
Lee Jae-myeong, proportional candidate, Central Party monopolizes 4 interviewers, violates the political party law and party constitution, destroys democracy

김종찬안보 2024. 3. 5. 13:07

Lee Jae-myeong, proportional candidate, Central Party monopolizes 4 interviewers, violates the political party law and party constitution, destroys democracy


Lee Jae-myeong, leader of the Democratic Party, enforced the exclusion of local party sources from secret interviews by using a point-taking system for four interviewers nominated by the Central Party Recommendation Committee to select candidates for proportional representation members of the National Assembly, thereby violating the Political Party Act and party regulations, 'Establishment of Provincial Party Nomination Management Committee for Proportional Representative Candidate Selection' and destroying democracy. shows.
Rep. Kim Seong-hwan, secretary of the party's proportional candidate recommendation committee, who has already been recommended as the Democratic Party's sole candidate, told reporters on the 4th, "The selection of proportional representatives goes through document screening, interview, and screening, and I am the only judge, and all of the judges are outsiders. The evaluation scorecard is the same as before. “It will be done the same way it has been done,” he said, saying the selection was based solely on the Central Party Recommendation Committee’s document interview review score system.
Representative Kim said on the 5th, “At the Supreme Council meeting on the 26th of last month, it was decided that proportional candidates should be recommended by the 10th of this month, and the formation of the proportional diplomatic committee was decided to act as an agent for the strategic diplomatic committee.” 'Violation of party regulations' was confirmed.

This is a method in which four people elect members of the National Assembly.
He admitted to violating the party rules on this day, saying, "This time, I first decided to participate in a proportional political party, but it was difficult to follow the separate procedures according to the party constitution and rules because it was not decided how to select the proportional party."
Regarding the election of proportional candidates in violation of party rules, he said, “We decided to invite proportional candidates and select them fairly through document and interview screening based on the results.”
The Democratic Party's proportional review, which is the method decided by Representative Lee at the highest level, is filtered through a point-based document review based on △ identity △ legislative activity ability △ expertise △ contribution to public interest activities △ morality, and the candidates who pass the documents are selected by one chairman of the proportional recommendation subcommittee and three members. It is decided by interview with the committee members.
Representative Kim told reporters on the 5th that the interviewers were “three outsiders, including Kim Jin-i, former team leader of the Sewol Ferry Disaster Special Investigation Committee, Song Yun-jeong, a senior researcher at the National Living Research Institute, and Sogang University professor Eun Min-soo, and one person.”
The Political Parties Act defines 'political party' as <refers to a voluntary organization of the people whose purpose is to participate in the formation of the people's political opinion by recommending or supporting candidates for public elections>, and defines 'candidate recommendation' as 'participation in the formation of the people's opinion.' ' and distinguished it from 'arbitrary exercise of the right to recommend.'
Article 28, Paragraph 8 of the Political Party Act stipulates <Matters related to the selection of candidates for public office>, and the Democratic Party's rules stipulate in Article 19, Paragraph 1, <To review the recommendation of proportional representation candidates, the central party and city/provincial parties must establish a proportional representative candidate recommendation management committee (proportional representative candidate recommendation management committee). The role of the nomination management committee of the provincial and provincial party was clearly specified by stipulating that the representative nomination management committee shall be established by resolution of the Supreme Committee at least 60 days before the election date.
The Political Parties Act has a separate provision, 'Article 36-2 (Recommendation of Candidates for Proportional Representative National Assembly Elections)', and states, In this case, the 'democratic procedure' was enforced, saying, "The candidate to be recommended is decided through a democratic procedure in accordance with the party constitution, party rules, or other internal regulations."
Article 28 of the party rules states <④The chairperson and members of the city/provincial party proportional representative nomination management committee are recommended by the city/provincial party chairperson to the party representative after a resolution by the city/provincial party standing committee, and are appointed by the party representative after deliberation by the supreme committee.> The appointment of a 'proportional nomination committee per city/province' was specified, and any defect in this constitutes a violation of proportional representation election.
Article 3 of the Democratic Party's constitution states: <②The Democratic Party of Korea shall operate centered on party members, but is based on broad support from the public> <④The Democratic Party of Korea shall promote party democracy through the separation of powers into three political parties and decentralization between the central party and city/provincial parties. It was specifically stipulated as “implement”.
On the 2nd, Representative Lee Jae-myung's Nomination Management Committee made a single nomination to Gyeyang-eul, Incheon, which is Representative Lee's current constituency, and also nominated Rep. Kim Seong-hwan (Nowon-eul, Seoul), Secretary-General of the Proportional Representative Nomination Committee, and SecretaryGeneral Jo Jeong-sik (Siheung-eul, Gyeonggi-do).
The party regulations separately provide for the Strategic Nomination Committee. <Article 13 (Selection Review) ① The Strategic Nomination Committee reviews the selection of strategic constituencies (including candidates) in accordance with Article 87-2 (2), Article 89, and Article 91 of the Party Constitution. The target was limited to ‘electoral districts.’
Party rules stipulate in Article 4, 'Public Official Candidate Selection Committee': It was forcibly stipulated in the ‘City and Provincial Party Committee’ that the party leader appoints the party leader.