
Lee Jae-myung’s party member dogmatism, ‘party members are the power to win the general election’, rejection of democracy

김종찬안보 2024. 7. 12. 14:34

Lee Jae-myung’s party member dogmatism, ‘party members are the power to win the general election’, rejection of democracy

Former Democratic Party leader Lee Jae-myeong announced on the 10th a declaration of ‘party member unity’, separating himself from the people and rejecting democracy in line with his belief that ‘the strength of the party is its members’ and ‘victory in the general election by party members’ rather than the dogmatism of party members.
Representative Lee said, “The fate of the Democratic Party lies in the hands of the party members and in the hands of the people who believe in and support the Democratic Party,” and separated ‘the people’ from the Democratic Party, which is dominated by Democrats, completely excluding the basic right of the people to form political opinions under the Political Parties Act. did.
In his declaration of candidacy, former representative Lee separated into “party members and the people” from beginning to end, violating the constitutional principle of popular sovereignty.
Former Representative Lee's declaration of candidacy declared that “security is the people's livelihood,” and limited the term ‘democracy’ to “the National Assembly, the last bastion of democracy and the people’s livelihood,” and “the majority party, the Democratic Party, is responsible for the people’s livelihood,” thereby limiting it to “the people’s livelihood.” They chose to completely exclude democracy based on the ideology of ‘ism’.
The Political Parties Act sets out the 'Article 1 Goal' of political parties as "contributing to the sound development of democratic politics by securing the necessary organizations to participate in the formation of the people's political will and guaranteeing the democratic organization and activities of political parties" as "the people's politics". ‘Formation of opinions’ is the basic purpose.
Article 2 ‘Definition’ of the Political Parties Act defines it as “a voluntary organization of the people whose purpose is to participate in the formation of the people’s political will by promoting responsible political claims or policies for the benefit of the people and recommending or supporting candidates for public office elections.” 'Formation of the people's political will' is a priority.
In his declaration of candidacy for party leader, former representative Lee said, “The owners of the Democratic Party are the 2.5 million party members,” and “The victory in the general election was the will of the people and the victory of the people, but I believe that the infinite passion and dedication of the 2.5 million Democratic Party members played a big role.” “He expressed party member sovereignty as a belief system based on ‘party member victory.’
In particular, former representative Lee said, “The most important task for the Democratic Party now is to be reborn as a more capable, more innovative, and more prepared party so that the sovereign will of the party members can be properly exercised and realized.” In “a member-centered mass party,” “the power of the party is “It comes from the strength of party members,” he declared.
Regarding politics, former CEO Lee said, “‘Muksanism (solving the problem of making a living)’ should be the only ideology,” and “The future we face is a world where artificial intelligence robots are in charge of most production and extreme polarization is progressing,” and “Basic As a “society,” he said, “It is the responsibility of the Democratic Party of Korea, the ruling party, to create a society of hope where the basics of life are guaranteed and to create a thriving Republic of Korea.”

Former Representative Lee said, “The Democratic Party is innovating to change society and lead the future.” He also said, “Jobs will be divided into high-skilled labor for a small number of people who control artificial intelligence robots and marginalized labor for the majority, which is cheaper than the cost of robots.” So, the Democratic Party proposed ‘providing basic income’. The current attempt to create a social system that creates a bipolar labor system and provides basic income has been described as the current 'political change'.
Regarding the future economic system that the Democratic Party will create, former representative Lee said, “Science and technology, the foundation of high productivity, are part of everyone’s common assets, and the community will survive only when the basic lives of its members are guaranteed.” He added, “Income, housing, education, “A ‘basic society’ that recognizes basic life as a right and takes responsibility for it in all areas of life, including finance, energy, and medicine, is an inevitable future,” he said.
Former Representative Lee suggested that the Democratic Party's rule is creating social and political polarization and said, “'Muksanism', which solves the people's problems of eating and living, must be the only ideology, the economy is the people's livelihood, and growth recovery and sustainable growth are the people's livelihood. As it is the “core of ‘Muksanism,’” it completely excluded ‘formation of political will’ and participation in the people’s social system, and presented the sole system of advanced production of artificial intelligence as the unified political belief of the Democratic Party members and party representatives.
Former Representative Lee's ideology of blocking the participation of doctors in politics outside of the artificial intelligence advanced society and the Democratic Party's member sovereignty appears to be dogmatism.
In his last presidential election pledge, former CEO Lee attempted to change the system of extreme financial capital despotism by saying, “I will make the KOSPI index 5,000” in the era of 2,000.