
Lee Jae-myung's Democratic Party Platform 'Democracy' as a Supporting Means for Party Members, Democracy 'Degraded'

김종찬안보 2024. 8. 7. 00:04

Lee Jae-myung's Democratic Party Platform 'Democracy' as a Supporting Means for Party Members, Democracy 'Degraded'


Lee Jae-myung's Democratic Party has adopted a new platform that excludes 'democracy' and adopts a 'party member-led party operated democratically', thereby creating a 'party member-led operating system' and adopting a 'party member-supporting system'.
This system has newly highlighted 'happiness', which was excluded from the internationally accepted democracy evaluation index of 167 countries, as the highest political ideology in the new platform.
The new Democratic Party platform passed on the 5th clearly states the party's new vision as 'a competent party responsible for the lives of the people', 'a party member-centered party operated democratically', and 'a party prepared to create a future where we all live well together', and this applies the method of 'democratically operating a Democratic Party member-led country for a happy country system'. ‘Democratic operation of party members’ is equivalent to excluding the ‘democratic state governance ideology’, which is an absolute value in the state system, and changing to a ‘party member governance system’.
‘Namuwiki’ describes democracy as <an ideology or system, a governing system that confirms that the sovereignty of a country lies with all citizens of the country, not with specific individuals or groups, and implements real politics based on the power of the people>.
The internationally accepted democracy index was imposed by the economic journal <The Economist> based on an analysis of 167 countries, quantifying five items: “election procedures and pluralism,” “citizen rights,” “government functions,” “political participation,” and “political culture.” The most important evaluation conditions are ‘elections,’ “pluralism,’ and “political participation,” and the ‘happiness’ of Lee Jae-myung’s platform is not even an approachable target.

The ‘preamble’ of the Constitution states, “By further establishing the basic order of liberal democracy, ensuring equal opportunities for all people in all areas of politics, economy, society and culture, enabling them to develop their abilities to the fullest, and fulfilling the responsibilities and obligations that come with freedom and rights, we seek to equally improve the lives of the people internally and contribute to permanent world peace and the common prosperity of mankind externally,” thereby specifying ‘equal opportunities,’ ‘guarantee of rights,’ and ‘equal improvement’ in the ‘democratic state’ system. However, the Lee Jae-myung regime has replaced this with the ideology of ‘basic society,’ and is showing a system of control over the people’s political participation.

The new platform of the Democratic Party Lee Jae-myung regime is ‘tolerance of polarization system’, and it states ‘basic society’ that overcomes socioeconomic polarization and inequality and guarantees basic living for all people’, excluding ‘social dynamics of voluntary challenge’ as ‘basic social security for low-income class after tolerance of polarization system’, and recently showing ‘a period of fierce conflict with democracy during economic recession’, and presenting the hard-line conservative Democratic Party-style social welfare policy that blocks workers’ right to organize and participate in economic policy decisions as the highest political party ideology.

The Constitution recognizes the ‘right and duty to work’, a basic right of the people, in Article 32, <①implementation of minimum wage system as prescribed by law, ②the state shall determine the content and conditions of duty to work by law in accordance with democratic principles>, and recognizes the ‘right and duty to work’ as a basic right that the people must acquire by directly or through political parties in response to government policy in response to ‘socioeconomic polarization’ in the national security system.
The ‘preamble’ of the existing platform of the Democratic Party is <inheriting the great spirit of democracy. <We will represent the interests of the common people and the middle class, and strive to ensure that everyone is guaranteed equal rights without discrimination> and <We will create a ‘country where my life is happy.’ First, we will realize a fair and equal society where everyone has opportunities and can exercise their capabilities without privileges, discrimination, or inequality>, and it was stated as a ‘democratic governance system,’ ‘provision of equal opportunities,’ and ‘guaranteeing fair and equal capabilities.’
The new platform, which was passed at the party executive meeting on the 5th ahead of the appointment of Lee Jae-myung as the representative, explicitly stated the former representative’s election pledge, ‘basic society,’ in the preamble, and specified it as a party with a member-led social welfare system, strengthening the ‘limitation of national sovereignty.’
The adoption of the new platform of the Lee Jae-myung regime, <A ‘just country’ where capabilities are exercised under fair and equal conditions>, elevates ‘justice’ to the highest ruling ideology, and ‘control of suffrage’ seems to be the core due to the ‘monopolization of justice’ by the party leadership.

The Political Parties Act stipulates in Article 2 that a political party is a “voluntary organization of the people that aims to participate in the formation of the people’s political will by promoting responsible political claims or policies for the benefit of the people and recommending or supporting candidates for public office.”

The Democratic Party’s new platform, “Just Country,” is far from “Responsible Policy.” The Democratic Party’s new platform, which is centered around the 19th century modernization political ideologies of “justice” and “happiness,” is expected to be adopted at the party convention on the 18th after the Central Committee’s resolution on the 12th.

In his declaration of candidacy for party leader on July 10, former representative Lee stated, “‘Eat-Sa-Nism (solving the problem of making a living)’ should be the only ideology,” and “The future we face is a world where AI robots are mostly in charge of production and extreme polarization is occurring,” and as a “basic society,” “it is the responsibility of the Democratic Party of Korea, the ruling party, to create a society of hope where basic living is guaranteed and a Republic of Korea that runs again.”

Former representative Lee proposed ‘providing basic income’ because regarding the new society of the ‘Democratic Party’ as a future social leader, “jobs will be divided into a small number of high-quality laborers who control AI robots and a large number of marginalized laborers who are cheaper than the cost of robots,” and revealed the Democratic Party’s attempt to create a bipolar labor system and provide a social system that provides basic income as the current ‘political change.’

The former representative's declaration of candidacy on July 10 declared, "Security is the people's livelihood," and the term "democracy" was limited to "the National Assembly, the last bastion of democracy and the people's livelihood," and "the Democratic Party's responsibility for politics as the majority party is the people's livelihood," thus choosing a party structure based on the ideology of "foodism" and excluding democracy.

In his Jeju City Party speech on the 20th of last month, the former representative said, "Solving the people's livelihood problem, foodism, should be our strongest political ideology," and "Among the numerous problems, the problem of food is the most important. The foundation of the people's livelihood is the economy," which is consistent with the new Democratic Party platform.

See <Lee Jae-myung's Party Member Sovereignty Democratic Party National Convention Voter Turnout of 20%, 'No Confidence', August 4, 2024> <Lee Jae-myung's Party Member Doctrinaire Rejects Democracy as 'Party Members Are the Power to Win the General Election', July 12>