Inter-Korean Summit 4

US CIA Separation from North Korea and China, Trump KMC System Ends

The US CIA transferred North Korean intelligence from the Korean Peninsula to the East Asia Pacific region and separated it from China, ending Trump's KMC system. The CIA moved North Korean intelligence from the Korean Peninsula to the East Asia Pacific region and separated it from China. CIA Director William Burns announced the establishment of the China Mission Center (CMC) in a statement on t..

카테고리 없음 2021.10.08

North Korea's Kim Yeo-jung's continuous discourse on South Korea's 'containment'

North Korea appears to have entered South Korea's lockdown in the structure of the international confrontation between the United States and China through continuous personal discourses in North Korea. North Korea's "Rodong Sinmun" released on the 24th, Kim Jong-un's response to Chinese President Xi Jinping's 'Reply to the 73rd anniversary of the establishment of the North Korean regime (sent on..

카테고리 없음 2021.09.26

Yoon Gun-young's denuclearization 'departure' with emphasis on armaments

Rep. Yoon Geon-young, who was the inter-Korean negotiator at the Blue House, seems to have deviated from denuclearization by formalizing the confrontation between the two Koreas to increase arms. On the 15th, Rep. Yoon said, "Deputy Director Kim (Journey) has said that every time North Korea launches a missile it is a normal and self-defense measure. In the missile test launch, not only Presiden..

카테고리 없음 2021.09.17

North Korea's 'indirect request' for the US media 'rejection of the North-South summit in Beijing’

The media was substituted for the controversy between South Korea and North Korea over the joint South Korea-US joint exercise in which the United States requested direct relations with North Korea. North Korea did not directly ask the United States to suspend South Korea-US exercises, and the United States responded with indirect refusal through journalists to the method of 'Kim Yeo-jung's disc..

카테고리 없음 2021.08.09