
Lee Jae-myeong, member of the National Assembly's 'freedom to withdraw from the party' Opposes Woo Won-sik, party member 'doubles authority' Party member dominates the National Assembly, fascism

김종찬안보 2024. 5. 19. 23:54

Lee Jae-myeong, member of the National Assembly's 'freedom to withdraw from the party' Opposes Woo Won-sik, party member 'doubles authority' Party member dominates the National Assembly, fascism


While Lee Jae-myeong, leader of the Democratic Party, encouraged incumbent lawmakers who were eliminated from the nomination to ‘freely withdraw from the party,’ he apologized for the withdrawal of a party member opposed to the election of Woo Won-sik by ‘doubling his authority’, demonstrating a fascistic party system.
Representative Lee said in Daejeon on the 19th, "Comrades in the party, there have been quite a few sad and painful stories about the party recently. If there is anyone who thinks they should leave the party to scold them, cut off their membership. If you leave the party, it will be very difficult to come back in." ‘Free party dues benefits’ were announced.
At the same meeting, Supreme Council member Jeong Cheong-rae said, "Yesterday, a person called me from my local district. 'I was angry and applied for withdrawal from the party, but I will just stay in the party.' The party decided to prepare for that and wait until you guys calm down." Previously, he stated that ‘party members are the owners’ and that he adhered to the ideology of ‘party member sovereignty’.
Representative Lee previously said, “Let’s double the number of party members, double the authority of party members, and create a country where the people are the owners through a party centered on party members.”
On the 18th, in Honam, Representative Lee announced the establishment of a political party system for Rights Party members, saying, “Let’s increase the proportion of Rights Party members’ votes in the national provincial and provincial party chairperson elections two years from now.”

Rep. Kim Min-seok (Democratic Party Situation Chief) said on the 12th, “Chairman Choo Mi-ae is natural,” and added, “The new political grammar that sees respect for party member sovereignty as natural and the traditional political grammar that sees priority for seniors in multiple elections as natural happen to have the ‘same solution.’ “We need wisdom and determination to unite the two grammars and increase the unity and strength of the party,” he said, declaring “Chairman Choo Mi-ae” based on party member sovereignty, and elected Rep. Woo Won-sik through a vote on the 16th.
At the first press conference of the nomination scandal, Representative Lee came out of the gym to discuss the number of people leaving the party due to the dispute over unfair nomination screening and said, "I won't play because I feel like I will lose." He added, "I think there are one or two people who have left the party recently, and they are free to join the party. “I am free to leave the party,” he said on the 28th.
In the Political Party Act, 'joining a party' is defined as <When an application for membership is submitted to a city/provincial party or its party founding preparation committee and an application for membership is received, the party membership qualification examination body determines whether to join the party or not and registers it in the party member list>, thereby forcing the procedure. It is subject to action.
In the Political Party Act, ‘withdrawal from the party’, like ‘joining the party’, is ‘priority respect for the city/provincial party, which is the root of the political party’, through the process of submitting ‘a withdrawal report to the city/provincial party’, and Representative Lee deliberately broke this even though he is the representative of the Democratic Party’s central party.
The Political Party Act defines 'political party' as <refers to a voluntary organization of the people whose purpose is to participate in the formation of the people's political opinion by recommending or supporting candidates for public elections>, and defines 'candidate recommendation' as 'participation in the formation of the people's opinion'. ', prohibiting the arbitrary exercise of recommendation rights by representatives.
The Political Party Act states, <Article 29 (Organization of Political Parties) ① In order to maintain democratic internal order, a political party must hold a general meeting of its members if it has a representative body and executive body that can reflect the consensus of party members and affiliated National Assembly members.> It stipulated that the authority of the general meeting of members was enforced through ‘party member consensus’ in ‘candidate recommendation’.
The Democratic Party, which has received a huge amount of government subsidy under Article 8 of the Constitution, is an organization whose support from the government exceeds the party members' dues.

In a political party system dependent on government treasury, the Democratic Party demeans the members elected by the people and operates as a member-sovereign system with 'party members above and below the members'.
If the Democratic Party violates Article 8 of the Constitution’s ‘democratic organizational activities’ and ‘guarantee of participation in forming the people’s political will,’ it will be subject to a request for dissolution to the Constitutional Court.

The Political Party Act defines 'maintenance of democratic internal order' as <Article 29 (Organization of Political Parties) ① In order to maintain democratic internal order, a political party shall have a representative body and executive body that can reflect the consensus of its members, and, if it has members of the National Assembly, a member of the National Assembly. It was stipulated that a general meeting must be held.
Supreme Council member Jeong Cheong-rae said, “The core of the problem is whether the party sentiment and public sentiment of over 80% of party members and supporters were reflected in Yeouido or not,” and added, “Party members and supporters wanted to see the exhilarating feeling of confronting the Yoon Seok-yeol regime through Choo Mi-ae.” “We need to change the framework from a parliamentary party centered on National Assembly members to a mass party centered on party members and supporters,” the Supreme Committee announced on the 20th regarding the “destroyment of party democracy.”

Representative Lee's instruction on this day to 'not pay party dues' was in accordance with the Political Party Act <Article 31 (Party Fees)> of 'financial independence of political parties' and 'suspension of party members who pay the party fees of others in the same political party' and 'rights for party members who fail to pay party dues'. It appears to have violated the clause ‘Restrictions on events, suspension of party membership, etc. shall be determined by the party constitution.’
Representative Lee failed in his attempt to be elected by creating a 'Choo Mi-ae pro-coup coup system' in the party member mobilization system prior to electing the Speaker of the National Assembly, and Rep. Chung criticized the member system established by Jaffa for 'destruction of party elitism' by saying 'party member-dominated regime'. ' He apologizes to the party members for failing to retry.

President-elect Yang Moon-seok said, “The National Assembly candidate elected by 50% of the general public and 50% of the Rights Party members passed the general election. Then, why not apply the same ratio of 50% to the National Assembly members and 50% to the party members when selecting the floor leader and the candidate for the Speaker of the National Assembly,” he said on the 21st, saying, “Party members elect the Speaker.” At this position in front of the National Assembly, Representative Lee asked, “Why is there no election for the Speaker? “I have two questions: whether the conclusion was different from the public opinion or the general opinion of party members, and how to improve this,” he said, opposing the election of Chairman Woo Won-sik.
<Lee Jae-myung’s ‘repeated investigation’ violation of political party law, destruction of ‘democratic order’ by close associates’ election campaign, dated February 28, 2024> <Jae-myung Lee’s ‘recommendation of a new candidate’ violation of political party law, ‘participation in forming public opinion’, dated March 3, 2024>.