
Korea-China-Japan summit ‘denuclearization of the Korean peninsula’ Yoon Seok-yeol ‘failed’ North Korea receives ‘international law status’

김종찬안보 2024. 5. 27. 20:25

Korea-China-Japan summit ‘denuclearization of the Korean peninsula’ Yoon Seok-yeol ‘failed’ North Korea receives ‘international law status’

The Korea-China-Japan summit rejected President Yoon Seok-yeol's 'denuclearization of North Korea' in favor of 'denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula' and gave North Korea 'status as a party to international negotiations' in the three-party talks, and the Democratic Party cooperated with the president's security failure with a statement praising China.
In particular, this joint statement added ‘joint responsibility for the peace, stability and prosperity of the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asia.’
The previous 2018 statement “reaffirms our shared interests and responsibilities. “We will strengthen our joint efforts toward this goal,” so starting this year, we switched to the ‘Northeast Asia Security Joint Responsibility System’.
The Democratic Party praised the Korea-China-Japan summit on the 27th, saying, “The regularization of trilateral talks, the establishment of high-level diplomatic and security dialogue between Korea and China, and the agreement to resume the second phase of Korea-China FTA negotiations are achievements.”
At a press conference, Chinese Premier Li Qiang said, “Relevant parties maintain restraint,” and added “North Korea, South Korea, and the United States as parties” to “North Korea as a country in the Northeast Asian region with independent status.”
The 2018 joint statement changed from ‘Responsibility for joint interests on the Korean Peninsula to Northeast Asia’ to ‘Strengthening joint efforts’, but in this statement, ‘Strengthening joint efforts’ was omitted and changed to ‘Compliance with international law.’
In the 2018 statement, ‘Denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula’ was limited to an ‘agreement’ between South and North Korea, with <The leaders of Japan and China supporting the confirmation of the common goal of establishing the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula at the 2018 Inter-Korean Summit>.
At this meeting, China internationalizes the ‘separation of South and North Korea’ and shows ‘recognition of North Korea’s status’ as ‘each common goal according to international law’, excluding ‘strengthening joint efforts’.
The joint declaration of this summit said, “We each reemphasized our positions on peace and stability in the region, the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, and the issue of abductees,” and “We emphasized the importance of countries complying with international law and their commitments in agreements between states.” “I sympathized,” he stated.
The denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula is in the May 2018 joint declaration of Korea, China and Japan, “We promise the complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula,” in the December 2019 statement, “We strive for the complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula,” and in Article 35 of this statement, “ “We re-emphasized our positions on regional peace and stability, denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, and the abduction issue,” which corresponds to ‘reaffirmation of the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula by inter-Korean agreement.’
Most Korean media expressed it as a ‘retreat from the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.’
At a joint press conference, President Yoon said, "In order to ensure peace and stability in the region, which is a core interest shared by Korea, Japan, and China, it is important to faithfully implement UN Security Council resolutions and make efforts for North Korea's denuclearization." He additionally announced ‘Webop’ and ‘denuclearization of North Korea.’
Regarding the summit remarks, “As the summit began, Premier Li said that this meeting was ‘a restart and a new beginning,’ and that ‘politics must be separated from economic and trade issues for this to happen,’ which means ‘stopping protectionism and supply chain disconnection.’ “Request,” Reuters reported on the 27th.
Commenting on the summit announcement, “The leaders of South Korea and Japan have sought to restore economic cooperation with China, their largest trading partner, after years of deteriorating relations, but their tripartite talks will bring together China and the United States, Seoul and Tokyo's most important military allies. “It was overshadowed by the heightened tension between them,” the New York Times reported on this day.
NYT said, “President Yoon held a joint press conference with Prime Minister Kishida and Prime Minister Lee, saying, ‘The three countries agreed to expand practical cooperation in a way that the people of both countries can feel the benefits,’ and set a date for 2025 and 2026. “It was declared the ‘Year of Cultural Exchange’ between the three countries,” President Yoon reported as a ‘declaration of non-intervention in political diplomacy.’
In response to the Korea-China-Japan summit, North Korea notified Japan's Coast Guard in the early morning of the 27th that it would "launch a satellite between today and the 4th of next month," NHK reported.
NHK announced on this day that North Korea notified Japan's Coast Guard that it would "launch a satellite between midnight on the 27th and midnight on the 4th of next month."
At the trilateral summit held after the early morning announcement, Prime Minister Kishida said in response to North Korea's announcement at the beginning of the meeting that it would "launch an 'artificial satellite' in the early morning of the 27th," saying, "I want to strengthen communication on the international situation, including the situation in North Korea, and the strengthening of the international economic order." did.
President Yoon, who chaired the meeting, said, “If North Korea carries out a launch despite warnings from the international community, the international community must respond resolutely.”
Prime Minister Li announced ‘China-Japan relations’ excluding Korea, saying, “The purpose of China-Japan cooperation is to promote development, strengthen cooperation in East Asia, and safeguard peace and prosperity in the region and the world.”
The three countries' joint declaration said, "The leaders of Korea, the United States, and Japan reaffirmed their respective positions on the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and the abduction issue (by North Korea)."
‘Pressian’ said, “On the Korean Peninsula issue, President Yoon Seok-yeol and Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida shared the same voice for ‘denuclearization of North Korea,’ while Chinese Premier Li Chang showed a difference in temperature by urging restraint from related countries without mentioning ‘denuclearization.’” President Yoon also said, "We reaffirmed that maintaining peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula is the common interest and responsibility of the three countries," the report said, referring to his previous statement of "adhering to North Korea's denuclearization."
Starting in Seoul, AP focused on the Chinese Prime Minister's remarks under the title <Chinese Prime Minister Agrees to Cooperation with Seoul and Tokyo, but Announces Secret Criticism of Relations with the United States>.
Voice of America (VOA) <Japanese Aeronautics Administration urges caution about North Korean rocket launches>... Publication of Aviation Notification> Report confirmed ‘Japan’s Axis Powers’ in aviation security on the Korean Peninsula.
In the title <Regional summit held overshadowed by China, Japan, South Korea, and the United States>, the NYT said, “President Yoon and Prime Minister Kishida fiercely criticized North Korea’s satellite launch plan. However, Prime Minister Li, who works under China's Supreme Leader Xi Jinping, criticized President Yoon's 'ignorance of the situation', saying, "He did not criticize North Korea, but only urged all parties to exercise 'restraint' and strive for a 'political solution.'"
Lee Hae-sik, chief spokesperson of the Democratic Party, said, “We call for a fundamental change in diplomacy with Japan due to the ‘Seok-yeol Yoon diplomacy’ that has not said anything to Japan.” He added, “If the Seok-yeol Yoon government continues to turn a deaf ear to the voices of the people and protect Japan, there will be fierce resistance from the people.” “We strongly warn that this will have to be dealt with and call for a fundamental change in diplomacy with Japan. Rather than sternly protesting the Rhine incident at the Korea-Japan summit, President Yoon Seok-yeol gave an explanation on behalf of Japan, raising questions about for whom diplomacy is for Japan.” By criticizing them, the joint statement avoided President Yoon's security failures.