
Yoon Seok-yeol's 'Freedom for North Koreans is Liberation' Violates Constitution by 'Eliminating' Opposition to Free Society

김종찬안보 2024. 8. 15. 11:43

Yoon Seok-yeol's 'Freedom for North Koreans is Liberation' Violates Constitution by 'Eliminating' Opposition to Free Society


President Yoon Seok-yeol declared the 'Freedom for North Koreans is Liberation' system and officially launched the 'Freedom Fund Conversion' and 'Elimination of Opposition to Free Society' among North Koreans by investing in the Freedom Fund.

On the 15th, Liberation Day, President Yoon arbitrarily added “liberal democracy” to “the responsibility of peaceful unification through liberal democracy that the Constitution commands the President to fulfill” and announced a policy that “it is important to make the North Korean people open their eyes to the value of freedom,” thereby violating the Constitution.
On the other hand, Article 66 of the Constitution states that “the President shall be responsible for protecting the independence, territorial integrity, continuity of the country, and the Constitution” and “the President shall faithfully fulfill the duty of peaceful unification of the country.”
The 79th Liberation Day, President Yoon stated that "complete liberation will be realized only on the day when a free democratic unified nation is established where the people are the masters of the entire Korean Peninsula," and declared that "the black forces that incite fake news are anti-freedom and anti-unification forces," and that "our people must arm themselves with the power of truth and fight against it."

On this day, President Yoon said about liberation, "The fundamental value that runs through this great journey is freedom, and our liberation is the fruit of the struggle for freedom," and "pseudo-intellectuals are packaging fake news as a product and distributing it, forming vested interest groups," and linked fake news to 'pro-Japanese independence movement conflicts.' President Yoon continued, “They are obsessed with dividing the people through incitement and fabrication and profiting from the gap,” and “These are the anti-freedom and anti-unification forces that are blocking our path. In order to protect the value system of freedom against the black propaganda forces that exploit this, our people must arm themselves with the power of truth and fight against them,” defining them as “targets for elimination.”

In his Liberation Day speech, President Yoon said, "The Republic of Korea government was established by enacting the liberal democratic constitution in 1948," and "the spirit of the liberal democracy and market economy constitution that has been maintained since the constitution was enacted," but "market economy" is nowhere in the Constitution.
The Constitution, in <the legitimacy of the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea established by the March 1st Movement>, <equal opportunity for all people in all areas> and <equal improvement of the people's lives, and lasting world peace>, states in Article 1, <The sovereignty of the Republic of Korea resides in the people, and all state authority emanates from the people>.
In “Freedom and Liberation for the People of North Korea,” which became the foundation for eliminating fake news in Korea, President Yoon adopted the policy of “spreading freedom to the people of North Korea” and formalized the strategy of using funds from the “North Korea Freedom and Human Rights Fund” to invest in the people of North Korea.
Regarding this, President Yoon stated, “I will actively support private activities that promote freedom and human rights for the people of North Korea by establishing the “North Korea Freedom and Human Rights Fund,” and “We must consider and change so that the people of North Korea strongly desire free unification,” and announced the policy of “intervention to spread freedom to the people of North Korea.” In his Liberation Day speech last year, President Yoon said, “The independence movement was a movement to establish a free democracy,” and “Japan is now a partner who shares universal values ​​and pursues common interests with us,” and transformed it into a “free, independent, and secure ally,” and attempted to use psychological warfare to “eliminate opponents of freedom” against our people, labeling them “anti-liberals as anti-unification and anti-state forces and targets for elimination.”
President Yoon’s Liberation Day speech seems to have prioritized elimination of “opponents of freedom over pro-Japanese forces.”
On September 20, 2022, at the UN General Assembly, President Yoon declared to the international community that “when an individual’s freedom is threatened within a country, members of the community must unite to eliminate the threat and protect freedom,” and declared them “targets for elimination.”
On that day, President Yoon Seok-yeol violated the UN Charter’s “prohibition on recommendations to member states” and “prohibition on mobilization outside of international organizations” by “recommending the spread of freedom” to member states at the UN General Assembly. President Yoon said, “When the freedom of any citizen or country in the world is threatened, the international community must unite to protect that freedom,” and “The Republic of Korea will fulfill its responsibility together with the United Nations to protect and expand the freedom of the world’s citizens and to achieve peace and prosperity,” and recommended ‘the spread of freedom to member states.’
The UN Charter states in Article 7 of Chapter 1, Purpose that “nothing in the Charter grants the United Nations the authority to interfere in matters which are essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of any state, or requires the Member States to submit such matters to resolution under the present Charter,” and ‘prohibition of recommendations to member states’ is the founding principle.
Refer to <President Yoon’s ‘prohibition of recommendations to member states’ in the UN Charter by ‘recommending the spread of freedom,’ September 20, 2022> <Chile ‘better distribution of power’ Yoon Seok-yeol ‘eliminates threats to freedom through international solidarity,’ September 21>

The Preamble of the Constitution states, “We will further solidify the basic liberal democratic order based on autonomy and harmony, and ensure equal opportunities for all people in all areas of politics, economy, society, and culture,” and Article 4 states, “We will pursue unification and establish and promote a peaceful unification policy based on the basic liberal democratic order,” which is “peaceful unification through a liberal democratic order.”


Liberation, Liberation Day, North Korean residents, UN speech, Yoon Seokyeol, opposition to freedom, freedom unification, freedom fund, freedom expansion, elimination, violation of the Constitution