
NATO summit gives ‘reservation’ to China and Ukraine, gives ‘preferential treatment to Korea’ to Trump

김종찬안보 2024. 7. 11. 13:44

NATO summit gives ‘reservation’ to China and Ukraine, gives ‘preferential treatment to Korea’ to Trump


The NATO summit confirmed instability by showing reservations about China and Ukraine, and in response to Trump's return, it strengthened links with Korea and Japan and began to strengthen armaments in Europe.
The United States and its NATO allies reiterated their reservations in a joint statement, saying Ukraine should have an "irreversible path" to alliance membership and continued support for progress on "democracy and security sector reforms."
The NATO summit characterized China as a "critical facilitator" of Russia's war effort in Ukraine, repeating NATO's existing language on China and saying "China continues to pose a systematic challenge to Euro-Atlantic security." It was limited to the territory of the 'nation'.
“Beyond these conversations looms the specter of a second presidency for Donald J. Trump,” U.S. officials said of the vague joint statement at the NATO summit. “Former President Trump expressed admiration for President Vladimir Putin of Russia and , criticized Ukraine, expressed doubts about further U.S. military aid to Ukraine and talked about withdrawing the U.S. from NATO in his first term,” the report said on the 10th.
U.S. and European officials and analysts said “demonstrating to Trump” alliances and assistance for Ukraine was an important element of this week’s talks, and President Biden said in a speech on the 10th that “Ukraine is especially vulnerable to our full and collective support.” “With our support, we can and will stop Putin,” he said.
In a situation where it was predicted that this summit would be postponed due to the ‘unanimous system of member states’ for joining NATO, the joint statement was adopted with the vague expression that Ukraine’s accession to NATO was “irreversible.”
Evelyn Farkas, director of the McCain Institute, who was a senior Pentagon official under Obama's Democratic administration, said, "Creating a tighter net between NATO and the Asia-Pacific countries that are allied with the United States (Japan, South Korea, Australia, and New Zealand) will help reduce the uncertainty that could arise in a second Trump term." “The name of the game is to build deterrence against Russia as strong as possible to withstand a lack of U.S. engagement, or worse, an actual attempted or actual withdrawal,” he told the NYT.
Regarding the Biden administration's strategy of maintaining close relationships with Asian allies in NATO, the NYT said, “The U.S. president will force the U.S. to deviate from its commitments and partnerships if NATO and America's Asia-Pacific allies speak with one voice on important issues such as Russia or China. “It may become more difficult to do,” he diagnosed.
A statement from the United States and Germany at the NATO summit said the "temporary deployment" was preparations for a long-term presence in Europe of capabilities including SM-6, Tomahawk and a wider range of hypersonic weapons, adding, "We respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of our allies." “The possibility of attacks on conservation cannot be ignored,” he said in a statement on the 10th.
In response to this statement, NYT said, “The move was banned under the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty signed by the United States and the Soviet Union in 1987 but was struck down in 2019, and would see Germany sending Russian President Vladimir Putin the most powerful American weapon deployed on the European continent since the Cold War. “He said.
NATO allies agreed in 2014 to increase military spending to at least 2% of GDP, but at the 2018 NATO summit, the U.S. demanded an increase to 4% after President Trump criticized the allies for failing to set goals, forcing the United States to increase its military spending to 4% in 2019. He said he would “go his own way” if military spending by other NATO countries does not increase, and he announced his intention to withdraw from NATO.
In a speech on the 9th, Democratic President Biden said that only 9 NATO member countries achieved the 2% goal in 2020, when he was elected, and said, “Now, 23 out of 32 member countries will spend at least that amount. “It’s amazing progress,” he said.
The NATO summit joint statement called China "a decisive enabler of Russia's war in Ukraine through its so-called 'unrestricted' partnership and large-scale support for Russia's defense industrial base," and added, "The People's Republic of China continues to pose a systematic challenge to Euro-Atlantic security." “It is being raised,” he said.
Ben Bland, head of the Asia-Pacific program at Chatham House in the UK, said: “NATO’s tougher rhetoric on China and deepening relationships with four of America’s key Asia-Pacific allies are a reflection of China’s assertive behavior and security nexus between Europe and Asia. "But there is a spectrum of concerns about China among NATO's European members, with a few countries such as Hungary actively courting deeper ties with China, while France, Germany “Great powers such as the UK are trying to reduce risks in their relationship with China, but are reluctant to accept the confrontational aspects of the relationship between the US and China,” he told the NYT.
At a Washington briefing on the 10th, Second Deputy Minister for National Security Kim Tae-hyo said, “The U.S. White House and the Yongsan Presidential Office share the same view that there is a need to meet and talk even briefly,” and said, “We are pursuing a Korea-U.S. summit.”
Regarding the sudden local push for the ROK-US summit, which was not agreed upon in the first place, the President's Office said, “There are many opportunities to talk freely with President Biden in terms of the friendly meeting this evening, but there are topics that the leaders of the ROK and the US must meet and discuss officially, so we are doing our best.” “He told reporters, “The United States, the NATO host country, is the busiest, and South Korea is also holding dozens of events in one and a half days, so it is very difficult, but we are trying to hold a summit.”
While attending the NATO meeting, President Yoon Seok-yeol held a brief meeting with the leaders of seven countries in that order: Germany, Canada, the Netherlands, Sweden, the Czech Republic, Finland, and Japan on the 10th, and there was no mention of the ROK-US summit in the initial briefing.
President Yoon said on the 9th in Hawaii, “The arms trade between North Korea and Russia is a threat to world peace, and strength and alliances among liberal democracies are very important in protecting freedom from ‘reckless elements.’” Samuel Paparo U.S. I spoke to the commander of the Indo-Pacific Command.
In an interview with Reuters while attending NATO, President Yoon said on the 8th, “Russia will have to choose between North and South Korea about where its interests lie,” and added, “Based on how the new military treaty between North Korea and Russia develops, there will be a decision on arms support to Ukraine.” “A decision will be made,” he said.

In order for the Trump-Moon Jae-in regime to convert the Eastern European weapons system to American standards, K Defense, which processes and manufactures US weapon blueprints in Korea, provides financing at a low price to Korea, and the US main contractor maintains the weapons system as a supplier of expensive parts. As for the KF21 fighter jet project, under Yoon Seok-yeol's regime, Korea's financial support expanded and long-term financing near interest-free was expanded, Korea took on debt, and the United States secured a parts supply system, and the Trump regime led the military reinforcement in NATO, leading to Trump-Yoon Seok-yeol A system is being built.