
Democratic Party’s ‘Right Party members’ collective intelligence and party member sovereignty’ National Treasury support Lee Jae-myeong’s Nazi party system

김종찬안보 2024. 5. 23. 13:43

Democratic Party’s ‘Right Party members’ collective intelligence and party member sovereignty’ National Treasury support Lee Jae-myeong’s Nazi party system

The Democratic Party claimed to be the ‘collective intelligence of 50 million party members’ and began operating a Nazi party system that rules the country through party member sovereignty, with party members benefiting from government treasury subsidies.
Yoon Jong-gun, the Democratic Party's floor spokesperson, said on the 22nd, "There are 50 million members of the Democratic Party's Rights Party," and "If that number moves, that in itself is collective intelligence."
In the National Assembly-elected resolution on the 23rd, the Democratic Party said, “We will work harder to create a Democratic Party centered on party members,” and “The President’s exercise of veto power and enforcement decree rule are neutralizing the legislative power of the National Assembly and seriously damaging democracy.”
On this day, Representative Lee Jae-myeong attempted to reduce the authority of lawmakers who receive subsidies from government-funded political parties by establishing the ‘Party Member Sovereignty Bureau’ and create a ‘dedicated organization to expand the authority of party members.’
On this day, Representative Lee said about party member-centered political parties through SNS, “From the era of participatory politics created by awakened citizens to the path of ‘party member-centered mass parties,’ this is the future we must move toward, although we may not have reached it yet.” .
President-elect Yang Moon-seok, who introduced a punitive damages system for the media, proposed that the election of the National Assembly speaker candidate and the floor leader be ‘50% party members and 50% lawmakers.’
Current subsidies paid to political parties in the first quarter of this year are proportional to the number of seats, with the two parties monopolizing 91.05% of the total, with the Democratic Party of Korea (169 seats) receiving 5.7 billion won (47.89%) and the People Power Party (115 seats) receiving 5.15 billion won (115 seats). took 43.16%).
In 2022, when the presidential and general elections overlapped, the Democratic Party and the People Power Party took over 60 billion won in government subsidies for political parties, and the Justice Party received 10 billion won.
The relationship between political parties and the state is based on Article 8 of the Constitution. The state provides financial support to political parties as prescribed by law, and if they violate the democratic order, the Constitutional Court decides to dissolve them.
The Democratic Party-elected party's resolution stated, "Party members are the core of the Democratic Party and a valuable asset that cannot be exchanged for anything," and "The President's exercise of veto power without question and rule by enforcement decree are neutralizing the legislative power of the National Assembly and seriously damaging democracy."
The extreme right-wing fascism Yoon Seok-yeol regime, which seeks to 'spread freedom' in communist countries, attempted to 'rule by enforcement decree' imitating the Reagan regime. The Democratic Party, which took control of the National Assembly, made an attempt to 'increase special investigation expenses' for prosecution reform and 'increase the National Intelligence Service budget' for intelligence operations expenses. Subsidized by ‘increased amount’.
The hard-line conservative system's special privileges for intelligence and investigative agencies are guaranteed by the budget, and in the face of riots and the harmful effects of war in the United States, the progressive Clinton administration has 'cut the CIA budget by 20%', 'cut special investigation expenses due to the enlargement of naval investigations', and 'unconstitutional presidential administration'. We responded by completely abolishing the ordinance.
In the Park Geun-hye regime, the Lee Jae-myeong regime did not attempt to ‘cut unnecessary operational funds’ despite the NIS director being sentenced to prison for ‘reimbursing’ the NIS budget, and activated the ‘NIS team’ in the situation room for Jaffa’s nomination in this general election.
In the prosecution reform, this system responds to the 'prosecution system of Yoon Seok-yeol, a typical case of abuse of special investigation funds', taking advantage of the privilege of controlling the Chairman of the Legislative and Judiciary Committee of the National Assembly, and guarantees the prosecution's budget abuse system by expanding investigative powers to the police by expanding investigation funds and establishing a new Corruption Investigation Office. did.
Article 1 of the Constitution is <Article 2 (1) Requirements for becoming a citizen of the Republic of Korea shall be determined by law> and <Article 8> based on popular sovereignty of <The sovereignty of the Republic of Korea lies with the people and all power comes from the people>. ④When the purpose or activities of a political party violate the basic democratic order, the government may file a petition for dissolution to the Constitutional Court, and the political party shall be dissolved by the Constitutional Court's decision.
Representative Kim Young-bae told KBS Radio on this day, “I think the direction of the era of citizen sovereignty and the era of party member sovereignty is a bit clear,” changing the constitutional system of “people’s sovereignty” to the “era of party member sovereignty.”
‘Sovereignty’ means ‘the most important right’, and in legal terms, it is ‘the power to make the final decision on the nation’s decision.’ Namu Wiki defined it as having the highest absolute power internally and independent independence externally.
‘Wikipedia’ describes <sovereignty as one of the three elements that constitute a nation along with territory and people> and <sovereignty as the absolute and permanent power of a nation>.
Regarding 'people's sovereignty', <it means that the ruling authority is determined by the people and all exercise of the government's ruling power is carried out by the people> and <sovereignty is the highest power at home and means the power of independence abroad. . Also, ‘the people’ in popular sovereignty does not mean individual citizens, but ‘the entire people as an ideological and political unity’, according to ‘Naver Knowledge Encyclopedia’.
In Germany's Nazi political party system, the SS constantly demanded more authority and power from Hitler and Nazi Party officials, and the people were divided into lower party classes with a sense of selectivity and chauvinism toward party members.
Lee Jae-myeong's regime claimed that National Assembly member 'Subak' was at fault for losing control of the majority of the National Assembly to the 'enforcement-type rule' of Yoon Seok-yeol's regime, and mobilized the Innovation Council to eliminate Subak. It's approaching.
The Democratic Party's new ideology under Lee Jae-myung's regime, 'party member sovereignty', is an imitation of the Nazi party system with a governance structure that has 'Democratic Party Rights Party members' from 'all citizens' and the 'Innovation Council', which produced 31 lawmakers as a close-guard organization, at the top. see.