
Lee Jae-myeong ‘implements party members’ will’, destroys ‘separation of powers’ in party constitution, neutralizes National Assembly

김종찬안보 2024. 5. 25. 15:21

Lee Jae-myeong ‘implements party members’ will’, destroys ‘separation of powers’ in party constitution, neutralizes National Assembly

Representative Lee Jae-myung began to break away from the ‘separation of powers’ stipulated by the Democratic Party constitution in ‘party member sovereignty’ and ‘party member democracy’.

Representative Lee's 'individual-led' party member sovereignty ideology aims to dominate the presidential candidates and shows a strategy of neutralizing the function of the National Assembly.
The neutralization of the National Assembly is confirmed by the rapid rise and fall of party membership, concentrated among ‘males in their 50s from Gyeonggi-do’, in presidential candidates and general elections.

Representative Lee's 'individual-led' party member sovereignty ideology aims to dominate the presidential candidate and shows a bias of 'male in his 50s led by Gyeonggi Province' as a strategy to neutralize the function of the National Assembly.
Article 3 of the Democratic Party's constitution states that <the party shall be run centered on party members, but based on broad support from the people> and that "party democracy will be realized through the separation of three powers of the political party and decentralization of power between the central party and city/provincial parties." ‘Separation of party powers’ was clearly defined as ‘party democracy’.
The Democratic Party's platform states in its preamble that 'equal rights are guaranteed to all without discrimination', while regarding the sovereignty of party members, the spokesperson defines 'party members as middle class' and Representative Lee states that it is 'a member-centered mass party' and refers to party members as a specific class and refers to them as party members. 'implementation of the will' was stated as the purpose and operating policy of the political party.
While the Democratic Party constitution defines ‘separation of political parties into three powers’ and ‘decentralization between local and central parties’ as ‘party democracy,’ Representative Lee shows a violation by saying, “The party’s decision-making is carried out by the will of the party members, who are the owners of the party.”
The Democratic Party's platform states that <we will represent the interests of the working class and the middle class, and strive to ensure that everyone is guaranteed equal rights without discrimination.>
Kang Yoo-jeong, the floor spokesperson, told reporters at a workshop for elected lawmakers, “Reflecting the ‘party heart’ in the democracy of party members means reflecting the moderates,” and defined party members as “moderates.”
Representative Lee told reporters in Bongha Village on the 23rd that the 'party member-centered mass political party' is "the true completion of a 'people's sovereignty country' where the people are the owners, a 'party member democracy' system where the party members are the owners, something that does not exist in our history and has never been experienced." However, it is time to take this opportunity to move towards that path.”
Representative Lee Jae-myeong revised the leadership election regulations stipulated in the party regulations in December of last year, tripling the weight of votes from delegates and rights party members from 60 to 1 to less than 20 to 1, and reflecting the total votes at the national convention at 30% of delegates. , nominations were replaced in the April general election with a system of 40% from Rights Party members, 25% from the general public, and 5% from general party members, and most of the strategic nominations were dominated by Rights Party members.
In the resolution of the elected members of this Congress, the Democratic Party said, “We will work harder to create a member-centered Democratic Party.” “We will make it clear that party members are the core of the Democratic Party and an irreplaceable valuable asset, and we will further expand and strengthen the system in which party members’ opinions are democratically reflected,” the declaration was announced.
At this meeting of the National Assembly members, the Democratic Party revealed to reporters that there are 5 million general party members, 2.5 million people who pay party fees more than once, and 1 million to 1.3 million people who pay party fees continuously, but avoided disclosing the details of the use of government subsidies worth tens of billions of won and claimed that 'party members are collective intelligence'. ' was upgraded to '.
Representative Lee speaks of ‘party member sovereignty’ every day, and on social media, “The sovereign is the people and the owners of the party are the party members, so of course the opinions of the party members, who are the owners of the party, must be implemented, respected, or at least reflected in the party’s decision-making,” and the “party organization destruction system.” 'refusal to disclose national treasury' was confirmed.
Chapter 2 of the Democratic Party Constitution, ‘Party Member’ is a basic obligation in Article 6 <1.The obligation to follow the party's platform and basic policies was defined.
The Democratic Party's party constitution defines party democracy as requiring <the central party and city/provincial parties to comply with all basic procedures for joining, leaving, and returning to the party> for party members, making 'party member collectivism' a violation of the Political Party Act.
In Article 1, the Political Parties Act defines 'organization' and 'democratic organizational activities' as <contributing to the sound development of democratic politics by securing the necessary organizations for political parties to participate in the formation of the people's political will and guaranteeing the democratic organization and activities of political parties>. This is the top priority.
The Democratic Party divided the ‘democratic organization’ into ‘representative organizations’, ‘executive organizations’, ‘parliamentary organizations’, ‘local organizations’, and ‘ethics tribunal’ in the party constitution.

The number of party members with the right to pay party dues, announced by the Democratic Party Innovation Committee in August last year, doubled under President Lee's presidential candidate system to 1.3 million in 2021, 1.4 million in 2022, and 2.45 million in June 2023, but increased to 1.71 million in April of the general election. plummeted to
Democratic Party Rights Party members are 53.2% male and 46.8% female, with 29.6% in their 50s being the mainstream, 5.9% in their 20s, 22% in their 40s, and 20.9% in their 60s, with 41.7% in the metropolitan area and 33.3% in the Honam area being ‘led by men in Gyeonggi Province.’ Maeil Business Newspaper announced on the 27th that the representative's supporters are the mainstream.

Representative Lee's 'individual-led' party member sovereignty ideology aims to dominate the presidential candidates and appears to be a strategy to neutralize the function of the National Assembly.