
Oil Corporation ‘Obama Drilling Announcement’ Obama ‘East Coast Open Drilling Lease’ Manipulated

김종찬안보 2024. 6. 8. 13:10

Oil Corporation ‘Obama Drilling Announcement’ Obama ‘East Coast Open Drilling Lease’ Manipulated 


The ‘Obama Drilling announcement’, which the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy and the Korea National Oil Corporation announced as an example of a presidential announcement at a joint press conference, manipulated the policy announcement of US President Obama on January 27, 2015, ‘Decision to open drilling in East Coast waters’.
The Democratic Party's Obama administration announced on this day its decision to open the vast East Coast waters to oil and gas drilling, a decision that will open development opportunities to some oil field developers as Republican opposition to the policy of controlling crude oil development under the climate agreement grows. The president announced it because it was a revised policy granted.
“This is a balanced proposal that would make use of the nearly 80 percent of our technologically recoverable undiscovered resources, while protecting areas too special for development,” the statement said at the time, and the announcement was made by Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell herself. said in a statement.
The U.S. Interior Department announcement is the latest part of the federal government's five-year plan to sell leases for oil and gas development in federal waters from 2017 to 2022, shifting from the existing "no development" policy to Republicans' "allow drilling." The president stepped forward because it was a way of partially cooperating with the pressure.
At a briefing session on the 7th on the drilling policy led by Minister of Commerce, Industry and Energy Ahn Deok-jun,
Vitor Abreu Actzio Advisor was asked, “Has the president ever personally announced the ‘possibility of burial’ before ‘successful drilling’ even in overseas cases?” “It is not unusual.” Sometimes public corporations make announcements, but it is also common for ministers or the president to make announcements. For example, former U.S. President Barack Obama personally announced exploration of the East Coast region, and former President Donald Trump also announced exploration of the polar region. Former President George W. Bush responded, “It was the same,” which appears to be an intentional manipulation.
Lee Ho-hyeon, head of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy’s Energy Policy Department, continued, “Act Geo’s analysis method was appropriate after collecting certain opinions from the domestic verification team. Although it is difficult to immediately confirm the amount of exploration resources in the reserves, it was concluded that drilling was necessary. Based on the results, the government made a policy decision that drilling was necessary,” he said, defining the announcement as a ‘drilling policy’.
Actgeo advisor Vitor Abreu told Minister Ahn at the meeting, “It’s time to drill.”
A public statement from the U.S. Department of the Interior at the time titled “Department of the Interior Announces Draft Strategy for Offshore Oil and Gas Leasing” reads, “Region-tailored planning continues our balanced approach to leasing, leasing, and development. The draft proposal “protects sensitive resources and makes available approximately 80 percent of technically recoverable oil and gas resources off the U.S. continental shelf,” and was registered with the Department of the Interior.
As part of President Obama's All-Energy Strategy to continue to expand safe and responsible domestic energy production, Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell and Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) Director Abigail Ross Hopper today announced the 2017 Announced the next phase of development of the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) oil and gas leasing program for 2022. The draft proposed program (DPP) includes 10 leases in the Gulf of Mexico, three off the coast of Alaska, and one in parts of the Central and South Atlantic. The subject of the presentation is 'development planning allowances', which include 14 potential rental sales in eight planning areas, including .
The original 'no drilling in Atlantic waters' was a result of a fierce conflict between the Republican Party, backed by oil producers, and the Democratic Party, backed by environmentalists. The explosion of the Deepwater Horizon drillship in 2010 resulted in millions of barrels of oil being washed ashore in the Gulf of Alaska. Democrats have won over the risk of an environmental disaster like the BP spill, and environmental groups say opening the East Coast to drilling will increase pollution on the coasts of Virginia, the Carolinas and Georgia and damage tourism, fishing and other coastal industries that are key drivers of the Southeast economy. I was against it.
The New York Times reported at the time, “Lawmakers from both parties in these coastal states have been pushing for years to open their waters to drilling,” adding, “The Interior Department estimates that there are 3.3 billion barrels of recoverable oil and 31.3 trillion cubic feet of oil on the outer Atlantic shelf.” It is estimated that there are natural gas reserves, and this estimate is based on seismic surveys conducted in the early 1980s.”
The NYT continued, “By opening waters to drilling, coastal states see an opportunity to channel billions of dollars in new revenue and royalties from oil companies into state coffers,” adding, “The economic and environmental conditions of states from Eastern Virginia to Georgia “This action, which will have a profound impact on our future, adds a new dimension to President Obama’s legacy.”
Under the Democratic Obama administration, the Department of the Interior combined opening the Atlantic coast with "offshore drilling" in its 2010 "five-year plan" for oil and gas development to get climate change legislation passed in the Senate, which was part of the "climate change bill" from the beginning. The American media covered it as a easing policy for hard-line Republican lawmakers who opposed it.
In the wake of the Deepwater Horizon oil tanker explosion in April 2010, which occurred during policy coordination, President Obama took a sharp turn to 'completely withdraw' the Atlantic drilling proposal, and the Republican Party responded strongly, leading to the climate bill being scrapped in the Senate a few months later.
Five years later, in a policy of rapprochement with the Republican Party, President Obama again attempted climate change policy with the Environmental Protection Agency's regulation of global warming emissions from coal-fired power plants, with Republican governors vehemently opposing the closure of hundreds of coal-fired power plants at the time. The ‘drilling open lease policy’ was introduced.
“Because so little is known about the proposed Atlantic Lease Sales area, the government is committed to exploring the area over the next several years to determine the extent and ecological sensitivity of its oil and gas resources,” Interior Secretary Jewell said at the time. It is unlikely that the company will sell its drilling leases before 2021. "In the Atlantic, we know very little," he said.
NYT responded to the Home Office's announcement that no drilling would be possible before 2021, saying, "This means it could be a decade before new drilling begins," and the Home Secretary, who leads environmental and development policies, revealed gaps in marine ecosystems and geology.

