former President Lee quickly took refuge in Suwon secretly, and after providing relief to the citizens of Seoul, he bombed citizens and soldiers crossing the Han River Bridge without warning, killing people, leading to the hard-line conservative regime driven by fear. was built. 

Syngman Rhee's massacre system of the National Guard provided the foundation for Korea to be subordinated to the hard-line conservative regime that is not willing to go to war with China through the moderate U.S. Democratic Party's obstruction of the ceasefire system and the Republican Party's strategic system of expanding arms supply, and this is being restored by the Yoon Seok-yeol regime. 

The Ministry of Unification said that Minister Kim told the production director of ‘The War for the Foundation of a Nation’ that “the president strengthened the country’s security by concluding the ROK-US alliance” and that “North Korean people must also be able to enjoy the freedom and prosperity that we enjoy.”
Minister Kim said at his confirmation hearing in July of last year, “Article 4 of the Constitution clearly states that peaceful unification should be pursued based on the basic liberal democratic order. “This means that unification must be achieved in a peaceful way and based on the principles of liberal democracy,” he said, transforming the constitutional principle of “peaceful unification” into a Reagan-style “non-war theory” based on “unification of intelligent democracy” and the strategy of defeating socialism as a unification policy. presented.
He went on to say, "We must actively induce the right changes in North Korea and take the lead in preparing for unification in accordance with the clear values and principles specified in the Constitution," ruling out the 'peace policy' from the beginning in 'leading free unification in North Korea'. did.
Article 4 of the Constitution stipulates 'promotion of peaceful unification policy based on liberal democracy', suggesting South Korea's liberal democracy and North Korea system and 'promotion of peaceful unification' as South Korea's peaceful unification policy.
In announcing the candidates for Unification Minister, President Yoon Seok-yeol said, “From now on, the Ministry of Unification will have to perform its original role in accordance with the constitutional spirit of unification based on the liberal democratic basic order,” and added, “The unification we must pursue will be a better one for all residents of North and South Korea.” “It must be a unification in which people can live more humanely,” he said, adding that the policy of free unification is ‘the victory of the South Korean regime in the race to build up arms’ in ‘North Korean People Live Well’.
President Yoon announced a 'peaceful unification policy' in the Ministry of Unification work order on July 22, 2022, saying, "Unification based on the liberal democratic basic order specified in Article 4 of the Constitution means a unification process in which all citizens of the South and the North play a central role." Deleted.
<Yoon Seok-Yeol’s ‘free unification and prosperity for North Korean people’ clashes with the Constitution’s ‘peaceful unification’, July 2, 2023>
<Kim Young-ho’s constitutional falsification, ‘free unification of North Korea is impossible’, rejection of peace, China-Russia joint military training in the East Sea, July 21, 2023>
See <Yoon Seok-Yeol's speech at the UN General Assembly to only mention 'freedom' and exclude 'equality' in the UN Charter, dated September 21, 2023>