
Lee Jae-myung ‘deferred investment tax’ Yoon Seokyeol ‘forced National Foundation Day’ independence movement ‘anti-state illegal’

김종찬안보 2024. 8. 14. 10:57

Lee Jae-myung ‘deferred investment tax’ Yoon Seokyeol ‘forced National Foundation Day’ independence movement ‘anti-state illegal’

Former leader Lee Jaemyung announced ‘deferred investment tax due to policy failure and stock market decline’, and President Yoon Seok-yeol activated the ‘anti-state illegal organization’ regulation for the independence movement under Japanese colonial rule while saying ‘forced National Foundation Day to prioritize people’s livelihood’.
Former leader Lee declared in his declaration of candidacy for the representative that ‘everyday life is politics’ and ‘I will become the representative because the issue of making a living is the top priority’, and President Yoon showed a cooperative system by stating ‘the National Foundation Day debate is meaningless when the people are having a hard time making a living’ regarding the institutionalization of the National Foundation Day regulation in 1948.
On the 13th, former leader Lee revealed the ‘tax deferral for policy errors’ structure, saying, “The stock market is currently so bad, and the main cause is government policy errors, so in the current situation, (the national foundation tax) needs to be deferred or temporarily relaxed.”

President Yoon said on the 13th regarding the issue of ‘National Foundation Day’ raised in the appointment of the director of the Independence Hall of Korea, “What help will it be to the people who are having a hard time making a living?” and “The National Foundation Day debate is an unnecessary ideological debate that has nothing to do with the people’s livelihood.”

TV Chosun reported on the 14th that President Yoon declared “free unification for the North Korean people” on the 15th by excluding the North Korean regime, saying in his Liberation Day speech this year, “I will make the North Korean people open their eyes to freedom and give the future generations of North Korea the dream and hope of free unification.”

Director of the Independence Hall of Korea Kim Hyungseok was appointed director after answering, “Our nationality during the Japanese colonial period was Japanese,” and through ‘Japanese nationality,’ he defined the ‘entire independence movement as an anti-state and illegal’ system.

On the 14th, Gwangbokhoe Chairman Lee Jongchan stated to CBS Radio, “This huge effort to turn Baekbeom Kim Gu into a terrorist who killed and assassinated Goha Song Jin-woo is currently underway,” and “It seems like a conspiracy to praise President Rhee Syng-man and kill Kim Gu at this opportunity.” The chairman continued, “There is an invisible hand, and everyone is a party, so your role is this, but if you don’t play that role and leave, won’t the entire structure collapse? That’s the system.” He said, “Personnel appointments are not just individual appointments, but they all happen within the structure. President Yoon may not know, or he may have created that structure by saying something different to President Yoon, or President Yoon may know and just understand. I can’t tell the difference.”


The Lee Jae-myung Democratic Party system held a national convention with the hastily created ideology of party member sovereignty, and former representative Lee declared in his declaration of candidacy that “security is the people’s livelihood” and limited “the majority Democratic Party’s responsibility for politics to the people’s livelihood,” and chose to shift to a dual structure of “strong democracy and a party member-centered mass party” by excluding party democracy based on the ideology of “foodie-ism” and let “party members” dominate “democracy.”


Article 1 of the Constitution states that “the sovereignty of the Republic of Korea resides in the people, and all powers emanate from the people,” which is national sovereignty, and representative Lee declared that “reinforcing party member rights through party member sovereignty” separates national sovereignty and party member sovereignty and prioritizes party member sovereignty over national sovereignty.

The “Financial Investment Tax (FIT)” is scheduled to be introduced as a system imposing a minimum 20% tax on investors with financial investment income of 50 million won or more. It was already delayed by two years from its introduction in January last year and is scheduled to be implemented in January next year.


The Korean stock market is a system in which the government, with its economic stimulus strategy of highlighting future industries and leading the stock market to rise first, creates a stock price surge system by first investing in the US IRA subsidy system, cooperating with the Korean government and conglomerates, and strengthening foreign currency lending in the US under the pretext of investing in batteries. LG Ensol, which took advantage of this, reflected the subsidy in its earnings accounting first, and its stock price soared, and as the system became widespread, its stock price plummeted.

Presidential candidate Lee Jae-myung's campaign promise was 'KOSPI 5000'.


In his Liberation Day speech last year, President Yoon stated, “The independence movement is a movement to establish a free democratic nation,” and defined Japan as a “free, independent, and secure ally” who “now shares universal values ​​with us and pursues common interests,” and began “eliminating anti-states” as a psychological warfare against our people.
President Yoon’s Liberation Day declaration on this day, saying, “Let’s unite with our common interest partner, Japan, to eliminate anti-state forces,” actually became a declaration of “eliminating anti-states through Korea-Japan solidarity.”
In his Liberation Day speech, President Yoon specifically stated, “The activities of anti-state forces will not disappear easily,” and “Communist totalitarian forces have always disguised themselves as democratic activists, human rights activists, and progressive activists, and have engaged in false propaganda and vulgar and immoral operations. We must never be deceived or succumb to these communist totalitarian forces, their blind followers, and their followers. He said, “The belief and conviction that liberal democracy will definitely win, and the spirit of solidarity are very important,” and applied “forced elimination” rather than “annihilation” to anti-state forces.

At the UN General Assembly on September 20, 2023, President Yoon declared to the international community the “establishment of an extreme right-wing system,” saying, “When an individual’s freedom is threatened within a country, members of the community must unite to eliminate the threat and protect freedom.”

Former leader Lee Jae-myung said on the 6th, “I want to meet President Yoon Seok-yeol again,” and acting leader Park Chan-dae proposed a “ruling and opposition party leaders’ meeting to overcome the livelihood economic crisis” at the Supreme Council on the 7th, and once again demanded a leaders’ meeting, saying, “The political world must solve the problem before the livelihood economy reaches a critical stage where it cannot be helped.” <Yoon Seok-yeol's 'Independence is Japan's Alliance and Anti-State Elimination' Psychological Warfare Vs Japan White Paper 'Dokdo Japanese Territory'> August 15, 2023> Reference