On April 28, 2017, Republican President Trump, sponsored by oil refineries, issued an executive order in the marine energy policy to 'allow oil and gas exploration drilling in the Alaskan region' and lifted 'restrictions on resource exploration' in the National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR). did.
On this day, President Trump said of the abolition of the former Democratic Obama administration's climate agreement policy, saying, "We will begin ocean energy exploration that will contribute to job creation. The ban on leasing in polar regions that was blocked by the previous administration will disappear."
Advisor Abreo announced his support for the Republican Party on this day, saying, “Trump directly announced the investigation, and Bush did the same,” and said at a press conference earlier, “This is the first time I have seen this kind of controversy in Korea.”

Regarding the reason for entrusting the analysis to only one company, Senior Commissioner Kwak Won-joo of the Korea National Oil Corporation said, “No oil company entrusts this type of evaluation to multiple companies.” “We usually conduct our own analysis through our own company’s technical staff and never leak it to the outside world,” he said, revealing the practice of ‘closed-door collusion.’
Dr. Hyun-seok Lee of the Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources said that he “personally participated” in the ‘analysis result verification discussion’ and that he “advised on scientific methodology regarding raw data and seismic data held by ActGeo and the Korea Petroleum Corporation.” It was revealed that it was 'avoidance of verification' that deviated from 'same discussion under the same conditions'.
In response to the question, “Does analysis of the same data by companies other than Act Geo produce the same results?” Commissioner Kwak responded, “Oil resource issues can vary from person to person. It may be a matter of how much ability you have. “If we discuss the same data together, we will come to similar conclusions,” suggested ‘discussion together’ as a verification condition.

Commissioner Kwak said, “Probability assessment involves analyzing existing physical exploration and drilling data. Prospective technology assessment companies such as Act Geo only do this work.” The goal of the consulting request was ‘Act Geo drilling decision based on existing data.’ And it was revealed that it was not oil exploration.

The Korea Oil Corporation has been a supporter of political funds for the U.S. Republican Party since the Park Chung-hee regime, and the October 26, 1979 incident in which he was murdered is a typical example of the October Surprise just before the U.S. presidential election. When the Reagan regime was elected, the military was incorporated into the Reaganomics regime through Chun Doo-hwan's December 12 coup.
The cooperation between the ExxonMobil broker and the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy, which avoids exploration accuracy from the beginning and does not hide the goal of 'drilling just before the U.S. presidential election at the end of the year', appears to be the operation of the Yoon Seok-yeol system supported by the Republican Party in the U.S. presidential election.
See <Removal of Washington Post editor-in-chief immediately after Trump’s conviction, ‘weakening reporting and destroying diversity’, June 4, 2024>