Economic downturn 11

August exports: Foreign media: ‘Slowing growth’, Ahn Deok-gyun: ‘largest ever’, Korean media: ‘increasing’, Yoon Seok-yeol 'May export boom'

August exports: Foreign media: ‘Slowing growth’, Ahn Deok-gyun: ‘largest ever’, Korean media: ‘increasing’, Yoon Seok-yeol 'May export boom' While foreign media reported Korea’s August trade statistics as a ‘slowing growth in exports,’ Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy Ahn Deok-gyun said it was a ‘highest performance ever,’ President Yoon Seok-yeol calls it an 'economic boom' based on 'May ..

경제 2024.09.02

Vicious campaign war ‘Gladiator political toxic rhetoric’ contemptuous insult Generation Z expansion war

Vicious campaign war ‘Gladiator political toxic rhetoric’ contemptuous insult Generation Z expansion war Regarding Korea's unique national assembly election campaign, which has given up on expanding its popularity, the foreign press has labeled it 'gladiator politics' and 'toxic rhetoric', and the clash of 'maximizing insults' between the older generation has expanded to the younger Generation Z..

정치 2024.04.09

Decline in investment Decrease in manufacturing shipments Increase in inventories Decrease in consumption

As the government and chaebols increase their dependence on US investment in the domestic economy, where investment is sharply declining, the economic slowdown continues, in which manufacturing shipments decrease and inventories rise. Manufacturing shipments in April fell 2.3% MoM, while the manufacturing inventory ratio rose 2.8%P MoM to 117.2%. In April, facility investment plummeted by 7.5% (..

카테고리 없음 2022.05.31

Recession Causes high inflation through fiscal expansion in response to reduced exports

While the government took an approach to induce high inflation by choosing to stimulate the economy by relying on fiscal expansion despite increasing inflationary pressure, the United States chose to respond to inflation when wage growth fell far short of inflation. President Yoon Seok-yeol said at a macro-financial review meeting on the 13th, "The financial and foreign exchange market volatilit..

카테고리 없음 2022.05.13

Choo Kyung-ho Fine-tuning macroeconomic high inflation, finance monopolized by bureaucrats ‘national interest’

Deputy Prime Minister nominee Choo Kyung-ho announced that he would respond by fine-tuning the high inflation system caused by macroeconomic cycles, and that finance would be managed by a bureaucratic monopolistic “national interest” system. At a press conference on the 10th, nominee Chu said at a press conference on the 10th, "I am trying to find a way to create a combination that has a minimal..

카테고리 없음 2022.04.11

IMF 'recession', OECD 'tax increase', growth-prioritized policymaker Lee Chang-yong appointed as BOK governor

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has announced a recession in some countries due to declining growth rates and rising inflation during the Ukraine war. On the 24th, the Bank of Korea released data on 270,000 households with liquidity risk, with household debt reaching 1862.1 trillion won last year, up 7.8 percent from the same period last year, with corporate loans 1541 trillion won, a 25.5..

카테고리 없음 2022.03.24

Trade deficit widening Export growth and sharp decline The government’s ‘V rebound from stocks’

Exports increased by 15.2% in January, halving from 31.9% in November of last year, resulting in a trade deficit of $4.89 billion for the second month in a row. In the economic growth system of the corona stock economy rebound, the increase in imports is greater than the chronic exports, and the trade deficit and the fiscal deficit overlap, creating a twin deficit. According to the IMF data on t..

카테고리 없음 2022.02.01

Trade surplus plunged due to continuous decline in industrial production due to economic downturn

Mining and industrial production fell 3.0% MoM in October for the third straight month, the highest since a -7.7% decline in May last year, in the early stages of the coronavirus. The manufacturing average utilization rate was 71.1%, down 2.5%p from the previous month, and the production index for all industries in October decreased by 1.9% from the previous month, returning to the highest level..

카테고리 없음 2021.11.30

KDI ‘downside economy’ Hana ’exports plunge’ Vs Bank of Korea ‘solid recovery’

The Korea Development Institute (KDI) predicted a ‘downward expansion of the economy’ and private training institutes predicted a sharp decline in exports next year, while the Bank of Korea issued a contradictory diagnosis on the 7th, saying ‘a solid recovery will continue until next year’ in response to the National Assembly. The Hana Financial Management Research Institute released a report on..

카테고리 없음 2021.10.07